Understanding the relationship between nanosheets thickness and piezoresistivity in graphene strain sensors

By Sara Domenici, Community Board member.

Liquid-phase exfoliation (LPE) is a cheap, scalable and facile way to produce graphene nanosheets. However, what is gained in processability, is then lost in homogeneity of the resulting nanomaterial. This issue is particularly relevant in devices for which inter-nanosheet resistance plays a significant role in their intrinsic performance. For instance, piezoresistive nanosheet-based strain sensors have already been shown to be deeply influenced by network composition and morphology.

In this recent work by Caffrey et al., the influence of nanosheet thickness was investigated and correlated to the piezoresistance of printed graphene sensors. Firstly, the nanosheet suspension was prepared via LPE, different flake sizes were selected through liquid cascade centrifugation (LCC) and their thickness was then estimated via atomic force microscopy (AFM). The team produced different sensors via spray coating a network of graphene nanosheets with thicknesses between 3 and 20 nm (Fig. 1).

Fig 1. (A) Photograph of a printed sensor. (B) Raman spectra of sprayed graphene films inks of different size-selected nanosheets. (C)–(E) SEM images of networks composed of nanosheets with different size ranges. Reproduced from DOI: 10.1039/D4NH00224E with permission from the Royal Society of Chemistry.

The devices show a clear trend of increasing resistivity and gauge factor with increasing thickness. By using a simple model that correlates the network resistivity with nanosheet thickness, a new model that successfully correlates the gauge factor with thickness was obtained (Fig. 2).

Fig 2. Plot of gauge factor as a function of nanosheet thickness showing both experimental data and the model fitting. Reproduced from DOI: 10.1039/D4NH00224E with permission from the Royal Society of Chemistry.

The authors carefully analyzed the different contributions to the gauge factor and were able to differentiate between the effect of straining of the nanosheets themselves and of the inter-nanosheet junctions. From fitting this model, they observed that, interestingly, strain has a significant influence on nanosheet resistivity, which means that applied strain not only makes the flakes in the network slide on each other, but also induces a detectable deformation on the flakes themselves. Unexpectedly, the calculated nanosheets’ gauge factor was negative. This was attributed to a decrease in nanosheet strain with applied strain, possibly due to the relaxation of built-in strain during network formation or the release of point-to-basal plane contacts.

By applying a theoretical approach to experimental data, the authors were able to interpret and quantify the piezoresistive response in disordered graphene networks produced by LPE. Overall, this study presents a step forward in actively understanding the mechanisms behind the piezoresistive behavior of printed graphene sensors.

To find out more, please read:

Quantifying the effect of nanosheet dimensions on the piezoresistive response of printed graphene nanosheet networks
Eoin Caffrey, Jose M. Munuera, Tian Carey and Jonathan N. Coleman
Nanoscale Horiz., 2024, Advance Article


About the blogger


Sara Domenici is a PhD student at Politecnico di Torino (Turin, Italy) under the supervision of Prof. Teresa Gatti. She was born in Verona (Italy) in 1998. In 2020, she obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry at the University of Padova (Italy). In 2022, she completed the Double Degree Programme between the University of Padova and the Justus-Liebig University in Giessen (Germany), where she spent 12 months, and obtained a Master’s Degree in Chemistry. Her PhD project is focused on Janus two-dimensional materials for energy conversion, but she also works on hydrogel sensors and dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs).

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Congratulations to the winners of the RSC best talk prizes at the Nanomotors International Conference: 20th anniversary

The Nanomotors International Conference: 20th anniversary took place in Barcelona, Spain from 2–5 June 2024. Nanoscale Horizons, Materials Horizons, Nanoscale, Journal of Materials Chemistry BNanoscale Advances and Materials Advances were delighted to provide best talk awards at the event and we would like to congratulate our winners! You can find out more about the event in the overview on the IBEC website.

Photos of the RSC best talk prizes being awarded to Yu-Ching Tseng (left), Meritxell Serra Casablancas (middle) and Enrique Solano Rodríguez (right).

