Archive for the ‘Conference’ Category

Summer continues with 6 NJC partner conferences!

Following a busy July, NJC will continue to be visible on the conference scene this month and next. Below are the 6 meetings that NJC is sponsoring.

XXVth European Colloquium on Heterocyclic Chemistry logo Next week Assistant Editor Laurent Vial will represent NJC at the XXVth European Colloquium on Heterocyclic Chemistry (ECHC25) chaired by Prof. Laurence M Harwood. The conference takes place on the beautiful campus of Reading University (UK) from August 13–17.
53ème Groupe d'Etudes de Chimie Organique logo The Groupe d’Etudes de Chimie Organique (GECO) will meet for the 53rd time in Sévrier on the banks of Annecy Lake in France the last week of August (26th to 31st). Twelve renowned organic chemists from around the world have been invited to animate this in-residence week of seminars.
3rd Biological Applications of Dendrimers logo In September Managing Editor Denise Parent will be in Spain for two back-to-back conferences.
First up, the 3rd International Symposium on Biological Application of Dendrimers organized by Dr. Mª Angeles Muñoz-Fernández. The Biodendrimer symposium will be held in Toledo (Spain) September 5–7 and two NJC Poster Prizes will be awarded at the end of the meeting.
40th Int'l Conference Coordination Chemistry logo Then Denise will be off to Valencia (Spain) for the 40th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC40) co-organized by Eugenio Coronado and Santiago Alvarez. Coordination chemists from around the world will take over the Conference Center from September 9–13. NJC is sponsoring the Metals in Medicine (D1) microsymposium taking place on Monday the 10th. The June 2011 themed issue on molecular materials will be available for delegates to take home. You can browse the contents list here.
2012 Suprachemistry logo At the same time, Laurent will be attending the 6th International Symposium “Supramolecular Systems in Chemistry and Biology”, taking place in Strasbourg September 5–8. This series of biennial symposia involves research groups from France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine. Two NJC Poster Prizes will be awarded at the end of the meeting.
Journées André Collet de la Chiralité logo The month will end with the 2nd edition of the Journées André Collet de la Chiralité (JACC). This conference, covering all aspects of chirality, will take place at the Manoir de la Vicomté in Dinard, on the Brittany beach in France, from September 30th to October 4th. NJC is sponsoring a Poster Prize at this conference as well.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you will be attending one of these conferences. We’d be delighted to meet you!

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Busy conference season for NJC Editors begins

The summer conference season is about to get into full swing, with NJC editors attending 4 conferences this July. (Next month I’ll write about the conferences coming up later in the summer.)

Logo for 2012 Molecular Materials Conference in Barcelona Assistant Editor Yannick Guari will represent NJC at the Vth International Conference on Molecular Materials (MolMat), chaired by Dr Guillem Aromí in Barcelona, Spain from July 3–6. NJC will have a stand, where delegates can pick up copies of the June 2011 themed issue on molecular materials. You can browse the contents list here
Logo of the 2012 International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis in Toulouse Yannick will then be going on to Toulouse, France for the 18th International Symposium of Homogeneous Catalysis, which will take place July 9–13 with chairs Professors Rinaldo Poli and Philippe Kalck. Contact Yannick if you wish to meet him there, as he’ll only be there for a day or so. 
Logo of the 2012 International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry in Rotterdam As for Assistant Editor Laurent Vial, he’ll be attending the 19th International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry, being organized by Prof. Koop Lammertsma in Rotterdam, The Netherlands from July 8–12. 

Logo of the 2012 IUPAC Photochemistry Symposium in Coimbra


Managing Editor Denise Parent will be in Coimbra, Portugal for the XXIV IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry from July 15-20, which is organized under the direction of Professor Hugh Burrows.

NJC is a sponsor of the first three conferences in the list; please don’t hesitate to contact any of us if you will be attending any these conferences. We’d be delighted to meet you!

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NJC in China: 3rd Stop Beijing

After Hong Kong and Shanghai, the last day of the 2012 NJC Symposium: New Directions in Chemistry took place at the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Chemistry (ICCAS) in Beijing.

The day began with a repeat of my presentation to the students on preparing and publishing scientific manuscripts. Two attendees were the winners of the drawing for the classic books “Elements of Style” (William Strunk, Jr. and E. B. White) and “Eats, Shoots & Leaves” (Lynne Truss) offered by NJC.

Professor Jiannian Yao (Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and NJC Board member) and ICCAS Vice-Director Zhen-Zhong Yang made the opening remarks on behalf of the Institute, while NJC co-Editor-in-Chief Wais Hosseini presented the journal.

A full day of 10 presentations included ones by Profs Deqing Zhang (Laboratory of Organic Solids, ICCAS), Buxing Han (Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry Laboratory, ICCAS), and Zhongfan Liu (Center for Nanochemistry, Peking University).

Prof. Deqing Zhang presents an overview of the Institute to the NJC team.

