New Youtube videos

View the new videos on the Lab on a Chip YouTube site using the links below:


Microfluidic Synthesis of Atto-liter Scale Double Emulsions toward Ultrafine Hollow Silica Spheres with Hierarchical Pore Networks


Droplet sorting based on the number of encapsulated particles using a solenoid valve


Temperature-driven self-actuated microchamber sealing system for highly integrated microfluidic devices


Vector separation of particles and cells using an array of slanted open cavities

A simple route to functionalize polyacrylamide hydrogels for the independent tuning of mechanotransduction cues

Microfluidic chemostat for measuring single cell dynamics in bacteria

Electrostatic charging and control of droplets in microfluidic devices 

Dynamic pH mapping in microfluidic devices by integrating adaptive coatings based on polyaniline with colorimetric imaging techniques

 An integrated microfluidic cell culture system for high-throughput perfusion three-dimensional cell culture-based assays: effect of cell culture model on the results of chemosensitivity assays

Rapid generation and manipulation of microfluidic vortex flows induced by AC electrokinetics with optical illumination

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Optimising nanohole arrays for refractive index sensing

Posted on behalf of Kathryn Mayer, Lab on a Chip web writer

For the first time, refractive index sensitivity comparable to that of a commercial surface plasmon resonance sensor has been achieved in a nanohole array-based system, thanks to a team of Canadian engineers.

Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors rely on the optical properties of thin gold films in order to measure changes in refractive index.  SPR has been long been utilized for label-free biosensing, in which target molecules binding to a capture layer cause minute refractive index changes.1  Traditionally, these changes are measured via the reflectance spectrum of the gold film, requiring the light source and the detector to be placed at specific angles to the sample.  This arrangement limits the types of experiments that can be carried out.  However, if a gold film perforated with nanoholes is used, refractive index changes can be measured via the transmittance spectrum2, allowing the light source and detector to be arranged along a single light path, as in an ordinary spectrometer. 

Prof. Reuven Gordon led a collaboration between the University of Victoria, the University of Ottawa, and Carleton University in an effort to improve the refractive index sensitivity of these nanohole array-based systems. The team made three key innovations:  creating an ultra-smooth gold surface via template stripping, optimizing the shape of the nanoholes, and designing a support using a transparent material with a refraction index close to that of water.  With these improvements, the researchers were able to match the sensitivity of commercial SPR systems using simple optical instrumentation.  Because the nanohole substrates are used in a transmission geometry, they can be incorporated into optical and microfluidic systems in which SPR sensing has previously been unfeasible.

The image adapted from Figures 2b and 6a shows (a) the nanohole array and (b) its transmission spectra in various solutions.


1.     C. Boozer et al., Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2006, 17(4), 400–405, .
2.     A. Krishnan et al., Optics Communications 2001, 200, 1–7, .

Read more in this HOT article from Lab on a Chip!

Atomically flat symmetric elliptical nanohole arrays in a gold film for ultrasensitive refractive index sensing
Gabriela Andrea Cervantes Tellez, Sa’ad Hassan, R. Niall Tait, Pierre Berini and Reuven Gordon
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC41411F

View the very best research in miniaturization from Canada in our themed issue Focus on Canada!

Katie Mayer is a post-doctoral researcher in the Walt Laboratory at Tufts University, USA

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A new function for your cell-phone: analysing blood at point of care

Posted on behalf of Loes Segerink, Lab on a Chip web writer

Today, calling is not the only function of the cell-phone, but in some cases just a nice side function. A new function developed by Aydogan Ozcan and co-workers is the ability to perform a rapid blood analysis using your cell phone.

In a previous article the group at University of California, Los Angeles, USA, showed that a cell-phone with some add-on components can be used to test for the presence of peanuts in cookies1. In this new article, a module is demonstrated which can be used to measure characteristics of blood. Three variables which can be tested with their system are the haemoglobin content and white and red blood cell concentrations.