Photos of the best talk prizes being awarded at the Nanomotors conference to Yu-Ching Tseng (left), Meritxell Serra Casablancas (middle) and Enrique Solano Rodríguez (right).

Learn more about our poster prize awardees below:

Photo of Yu-Ching Tseng.

Nanoscale Horizons and Materials Horizons Best Talk Prize

Yu-Ching Tseng (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Talk Title: “Communication between liposomal nanomotors based on enzyme-cascades”

Yu-Ching Tseng received his bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in Biochemical Science and Technology at National Taiwan University (2017 and 2019). He is currently in the fifth year of his Ph.D. studies under the guidance of Dr. Ayusman Sen in the Department of Chemistry at Pennsylvania State University. His research is centered on exploring the dynamic behaviors of enzymes and enzyme-functionalized particles/vesicles. Specifically, he is interested in how catalysis can act as a method for signal transduction, influencing the movement of enzyme-functionalized vesicles. Additionally, his work investigates the patterns formed by free enzymes during the catalysis process. This research aims to provide insights into the fundamental principles governing the motion of enzymes and enzyme-functionalized particles, with potential applications in developing smart materials and nanoscale devices.


Photo of Meritxell Serra-Casablancas.

Nanoscale and Journal of Materials Chemistry B Best Talk Prize

Meritxell Serra-Casablancas (Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), Spain)
Talk Title: “Urease-powered nanobots for radionuclide bladder cancer therapy”

Meritxell Serra-Casablancas is a PhD student in Biotechnology at the Smart Nano-Bio-Devices Group of the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC). She holds a bachelor’s degree in chemistry and a master’s degree in biomedical research. Her current research focuses on the development of enzyme-powered nanobots for crossing biological barriers and treating tumours, with a special emphasis on non-muscle invasive bladder cancer and mucinous tumours.


Photo of Enrique Solano Rodríguez.

Nanoscale Advances and Materials Advances Best Talk Prize

Enrique Solano Rodríguez (Universidad de Alcalá, Spain)
Talk Title: “Built-in metal organic frameworks into tubular micromotors with multiple propulsion modes”

Enrique Solano Rodríguez received a BSc (2020) in chemistry from the University Complutense of Madrid, Spain. One year later, he obtained a MSc in Chemistry Science and Technology, specializing in the synthesis of nanomaterials. In 2022 he started his PhD in the University of Alcalá thanks to a grant at the Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry. His research is focused on two different lines: the development of a new generation of tubular micromotors integrated with metal-organic frameworks (MOF), and the investigation in new intelligent inorganic materials with memory effect. Both lines are under the supervision of Professor Beatriz Jurado and Professor Alberto Escarpa.

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A universal synthetic method for preparing nanoassemblies of quantum dots and organic molecules

By Chao Wang, Community Board member.

The performance of nanomaterials is intricately linked to their size and combination form. Quantum dots (QDs), for instance, exhibit unique electronic and quantum properties due to their size effect. Moreover, the optical and electronic attributes of QD assemblies can be tailored by adjusting the size of individual QDs and their spatial arrangement within the assembly. Thus, it is imperative to explore suitable and universally applicable methods to prepare adjustable QDs and their assemblies.

In a recent study, Akter et al. devised mesoscopic QD assemblies using a novel bio-catalytic nanoparticle shaping (BNS) approach. Specifically, the authors employed L-lysine as a linker to assemble CdSe/CdS QDs, initially yielding ultra-large QD assemblies. Subsequently, these assemblies were catalytically cleaved by trypsin, resulting in mesoscopic QD assemblies (ms-QD) with a size of 84 nm (Fig. 1A). Relative to single QDs, the redshift and weakened emission observed in the photoluminescence spectrum of ms-QD suggest the presence of internal emission reabsorption processes within the assembly, which holds promise for leveraging energy or electron/hole transfer processes in the production of new optical materials.