The scientific attaché of the French Embassy and the director of the CNRS office in Beijing honored us with their presence. I also had the pleasure of meeting the staff of the RSC office in Beijing, who are housed in the Institute.

Deqing Zhang makes a point to Zhen-Zhong Yang and I during dinner.

While our very busy week officially ended with a lovely Chinese banquet with our hosts, some of us were up bright and early the next morning for an expedition to the Great Wall at Badaling, northwest of Beijing. The outing was organized by the Institute and two of the graduate students accompanied us to facilitate the visit. Many thanks to them!


Thus ends our week-long visit to Hong Kong and the People’s Republic of China. All in our group enjoyed it immensely and we were greatly impressed by what we heard and saw in the institutions that we visited.  

We thank our hosts and all who participated in one way or another in these three NJC New Directions in Chemistry Symposia. We are very grateful to them for their kindness and hospitality.

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NJC in China: 2nd Stop Shanghai

After 2 days in Hong Kong, 9 of us continued on to Shanghai for the 2nd stop on the NJC China tour

We were thrilled to see our name in lights on the front of the East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) building where the symposium was held. 


ECUST President Xu Hong Qian (in the middle of the front row) and his colleagues, Professors Bozhong Mu (at the left in the back row) and Chunyan Bao (at the right end of the front row), made us feel like visiting royalty with their welcome. 

The programming was top-notch, with interesting lectures on a diverse variety of topics by NJC Board members and invited speakers Professors Yi Yang (ECUST), Guoxin Jin (Fudan University) and Dawei Ma (Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry). 

Biological chemistry, chemical methodology & reactivity, organization were the themes of the session. 

Before the symposium opening, I gave a course for the students and younger researchers on writing up their research results for publication in scientific journals. 

After the serious scientific business began, the non-less-serious business of socializing, at a lovely Chinese banquet (with numerous toasts) hosted by Prof. Qian. For those of us who were still feeling energetic, our hosts took us for a visit to the famous Bund area of Shanghai, where we admired the night lights. 


Thursday was our “day off” and a chance to do a little sightseeing. Two lovely ladies from ECUST were our guides for the morning. We bargained in the souvenir shops, visited the famous Yu Yuan Garden, then lunched in a nearby restaurant, before flying to our next, and last, stop of Beijing. 

Left to right: NJC Board members Len Barbour, Odile Eisenstein, Peter Junk and Helen Hailes near the entrance to the Yu Yuan Garden. 

Check back soon to read about Beijing!

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NJC in China: 1st Stop Hong Kong

Our group of 11 NJC Board members and editors arrived in Hong Kong at the beginning of the week for the first of 3 stops on our 2012 China tour. About half of us are China “virgins” so we are quite excited and are looking forward to the week that awaits us.

University of Hong Kong Professor of Chemistry, Vivian Yam and her group were our hosts; they did such a great job, taking care of us and making sure we didn’t get lost in the 3D topology of the University!

The first symposium was a full program of 14 presentations by NJC board members/editors and Hong Kong chemists. Listening to these, I was struck by the connections between talks that, at first glance, had no relationship. Some of these were:

  • ion channels (for biology and batteries by Dan Yang and Takashi Kato, respectively)
  • use of porous materials (Len Barbour and JN Moorthy)
  • the effects of aggregation (Kato again and Ben Zhong Tang)
  • separating similar species (Michael Scott and Moorthy)
  • fluorine containing systems (Odile Eisenstein and Peter Junk)
  • transaminases (Helen Hailes and Ling Peng)

At the end of a long day, Niamh O’ Connor and Jamie Humphrey (of the RSC Publishing office in Cambridge) hosted the board members, editors and Vivian Yam for a lovely dinner. While sipping a velvety Australian Shiraz wine provided by Vivian, we tasted Shanghai-style delicacies, to give us a fore-taste of our upcoming stop.

Left to right: Vivian Yam welcoming NJC members; Editor-in-chief Mir Wais Hosseini breaking the chicken; tea service. (Thanks to Debbie Crans for these photos.)

Thanks to Vivian and her team, all the participants, and the French Consulate of Hong Kong and Macau (who gave financial support) for making this event such a scientific success and a delight for all of us, who came such a long way!

Next stop: Shanghai!

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Register for the China NJC Symposia

Are you interested in attending one of the 2012 NJC Symposia: New Directions in Chemistry?

(Full details can be found here and here.)

Then please register—it’s free, easy and only takes a minute!

Send an e-mail with the following information to njc ‘at’ (replace ‘at’ with @)

  • your full name
  • your status (Ph.D. student, postdoc, researcher, professor)
  • your institution
  • which symposium you wish to attend: Hong Kong on April 23rd, Shanghai on April 25th or Beijing on April 27th

You can also click here to access a link to send an e-mail automatically to the editor.

Please register by April 15th!

