Congratulations to the winners of the RSC best talk prizes at the Nanomotors International Conference: 20th anniversary

The Nanomotors International Conference: 20th anniversary took place in Barcelona, Spain from 2–5 June 2024. Nanoscale Horizons, Materials Horizons, Nanoscale, Journal of Materials Chemistry BNanoscale Advances and Materials Advances were delighted to provide best talk awards at the event and we would like to congratulate our winners! You can find out more about the event in the overview on the IBEC website.

Photos of the RSC best talk prizes being awarded to Yu-Ching Tseng (left), Meritxell Serra Casablancas (middle) and Enrique Solano Rodríguez (right).

Photos of the best talk prizes being awarded at the Nanomotors conference to Yu-Ching Tseng (left), Meritxell Serra Casablancas (middle) and Enrique Solano Rodríguez (right).

Learn more about our poster prize awardees below:

Photo of Yu-Ching Tseng.

Nanoscale Horizons and Materials Horizons Best Talk Prize

Yu-Ching Tseng (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Talk Title: “Communication between liposomal nanomotors based on enzyme-cascades”

Yu-Ching Tseng received his bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in Biochemical Science and Technology at National Taiwan University (2017 and 2019). He is currently in the fifth year of his Ph.D. studies under the guidance of Dr. Ayusman Sen in the Department of Chemistry at Pennsylvania State University. His research is centered on exploring the dynamic behaviors of enzymes and enzyme-functionalized particles/vesicles. Specifically, he is interested in how catalysis can act as a method for signal transduction, influencing the movement of enzyme-functionalized vesicles. Additionally, his work investigates the patterns formed by free enzymes during the catalysis process. This research aims to provide insights into the fundamental principles governing the motion of enzymes and enzyme-functionalized particles, with potential applications in developing smart materials and nanoscale devices.


Photo of Meritxell Serra-Casablancas.

Nanoscale and Journal of Materials Chemistry B Best Talk Prize

Meritxell Serra-Casablancas (Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), Spain)
Talk Title: “Urease-powered nanobots for radionuclide bladder cancer therapy”

Meritxell Serra-Casablancas is a PhD student in Biotechnology at the Smart Nano-Bio-Devices Group of the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC). She holds a bachelor’s degree in chemistry and a master’s degree in biomedical research. Her current research focuses on the development of enzyme-powered nanobots for crossing biological barriers and treating tumours, with a special emphasis on non-muscle invasive bladder cancer and mucinous tumours.


Photo of Enrique Solano Rodríguez.

Nanoscale Advances and Materials Advances Best Talk Prize

Enrique Solano Rodríguez (Universidad de Alcalá, Spain)
Talk Title: “Built-in metal organic frameworks into tubular micromotors with multiple propulsion modes”

Enrique Solano Rodríguez received a BSc (2020) in chemistry from the University Complutense of Madrid, Spain. One year later, he obtained a MSc in Chemistry Science and Technology, specializing in the synthesis of nanomaterials. In 2022 he started his PhD in the University of Alcalá thanks to a grant at the Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry. His research is focused on two different lines: the development of a new generation of tubular micromotors integrated with metal-organic frameworks (MOF), and the investigation in new intelligent inorganic materials with memory effect. Both lines are under the supervision of Professor Beatriz Jurado and Professor Alberto Escarpa.

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