After connecting a base attachment to the cell phone (in this case an Android phone), three different add-on components can then be attached. Each component consists of a lens, light source and chamber for the sample. For the white blood cell count, the cells are first fluorescently labelled and placed in a chamber with known volume. Subsequently the sample is excited and the fluorescence is measured in the perpendicular direction. In case of the red blood cell count, unlabelled cells in a specific volume are optically detected using bright field illumination. For the last application, the measurement of the haemoglobin content, the absorbance of the lysed blood sample is determined, which is directly related to the concentration of haemoglobin. The user-friendly phone app allows you to choose one of the three analyses and input parameters, such as the sample dilution factor. It subsequently processes the captured images to generate the test results, which can be uploaded to a database or sent on to clinicians

Although some sample pre-processing is necessary, the blood analysis will take about 10 seconds for each image taken. The results of the cell phone module are in good agreement with a standard test, thereby making it applicable for blood analysis at point of care.


1. Ahmet F. Coskun, Justin Wong, Delaram Khodadadi et alA personalized food allergen testing platform on a cellphone. Lab Chip, 2013, 13, 636–640

Cost-effective and rapid blood analysis on a cell-phone
Hongying Zhu, Ikbal Sencan, Justin Wong, Stoyan Dimitrov, Derek Tseng, Keita Nagashima and Aydogan Ozcan  
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC41408F

Loes Segerink is a Post-Doctoral researcher in the BIOS Lab on a Chip group, University of Twente, The Netherlands

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Marblar Micromixer Challenge!

If you haven’t already heard of Marblar, the crowd-sourcing website that enables many minds to work together to realise the potential of new technologies, then now is the time to find out more, as the Royal Society of Chemistry is sponsoring a Marblar challenge to find  applications for a new microfluidic mixing device developed by Huanming Zia and co-workers based on their 2012 communication in Lab on a Chip!

Converting steady laminar flow to oscillatory flow through a hydroelasticity approach at microscales
H. M. Xia, Z. P. Wang, W. Fan, A. Wijaya, W. Wanga and Z. F. Wanga  
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20667B

The microfluidic mixer is a non-powered device that can be added in-line to convert laminar flow to oscillatory flow, achieving effective mixing in milliseconds – ordinarily the laminar flow behaviour at these scales means fluid streams only mix very slowly via diffusion, which has been a big limitation for development of microfluidic products.

If you might have an idea or think you could improve on someone else’s, then join in the discussion and maybe even submit an idea or two to win points and marbles!

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On-chip investigation: How do cells feel the force?

Posted on behalf of Alphonsus Ng, Lab on a Chip web writer

Researchers at the City University of Hong Kong and Jinan University, China, have developed a rapid approach to study how cells “feel” the forces around them.

Cells sense and react to their physical surroundings through mechanotransduction—the translation of mechanical stimulation into biochemical signals. These signals, in turn, regulate many important physiological processes such as those in the immune system, bone metabolism and blood circulation. Since defects in mechanotransduction are associated with various human diseases,1 understanding their molecular basis may aid in the development of new therapeutics. Unfortunately, most techniques for studying mechanotransduction are slow and labour-intensive, requiring meticulous manipulation of single cells for mechanical stimulation and analysis.

To address this challenge, a research team led by Prof. Mengsu Yang has developed a new microfluidic chip that can isolate individual cells and apply precise whole-cell mechanical stimulation.

The microfluidic chip is assembled by sandwiching a deflectable polymer membrane between a fluid layer and a control layer. The chip comprises three parallel channels, two microvalves and one compressive component in the middle channel (see picture). By modulating the pressure in the control channels, the height of the middle channel can be adjusted to trap or compress an individual cell from a suspension. The microvalves can be opened or closed to exchange the reagent environment surrounding the trapped cell.

Using this chip, the research team studied the intracellular calcium signaling in HL60 cells (leukemic cells) triggered by whole-cell compression. They demonstrate that mechanical compression can activate ion channels in the cell membrane, causing extracellular calcium ions to transport inside the cell. Interestingly, they show that an intact cytoskeleton was not required for the activation of mechanosensitive ion channels in HL60 cells—the involvement of the cytoskeleton in mechnotranduction remains a much-debated topic in the field.

Taken together, the research team successfully demonstrated that this microfluidic chip is a fast, useful platform for the study of mechanotransduction in individual suspension cells. In the future, the throughput of this chip may be extended by parallelizing several compressive components on one chip.