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to meeting you soon…

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NJC Symposia in China

The countdown has begun! In just one month 9 NJC Board members and 2 editors will be on their way to China to participate in the 3 days of the 2012 NJC Symposium: New Directions in Chemistry, which are being organised with the collaboration of the University of Hong Kong, East China University of Science and Technology, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Chemistry in Beijing.

April 23rd: University of Hong Kong, Meng Wah Complex, Lecture Theatre T6, from 8:45 am to 7 pm
April 25th: East China University of Science and Technology, Yifu Building, Conference Room I, from 10 am to 7 pm
April 27th: Institute of Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Building 3, Room 101, from 10 am to 6 pm

We hope to meet many of you there!

If you wish to attend, please send me an email (click here for details).

Of special interest for younger chemists in Shanghai and Beijing: I will be giving a one-hour course on manuscript preparation and publication, starting at 9 am, just before the symposia.

Many thanks to the host institutions, the CNRS, RSC Publishing, the French Consulate in Hong Kong and Macau, and the French Embassy in China for their support, which has made these events possible!

Full details are on the flyers and programs below (click on an image to see a larger image).

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Announcing the 2012 NJC Symposia in China

Three prestigious institutions will be hosting members of the NJC editorial board and two NJC editors for the 2012 NJC Symposium: New Directions in Chemistry, which will be held during the last week of April 2012. Each one-day symposium will feature presentations by the editorial board members, prominent local chemists and the editors.

These symposia are free and open to all interested persons.

Please send an email with your full name, affiliation, status and which symposium you wish to attend by April 15th. This will allow us to welcome you under the best conditions.

Please join us and meet:

Members of the NJC Editorial Board who will be participating in the 2012 NJC Symposia include:
Co-Editor-in-Chief Professor Mir Wais HOSSEINI (University of Strasbourg, France)
Associate Editor Professor Michael SCOTT (University of Florida, USA)
Associate Editor Professor Peter JUNK (Monash University, Australia)
Professor Len BARBOUR (University of Stellenbosch, South Africa)
Professor Debbie CRANS (Colorado State University, USA)
Professor Odile EISENSTEIN (CNRS, Montpellier, France)
Professor Helen HAILES (University College London, UK)
Professor Takashi KATO (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Professor J N MOORTHY (Indian Institute of Technology, India)

NJC Managing Editor Dr Denise PARENT (Montpellier, France) and NJC Assistant Editor Dr Ling PENG (Marseille, France) will also be present.

April 23 at the University of Hong Kong (Host: Professor Vivian YAM)
Guest Speakers: Professors CHE Chi-ming and YANG Dan (University of Hong Kong); Professors JIA Guochen and TANG Ben Zhong (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

April 25 at East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai (Host: Professor QIAN Xuhong)
Guest Speakers: Professor MA Dawei (Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry); Professor JIN Guoxin (Fudan University); Professor YANG Yi (ECUST)

April 27 at the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (Host: Professor YAO Jiannian)
Guest Speakers: Professor LIU Zhongfan (Peking University); Professors HAN Buxing and ZHANG Deqing (Institute of Chemistry, CAS Beijing)

Full details and the scientific programs will be available soon. Please check this blog in the coming weeks.

We all look forward to meeting you in Hong Kong, Shanghai or Beijing in April!
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Meet the NJC team at this year’s conferences & events

Want to meet us? The NJC editors will be travelling all over the world to attend a wide variety of conferences and events in 2012. We will be there to mingle with the scientific community and talk to authors and referees. Why not get in touch if you’re at any of the same events? We look forward to seeing you there.

Below is a chronological list of this year’s events.



  • Prolines & Co.
    02-03 April, Montpellier, France, meet Eva Balentova, Deputy Editor
    16-17 April, Marseille, France, meet Ling Peng, Assistant Editor
  • NJC Symposia in China
    23 April in Hong Kong, 25 April in Shanghai, 27 April in Beijing meet Denise Parent, Editor & Ling Peng, Assistant Editor.
    Full details will be posted shortly on the NJC blog so please check back soon.  



  • MolMat
    03-06 July, Barcelona, Spain, meet Yannick Guari, Assistant Editor

Whether you see us attending, exhibiting or participating in this year’s conferences, we would love the opportunity to meet you. Do say hello!

For more information, please contact Dr. Denise Parent/Dr. Eva Balentova at the NJC Editorial Office.

Please also take time to visit our NJC website to check regularly for the latest updates.

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Presentation of NJC issue to Didier Astruc

At the beginning of December I made the trip to Bordeaux to participate in a 2-day symposium that brought together many of the authors who contributed to the NJC issue in honor of Didier Astruc.

Former co-workers, current colleagues, friends from around the world were there, including Prof. Hiroshi Nishihara (who incidentally provided the artwork for the inside front cover to accompany his article in the October issue) and Dr. Yves Chauvin, who spoke at the presentation of this NJC issue to Didier.

From left to right: Yves Chauvin, Denise Parent, Didier Astruc, Jean-René Hamon

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