Scientists from Spain report tailor-made collagen biopolymers from tanning waste with diverse shapes such as fibers, films and sponges.
Mercedes Catalina (Advanced Chemistry Institute of Catalunya), Rafael Luque (University of Cordoba) and colleagues valorised tanning waste from leather processing to give biopolymers which could be easily modified using various methodologies with the aim of generating waste-derived renewable biopolymers. For example, introducing cross-linking agents on the matrix network of the biopolymer provided a material with improved properties. The authors envisage these materials could have promising in fields such as cosmetics and medicines.
This article is free to access until the 18th February 2012! Click on the link below to find out more…
Tailor-made biopolymers from leather waste valorisation, Mercedes Catalina, Jaume Cot, Alina Mariana Balu, Juan Carlos Serrano-Ruiz and Rafael Luque, Green Chem., 2012, DOI: 10.1039/C2GC16330F
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