Fig 1. (A) Synthetic pathway of ms-QD by the BNS method and corresponding TEM image, and (B) the synthetic scheme of organic molecule assemblies. Reproduced from DOI: 10.1039/D4NH00134F with permission from the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Additionally, the authors synthesized and investigated nanoassemblies of the organic molecule tetrakis(4-carboxyphenyl)porphyrin (Fig. 1B) using a similar method. They observed significant differences in reactive oxygen generation under light among the various assemblies, indicating the potential to modulate the molecular function of the particle’s core unit by altering the composition of connecting molecules.

In summary, this method demonstrates high versatility and can be employed for preparing assemblies of both QDs and organic molecules. Furthermore, it allows for the replacement of biological enzymes/substrates as needed to generate various nanoassemblies with unique physicochemical properties for further applications.


To find out more, please read:

Bio-catalytic nanoparticle shaping for preparing mesoscopic assemblies of semiconductor quantum dots and organic molecules
Rumana Akter, Nicholas Kirkwood, Samantha Zaman, Bang Lu, Tinci Wang, Satoru Takakusagi, Paul Mulvaney, Vasudevanpillai Biju and Yuta Takano
Nanoscale Horiz., 2024, Advance Article

About the blogger

Photo of Chao Wang.


Chao Wang is a postdoctoral fellow at Oregon State University and a member of the Nanoscale Horizons Community Board. His research focuses on multiple nanomedicines (especially metal-organic frameworks) and their theranostics for cancer, endometriosis and stem cell tracking.

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Nanoscale Horizons Emerging Investigator Series – Leslie Schoop

Nanoscale Horizons Emerging Investigator Series

Congratulations to our latest Emerging Investigator Dr Leslie Schoop (Princeton University, USA)!

Since the launch of Nanoscale Horizons, the journal has had a clear vision to publish exceptionally high-quality work whilst acting as a resource to researchers working at all career levels. We continue to be impressed by the quality of the research published and at the same time are looking for new ways of recognising and promoting the outstanding authors behind articles published in the journal.

We launched our Emerging Investigator Series to showcase the exceptional work published by early-career researchers in the journal and regularly select a recently published Communication article to feature in an interview-style Editorial article with the corresponding author. We hope that the series will also benefit the nanoscience community by highlighting the exciting work being done by its early-career members.

We are excited to share our latest Emerging Investigator, Dr Leslie Schoop (Princeton University, USA)!

Photo of Leslie Schoop.


Dr Leslie Schoop received her Diploma in Chemistry from Johannes Gutenberg University and PhD in Chemistry from Princeton University.  She then went on to work as a Minerva fast-track fellow under Professor Bettina Lotsch at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research. Leslie joined the Princeton University Department of Chemistry Faculty in 2017 and was tenured in 2022. The Schoop Lab is working at the interface of chemistry and physics, using chemical principles to find new materials with exotic physical properties.

Read our interview with Leslie here

Congratulations to Dr Leslie Schoop for her excellent work! You can read her featured Emerging Investigator article from Nanoscale Horizons below, which is fully open access and free to read.

ALT text: Graphical abstract image for Chemical exfoliation of 1-dimensional antiferromagnetic nanoribbons from a non-van der Waals material.

Chemical exfoliation of 1-dimensional antiferromagnetic nanoribbons from a non-van der Waals material
Mulan Yang, Guangming Cheng, Nitish Mathur, Ratnadwip Singha, Fang Yuan, Nan Yao and Leslie M. Schoop
Nanoscale Horiz., 2024, DOI: 10.1039/D3NH00408B


We hope you enjoy reading our interview and featured article and are looking forward to sharing our future Emerging Investigators with you!

Do you publish innovative nanoscience and nanotechnology research? Submit your latest work to Nanoscale Horizons now. If you are eligible for the Emerging Investigators series, you could be considered to feature in one of our future interviews! Find out more about the eligibility criteria and the process in this editorial introducing the series.

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Celebrating the 150th anniversary of Vanderbilt University

Celebrating the 150th anniversary of Vanderbilt University

Guest edited by De-en Jiang, Janet E. Macdonald and Sharon M. Weiss

Piran R. Kidambi et al’s cover for their article on ultra-thin proton conducting carrier layers for scalable integration of atomically thin 2D materials with proton exchange polymers for next-generation PEMs.