1.            Jaalouk, D. E.; Lammerding, J. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 2009, 10, 63-73.

Microfluidics study of intracellular calcium response to mechanical stimulation on single suspension cells
Tao Xu, Wanqing Yue, Cheuk-Wing Li,  Xinsheng Yao and Mengsu Yang
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC40880A

Alphonsus Ng is a PhD student in the Wheeler Microfluidics Laboratory, University of Toronto, Canada

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Awards for LOC Research Highlights writer Ali Khademhosseini

Congratulations to Ali Khademhosseini, writer of the regular Lab on a Chip Research Highlights articles, who has this year received three prestigious research awards!

In June, he received the 2013 Owens Corning Early Career Award of the American Institute for Chemical Engineers (AIChE) for outstanding contributions in applying micro/nanoscale technologies to engineer functional biomaterials for regenerative medicine. This award recognizes outstanding independent contributions to the scientific, technological, or educational areas of materials science and engineering by a member of the Materials Engineering and Sciences Division of the AIChE under 40. The award will be presented at November’s annual meeting of AIChE in San Francisco.

Professor Khademhosseini was also recently awarded the 2013 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society’s Technical Achievement Award. The award is given to recognize outstanding achievement, contribution and/or innovation in a technical area of biomedical engineering. He received the award at the annual EMBS meeting in Japan last week.

In April, we blogged to congratulate Ali on winning the Controlled Release Society Young Investigator award, which will be presented at the end of this month in Hawaii!

View some of Ali’s recent Research Highlights articles here:

Research highlights
Imee G. Arcibal, Donald M. Cropek, Mehmet R. Dokmeci and Ali Khademhosseini 
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC90037A

Research highlights
João Ribas, Mark W. Tibbitt, Mehmet R. Dokmeci and Ali Khademhosseini
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC90032K

Research highlights
Šeila Selimović, Mehmet R. Dokmeci and Ali Khademhosseini
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC90025H

Research highlights
Šeila Selimović, Mark W. Tibbitt, Mehmet R. Dokmeci and Ali Khademhosseini
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC90018E

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Worm on the run: measuring forces exerted by a nematode in motion

Posted on behalf of Aleksandra (Sasha) Denisin, Lab on a Chip web writer.

Researchers at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand have created a platform measuring mechancial forces exerted by the microscopic worm C. elegans in locomotion. The platform can measure all of the important worm locomotion parameters in a single assay. The team has noted that the worm’s crawling behaviors and thrust forces correlate to the structure of their microenvironment as the worm adjusts its behavior via mechanical sensing of its surroundings.

C. elegans are soil-dwelling worms made up of just 959 cells (adult hermaphrodite). The worms are 1 mm long and 80 μm in body diameter. In labs studying C. elegans, the worms crawl on agar plates in search of food (usually E. coli) by twisting their body in sinusoidal waves.1 The sense of touch is crucial to these nematodes: 6 touch receptor neurons (mechanoreceptor neurons) allow the animal to detect external mechanical feedback with the environment as well as internal forces.2

The group led by Maan M. Alkaisi of The MacDiarmid Institute, New Zealand, and Wenhui Wang now at Tsinghua University, China, developed micropillar arrays of various arrangements and dimensions to modify the worm’s microenvironment and measure forces exerted by the worm as it crawls on the substrate. The researchers were also able to quantify locomotion parameters such as speed, amplitude of sine wave, and wavelength. Their unique assay combines 3 key elements: variable substrate topology, worm thrust force measurements, and locomotive metrics. One version of the device is also compatible with different substrates by mounting pillars on top of migrating worms instead of allowing worms to migrate directly on the microstructures.