We were delighted to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Vanderbilt University at the end of last year and into the start of 2024 with a special collection in Nanoscale Horizons, Nanoscale and Nanoscale Advances highlighting the breadth of high-quality work from the institute and commemorating the university’s sesquicentennial. We’re pleased to share this excellent collection of research and reviews with you, providing a snapshot of the nanoscale science and engineering research from Vanderbilt faculty, alumni, and collaborators in 2023 and 2024.

We’re also delighted to showcase the work of Piran R. Kidambi et al, which featured on the cover of Nanoscale!

You can explore the collection and read the introductory editorial from our guest editors below, with all articles free to access until the end of August 2024.

Read the collection

Professors De-en Jiang, Janet Macdonald and Sharon Weiss served as guest editors for this collection and highlight the history of Vanderbilt University and the significance of the Vanderbilt Institute of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (VINSE) in their introductory editorial.

Photos of De-en Jiang, Janet Macdonald and Sharon Weiss.

Read the introductory editorial

All of the articles in the collection are free to access until the end of August 2024. Read some of the featured articles below.

Graphical abstract image for ‘Phonon vortices at heavy impurities in two-dimensional materials’.

Phonon vortices at heavy impurities in two-dimensional materials
De-Liang Bao, Mingquan Xu, Ao-Wen Li, Gang Su, Wu Zhou and Sokrates T. Pantelides
Nanoscale Horiz., 2024, DOI: 10.1039/D3NH00433C


Graphical abstract image for ‘Role of carboxylates in the phase determination of metal sulfide nanoparticles’.

Role of carboxylates in the phase determination of metal sulfide nanoparticles
Andrey A. Shults, Guanyu Lu, Joshua D. Caldwell and Janet E. Macdonald
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023, DOI: 10.1039/D3NH00227F


Graphical abstract image for ‘Engineering endosomolytic nanocarriers of diverse morphologies using confined impingement jet mixing’.

Engineering endosomolytic nanocarriers of diverse morphologies using confined impingement jet mixing
Hayden M. Pagendarm, Payton T. Stone, Blaise R. Kimmel, Jessalyn J. Baljon, Mina H. Aziz, Lucinda E. Pastora, Lauren Hubert, Eric W. Roth, Sultan Almunif, Evan A. Scott and John T. Wilson
Nanoscale, 2023, DOI: 10.1039/D3NR02874G


Graphical abstract image for ‘Hyperspectral mapping of nanoscale photophysics and degradation processes in hybrid perovskite at the single grain level’.

Hyperspectral mapping of nanoscale photophysics and degradation processes in hybrid perovskite at the single grain level
Ethan J. Taylor, Vasudevan Iyer, Bibek S. Dhami, Clay Klein, Benjamin J. Lawrie and Kannatassen Appavoo
Nanoscale Adv., 2023, DOI: 10.1039/D3NA00529A


Nanoscale Horizons and Nanoscale are high-impact international journals, publishing high-quality experimental and theoretical work across the breadth of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Nanoscale Advances is our gold open access member of the nanoscale journal family. Our broad scope covers cross-community research that bridges various disciplines, and the journal series allows full coverage of interdisciplinary advances in nanoscience and nanotechnology. We hope you will consider Nanoscale Horizons, Nanoscale and Nanoscale Advances for your future submissions.

We hope you enjoy reading this collection and look forward to showcasing more work from Vanderbilt faculty and alumni in the future. Please continue to submit your exciting work to Nanoscale Horizons, Nanoscale and Nanoscale Advances.

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Outstanding Paper Award 2023

Announcing our Nanoscale Horizons Outstanding Paper Award winners

Our annual Outstanding Paper Award recognises some of the exceptional work published in Nanoscale Horizons, and the authors behind those articles. The winners are chosen by the Editorial and Advisory Boards based on the science presented and the work’s potential future impact.

Discover our 2023 winners here

Please join us in congratulating the winners of the 2023 Outstanding Paper Award! We hope that you enjoy reading their outstanding articles as much as we did! Read more about the prize winners and their research in our Editorial. Our companion journal Materials Horizons has also announced its Outstanding Paper Award winners. You can read all of the Materials Horizons and Nanoscale Horizons 2023 Outstanding Papers in our online collection.

Explore the full collection

To be eligible to receive a Nanoscale Horizons Outstanding Paper Award you must have published an article in the journal in the previous calendar year. All submissions will be subject to initial assessment and peer review as appropriate according to the journal’s guidelines. We would be delighted if you would consider Nanoscale Horizons for your next exceptionally high-quality and innovative nanoscience and nanotechnology submission. Find out more about the journal and submit your work now!

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Nanoscale Horizons Emerging Investigator Series – Baisheng Sa

By   .

Nanoscale Horizons Emerging Investigator Series

Congratulations to our latest Emerging Investigator Dr Baisheng Sa (Fuzhou University, China)!

Since the launch of Nanoscale Horizons, the journal has had a clear vision to publish exceptionally high-quality work whilst acting as a resource to researchers working at all career levels. We continue to be impressed by the quality of the research published and at the same time are looking for new ways of recognising and promoting the outstanding authors behind articles published in the journal.

We launched our Emerging Investigator Series to showcase the exceptional work published by early-career researchers in the journal and regularly select a recently published Communication article to feature in an interview-style Editorial article with the corresponding author. We hope that the series will also benefit the nanoscience community by highlighting the exciting work being done by its early-career members.

We are excited to share our latest Emerging Investigator, Dr Baisheng Sa (Fuzhou University, China)!

Photo of Baisheng Sa.


Dr Baisheng Sa received his B.Sc. (2008) in Materials Science and Engineering and Ph.D. (2014) in Materials Physics and Chemistry from Xiamen University. He is currently a professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Fuzhou University. His research focuses on integrated computational modelling, density functional theory calculations and machine learning design of novel low-dimensional materials and van der Waals heterostructures for energy, environment, and electronic applications.


Read our interview with Baisheng here

Congratulations to Dr Baisheng Sa for his excellent work! You can read his featured Emerging Investigator article from Nanoscale Horizons below, which is free to access until the end of May 2024.

Graphical abstract image for Contact engineering for 2D Janus MoSSe/metal junctions.

Contact engineering for 2D Janus MoSSe/metal junctions
Yu Shu, Ting Li, Naihua Miao, Jian Gou, Xiaochun Huang, Zhou Cui, Rui Xiong, Cuilian Wen, Jian Zhou, Baisheng Sa and Zhimei Sun
Nanoscale Horiz., 2024, DOI: 10.1039/ D3NH00450C


We hope you enjoy reading our interview and featured article and are looking forward to sharing our future Emerging Investigators with you!

Do you publish innovative nanoscience and nanotechnology research? Submit your latest work to Nanoscale Horizons now. If you are eligible for the Emerging Investigators series, you could be considered to feature in one of our future interviews! Find out more about the eligibility criteria and the process in this editorial introducing the series.


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In vitro nanomaterial testing: unveiling biases through biomolecular corona influence

By Fangfang Cao, Community Board member.

Currently, nanomaterials (NM) are attracting significant attention in the field of biomedicine. However, once these nanomaterials are utilized for in vivo treatments they interact with the surrounding physiological environment, leading to the adsorption of various biomolecules onto their surfaces, forming a biomolecular corona (BMC) and thereby influencing the performance and behavior of the nanomaterials. Presently, the in vitro studies of NM primarily involve dispersing the nanoparticles in 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and then evaluating their toxicity and therapeutic effects. However, this evaluation method is insufficient as it cannot accurately simulate the conditions of human blood. Moreover, this practical issue remains unresolved to date.


Yellow structure representing human plasma corona with the label in vivo like. Red structure representing fetal bovine serum 10% corona. In between these is a circle inside of which the yellow structure sits with components of the red structure being added.