The group found that reduced pillar spacing caused wild-type worms to exert twice the force to crawl through the substrate, especially in a honeycomb pillar arrangement. The worms were also much slower at moving in the narrow pillar structures and the frequency of sine wave propagations correlated to resistivity of the physical environment. The platform presented in this study enables many exciting studies in C. elegans locomotion and touch response, especially as  many genetic mutant strains are available with changes to the number of mechanoreceptor neurons and muscle arms. 3


1. S. Berri, J. H. Boyle, M. Tassieri, I. A. Hope and N. Cohen, HFSP journal, 2009, 3, 186-193.
2. M. B. Goodman, in WormBook: the online review of C. elegans biology, NIH Public Access, 2006, available from
3. C. I. Bargmann and I. Mori, in C. elegans II. 2nd edition., ed. D. L. Riddle, T. Blumenthal, B. J. Meyer and J. R. Priess, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, NY, 1997, available from

On-chip analysis of C. elegans muscular forces and locomotion patterns in microstructured environments
Shazlina Johari, Volker Nock, Maan M. Alkaisi, and Wenhui Wang. Lab Chip, 2013, 13, 1699-1707.
DOI: 10.1039/c3lc41403e

Sasha is a PhD student at Stanford University working with Professor Beth Pruitt’s Microsystems Lab. Her research interests focus on designing microscale devices for studying cell mechanobiology and the biophysical underpinnings of cell-cell and cell-substrate interactions.

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Free to access HOT articles!

 These articles are HOT as recommended by the referees. And we’ve made them free to access for 4 weeks*

A Microfluidic Platform for Evaporation-based Salt Screening of Pharmaceutical Parent compounds
Sachit Goyal, Michael R. Thorson, Cassandra L. Schneider, Geoff G. Z. Zhang, Yuchuan Gong and Paul J. A. Kenis  
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC41271G


Atomically flat symmetric elliptical nanohole arrays in a gold film for ultrasensitive refractive index sensing
Gabriela Andrea Cervantes Tellez, Sa’ad Hassan, R. Niall Tait, Pierre Berini and Reuven Gordon  
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC41411F

SAW-controlled drop size for flow focusing
Lothar Schmid and Thomas Franke
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC41233D

On-chip analysis of C. elegans muscular forces and locomotion patterns in microstructured environments
Shazlina Johari, Volker Nock, Maan M. Alkaisi and Wenhui Wang
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC41403E


Aquifer-on-a-Chip: understanding pore-scale salt precipitation dynamics during CO2 sequestration
Myeongsub Kim, Andrew Sell and David Sinton 
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC00031A

This article is featured in the collection Lab on a Chip Top 10%

Site-specific peptide and protein immobilization on surface plasmon resonance chips via strain-promoted cycloaddition
Angelique E. M. Wammes, Marcel J. E. Fischer, Nico J. de Mol, Mark B. van Eldijk, Floris P. J. T. Rutjes, Jan C. M. van Hest and Floris L. van Delft   Shazlina Johari, Volker Nock, Maan M. Alkaisi and Wenhui Wang
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC41338A


Microfluidic LC device with orthogonal sample extraction for on-chip MALDI-MS detection
Iulia M. Lazar and Jarod L. Kabulski
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC50190F

Digital microfluidics-enabled single-molecule detection by printing and sealing single magnetic beads in femtoliter droplets
Daan Witters, Karel Knez, Frederik Ceyssens, Robert Puers and Jeroen Lammertyn  
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC50119A

Control of neural network patterning using collagen gel photothermal etching
Aoi Odawara, Masao Gotoh and Ikuro Suzuki
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC00036B

Microfluidic large scale integration of viral–host interaction analysis
Ya’ara Ben-Ari, Yair Glick, Sarit Kipper, Nika Schwartz, Dorit Avrahami, Efrat Barbiro-Michaely and Doron Gerber  
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC00034F

*Free access to individuals is provided through an RSC Publishing personal account. Registration is quick, free and simple

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SERS-active nanostructures synthesized within a microfluidic channel

Posted on behalf of Kathryn Mayer, Lab on a Chip web writer

A new method for the direct, bottom-up growth of a SERS substrate within a microfluidic channel, developed at the University of Connecticut, will enable the inexpensive fabrication of SERS-integrated devices.

Surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopy is a powerful method for analyte detection and identification.  SERS relies on the electric field enhancement provided by nanostructured metal surfaces to amplify the Raman scattering “fingerprint” of adsorbed molecules, enabling specific detection down to the single molecule level1.  Previously, SERS integration into practical devices has been limited, partly due to the cost and difficultly of fabricating SERS substrates and microfluidic channels separately, then aligning and bonding them together.  In this HOT article, researchers at the University of Connecticut led by Prof. Yu Lei have devised a method to fabricate a novel nanostructured SERS substrate directly within existing microfluidic channels, greatly simplifying the construction of such devices2

Previous SERS-integrated microfluidic devices have utilized silver plates fabricated via laser writing3 and silver nanoparticles created using physical vapor deposition4 as SERS substrates. These devices provide high detection sensitivity, but are costly to produce due to the top-down fabrication methods used.  The advantage of the new method by Parisi et al. is the ability to synthesize a SERS substrate bottom-up and in situ, reducing the complexity and cost of device fabrication.  SERS experiments can then be carried out immediately.

In situ electrodeposition and galvanic displacement are used to fabricate a nanostructured SERS substrate (right) within a microfluidic device (left)

In the new technique, copper nanowalls coated with carbon are synthesized inside a microfluidic channel via electrodeposition.  This is accomplished by applying a voltage across part of the channel while copper acetate flows through.  Next, silver nitrate flows through the channel, and a galvanic replacement reaction results in silver nanoparticles coating the nanowalls.  Then, an analyte solution flows through the channel and adsorbs onto the substrate, allowing the user to measure SERS.  The authors used crystal violet as an example analyte to demonstrate the sensitive in-channel detection capability, measuring the SERS of analyte concentrations down to 50 pM.

The researchers hope that their fabrication technique will ultimately allow SERS to be integrated into various microfluidics-based biological and chemical sensing platforms, increasing the power and flexibility of these devices. 


1. J. Kneipp et al., Chem. Soc. Rev., 37, 1052–1060, 2008. 
2. J. Parisi et al., Lab on a Chip, 13, 1501–1508, 2013.
3. B.-B. Xu et al., Lab on a Chip, 11, 3347–3351, 2011.
4. Z. Geng et al., Sensors and Actuators A, 169 (1), 37–42, 2011.

Read this HOT article in Lab on a Chip today:

In situ synthesis of silver nanoparticle decorated vertical nanowalls in a microfluidic device for ultrasensitive in-channel SERS sensing
Joseph Parisi, Liang Su and Yu Lei
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC41249K

 This article is featured in the web collection Lab on a Chip Top 10%


Katie Mayer is a post-doctoral researcher in the Walt Laboratory at Tufts University, USA

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Pioneers of Miniaturisation Lecture 2013 – deadline extended to 22nd July!

Send your nominations for the Pioneers of Miniaturisation Lectureship to Lab on a Chip Managing Editor Harp Minhas by 22nd July!

Miniaturisation plays a significant role in our daily lives as all our handheld devices become smaller and other larger devices become handheld or desktop based and this trend is set to continue. The use of micro and nano fluidic technologies will impact on a diverse range of industries ranging from their use in motor cars, through health improvement applications to their use in protecting national and environmental security needs.

At Lab on a Chip, we strongly believe in this technology and have been willing to show the necessary commitment and financial support to back the development of this research community. It is in this vein we present this award to honour and support the up and coming, next generation pioneers in this field of endeavour. So the Lab on a Chip Journal will again join forces with Corning Incorporated to award the eighth ‘Pioneers of Miniaturisation’ Lectureship at µTAS, including a certificate of recognition and a prize of $5000. The lectureship will be presented at the µTAS 2013 Conference in Freiburg, Germany.

Who should you nominate?

The award is for early to mid-career scientists (nominees must be no older than 45 by the closing date for nominations).
The award is for extraordinary or outstanding contributions to the understanding or development of miniaturised systems. This will be judged mainly through their top 1-3 papers and/or an invention documented by patents/or a commercial product. Awards and honorary memberships may also be considered.The awardee is required to give a short lecture at the µTAS Conference in the same year.

The 2012 Pioneers of Miniaturisation Lectureship was awarded to Professor Andrew deMello, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. 

See here for further information, including past winners.

Nominations to Lab on a Chip Managing Editor Harp Minhas by 22nd July

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