Fig 1. Schematic illustrating the molecular and biological biases arising from the well-known in vitro/in vivo mismatch in nanomedicine due to the biomolecular corona. Reproduced from DOI: 10.1039/D3NH00510K with permission from the Royal Society of Chemistry.

To validate the series of biases existing in established experimental practices and to advance the fields of nanomedicine and nanotoxicology, this study investigated two NM types with vastly different physicochemical properties commonly used in biomedicine. The research compared the molecular and biological biases resulting from the mismatch between NM dispersed in 10% FBS (utilized for in vitro biological assays) and whole human plasma (HP, closer to in vivo administration schemes). Through comparative analysis using proteomics, lipidomics, high-throughput multi-parameter in vitro screening, and single-molecule feature analysis, it was demonstrated that the dynamic changes in BMC composition are material dependent and that cell viability, transport pathways, and autophagic cascades are influenced by the presence or absence of pre-formed BMC corona. These findings underscore the potential limitations of NM in vitro testing in accurately representing real in vivo conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to establish new shared protocols to enhance the accuracy and predictive capability of NM testing.

In summary, this study confirms the biases that may exist when using standard in vitro conditions for NM toxicology assessments, reminding us of the need to establish a comprehensive experimental framework to generate and support new knowledge in the field of biologically relevant nanomaterial interactions. For instance, integrating advanced predictive tools such as artificial intelligence and machine learning will enable nanotoxicology and nanomedicine to progress towards personalized solutions for precision healthcare.


To find out more, please read:

Sources of biases in the in vitro testing of nanomaterials: the role of the biomolecular corona
Valentina Castagnola, Valeria Tomati, Luca Boselli, Clarissa Braccia, Sergio Decherchi, Pier Paolo Pompa, Nicoletta Pedemonte, Fabio Benfenati and Andrea Armirotti
Nanoscale Horiz., 2024, Advance Article

About the blogger


Fangfang Cao is a Research Fellow at National University of Singapore and a member of the Nanoscale Horizons Community Board. Dr Cao’s research focuses on nanocatalytic medicine and microbial therapy.

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Celebrating the 20th anniversary of NCNST

Celebrating the 20th anniversary of NCNST

Guest edited by Xinfeng Liu, Qing Dai, Zhixiang Wei, Chunying Chen and Yuliang Zhao


Cover for NCNST anniversary collection featuring some of the previous Nanoscale Horizons and Nanoscale covers from NCNST researchers over the last 20 years.


Last year we were delighted to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology (NCNST) with a special collection in Nanoscale Horizons, Nanoscale and Nanoscale Advances highlighting the breadth of high-quality work from the institute. We’re pleased to share this collection of research and reviews covering the most recent research progress in a wide spectrum of nanoscience and nanotechnology from researchers currently affiliated with NCNST as well as esteemed alumni.

You can explore the collection and read the introductory editorial from our guest editors below, with all articles free to access until the end of April 2024.

Read the collection

Professor Xinfeng Liu, Professor Qing Dai, Professor Zhixiang Wei, Professor Chunying Chen and Professor Yuliang Zhao served as guest editors for this collection and highlight the history of NCNST and significance of this anniversary in their introductory editorial.

Photos of Xinfeng Liu, Qing Dai, Zhixiang Wei, Chunying Chen and Yuliang Zhao.

Read the introductory editorial

All of the articles in the collection are free to access until the end of April 2024. Read some of the featured articles below.


Graphical abstract image for Nanostructures in Chinese herbal medicines (CHMs) for potential therapy.

Nanostructures in Chinese herbal medicines (CHMs) for potential therapy
Ya-Li Zhang, Ya-Lei Wang, Ke Yan, Qi-Qi Deng, Fang-Zhou Li, Xing-Jie Liang and Qian Hua
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023, DOI: 10.1039/D3NH00120B


Graphical abstract image for Strategies and applications of generating spin polarization in organic semiconductors.

Strategies and applications of generating spin polarization in organic semiconductors
Ke Meng, Lidan Guo and Xiangnan Sun
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023, DOI: 10.1039/D3NH00101F



Graphical abstract image for Stereoselective coronas regulate the fate of chiral gold nanoparticles in vivo.

Stereoselective coronas regulate the fate of chiral gold nanoparticles in vivo
Didar Baimanov, Liming Wang, Ke Liu, Mengmeng Pan, Rui Cai, Hao Yuan, Wanxia Huang, Qingxi Yuan, Yunlong Zhou, Chunying Chen and Yuliang Zhao
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023, DOI: 10.1039/D3NH00124E


Graphical abstract image for Modulation of the assembly fashion among metal–organic frameworks for enantioretentive epoxide activation.

Modulation of the assembly fashion among metal–organic frameworks for enantioretentive epoxide activation
Jun Guo, Xiaomin Xue, Fangfang Li, Meiting Zhao, Youcong Xing, Yanmin Song, Chang Long, Tingting Zhao, Yi Liu and Zhiyong Tang
Nanoscale Horiz., 2024, DOI: 10.1039/D3NH00419H


Graphical abstract image for Improving the efficiency of ternary organic solar cells by reducing energy loss.

Improving the efficiency of ternary organic solar cells by reducing energy loss
Mengni Wang, Yanan Shi, Ziqi Zhang, Yifan Shen, Min Lv, Yangjun Yan, Huiqion Zhou, Jianqi Zhang, Kun Lv, Yajie Zhang, Hailin Peng and Zhixiang Wei
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023, DOI: 10.1039/D3NH00122A


Nanoscale Horizons and Nanoscale are high-impact international journals, publishing high-quality experimental and theoretical work across the breadth of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Nanoscale Advances is our gold open access member of the nanoscale journal family. Our broad scope covers cross-community research that bridges various disciplines, and the journal series allows full coverage of interdisciplinary advances in nanoscience and nanotechnology. We hope you will consider Nanoscale Horizons, Nanoscale and Nanoscale Advances for your future submissions.

We hope you enjoy reading this collection and look forward to showcasing more work from NCNST in the future. Please continue to submit your exciting work to Nanoscale Horizons, Nanoscale and Nanoscale Advances.

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Carbon-based nanomaterials

Carbon-based nanomaterials

A collection of recent articles from Nanoscale Horizons and Nanoscale

Nanoscale Horizons and Nanoscale are pleased to present a collection highlighting the latest research published in the journals on carbon-based nanomaterials.

Read the collection

Check out this selection of articles from the collection, with many more available online.

Boosting efficiency of luminescent solar concentrators using ultra-bright carbon dots with large Stokes shift
Jiurong Li, Haiguang Zhao, Xiujian Zhao and Xiao Gong
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023, DOI: 10.1039/D2NH00360K

Graphene foam membranes with tunable pore size for next-generation reverse osmosis water desalination (Open Access)
Duc Tam Ho, Thi Phuong Nga Nguyen, Arun Jangir and Udo Schwingenschlögl
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023, DOI: 10.1039/D2NH00475E

Water-soluble green-emitting carbon nanodots with enhanced thermal stability for biological applications
Waheed Ullah Khan, Liying Qin, Abid Alam, Ping Zhou, Yong Peng and Yuhua Wang
Nanoscale, 2021, DOI: 10.1039/D0NR09131F

Progress in the use of organic potassium salts for the synthesis of porous carbon nanomaterials: microstructure engineering for advanced supercapacitorsQian Zhang, Bing Yan, Li Feng, Jiaojiao Zheng, Bo You, Jiayun Chen, Xin Zhao, Chunmei Zhang, Shaohua Jiang and Shuijian He
Nanoscale, 2022, DOI: 10.1039/D2NR01986H

We would be delighted if you would consider Nanoscale Horizons or Nanoscale for your next submission, which can be made using the link below.

Submit your research

Nanoscale Horizons and Nanoscale are high-impact international journals, publishing high-quality experimental and theoretical work across the breadth of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Our broad scope covers cross-community research that bridges the various disciplines involved with nanoscience and nanotechnology.

We hope you enjoy reading this collection and will consider Nanoscale Horizons and Nanoscale for your future submissions.

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