How well do you know the Environmental Science: Nano team? Fact 5

You’ve seen them at conferences, you’ve read their papers but how well do you really know the people behind Environmental Science: Nano?

Over the next few months, we’ll be revealing little known facts about our team. Will there be skeletons in the closet or peculiar pastimes? Stay tuned to find out!

Fact 5 features Barbara Karn, co-founder of the Sustainable Nanotechnology Organisation

In her own words, Barbara is a consummate opera lover – Wagner in particular.

We wonder if Barbara will be going along to a cracking bit of Tchaikovsky as the holiday season approaches…

Read Fact 4 for more snippets on the Nano Board!

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Water nanostructures disinfect air

This article, published in Chemistry World, features a new Environmental Science: Nano paper. Click on the links below for your free download of the paper…

Engineered water nanostructures (EWNS), the latest weapons for tackling airborne pathogens, start off as nothing more than atmospheric water vapour.

Despite advances in antibiotics, vaccines and infection control, infectious diseases continue to affect hundreds of millions of people each year and the number of antibiotic resistant bacteria is on the rise. Therefore, there is an urgent need for innovative, effective and low-cost technologies in the battle against airborne infections. Upper-room UV irradiation, air filtration, photocatalysis and biocidal gases are the current methods most commonly used for air disinfection. However, these methods come with a variety of drawbacks such as potential health risks and high costs.

Philip Demokritou and colleagues from the Harvard School of Public Health and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health in the US, have designed a system that transforms atmospheric water vapour into EWNS. With a size of only 25nm, the nanostructures are highly mobile and remain in room air for a long time due to their high electric charge. Disinfection of the air is achieved as the nanostructures contain reactive oxygen species, such as hydroxyl and superoxide radicals, which interact with the outer membranes of bacteria, rendering them inactive.

Toxicological studies on mice by Demokritou’s team have shown that the EWNS have minimal toxicological effects. No respiratory tract toxicity was found at exposure levels and times higher and longer than those needed to inactivate the bacteria. Demokritou explains that the radicals are harmless to cell membranes in the lungs of test animals because ‘the organic matter in the lung lining fluid which covers the epithelial cells neutralises the reactive oxygen species, so they never reach the cells.’

‘The proposed method has the potential to transform the way we currently control infectious diseases,’ says Demokritou, ‘if proven effective in practice, it could be used to create “shields” to protect people in their microenvironments.’

Vishal Shah, an expert in microbiology from Dowling College in New York, US, agrees that the research presents ‘a proof-of-concept for an interesting technology that could help improve air quality, particularly in high moisture indoor environments.’ Shah adds that in the future, he would ‘look forward to seeing results describing the efficiency of the technology to inactivate other viruses and gram positive bacteria like streptococci and staphylococcus.’

The team now intend to extend their research to ascertain if EWNS can disinfect fresh produce.

Download the paper for free here, or visit the original Chemistry World post!

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A leaner and greener production of gold nanoparticles using plant-derived lipids

Ian Keyte, Doctoral Researcher at University of Birmingham and web writer for the Royal Society of Chemistry Environmental Team, introduces one of our first articles for the new journal…

A phospholipid component of plants can potentially provide versatile, environmentally benign ligands in the synthesis of asymmetric gold nanoparticles (GNPs). This paper by Benjamin Ayres (Portland State University) and Scott Reed (University of Colorado Denver), demonstrates how this can provide benefits in terms of both possible application and environmental performance of these materials.

Asymmetric GNPs have been utilised for a wide range of applications including biomedical sensors and components of electronic and photonic devices. In order to move towards a large scale production of asymmetric GNPs, a synthetic method is required that is economical and reproducible, as well as displaying suitable green credentials.

The shape and size of GNPs are crucial to governing their electronic and optical properties. There is a need therefore to gain a good understanding of the synthetic process at a molecular level, in order to optimise the process from the perspective of both desired application and environmental impact, creating a method that can be easily controlled and reproduced.

Conventional synthetic methods traditionally involve seed-mediated synthesis using alkyl ammonium salts (e.g. CTAB) as ligands. These methods are unsustainable and non-biocompatible due to the toxic nature of the compounds used, and often require excess ligand and post-synthetic processing e.g. using ligand exchange in order to be used for in vivo applications.

The method described by Ayres and Reed involves reduction of bromoauric acid by ascorbic acid in the presence of ligands derived using biogenic phospholipid extracts from crude soybean lecithin. This provides a cheap, readily available and renewable feedstock for the process, avoiding use of fossil-fuel derived materials.

A key parameter of generated GNPs is their localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR). In order for GNPs to be suitable for medical applications (e.g. biosensors, in-vivo imaging and phototherapeutic treatments) the LSPR needs to be in the near infrared (NIR) region.

It was shown, using UV-Vis spectroscopy and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) that the described method produces a mixture of spherical and triangular prismatic GNPs that exhibited an LSPR in the NIR region as well as extended stability with no aggregation.

Furthermore, the method includes chemical identification of the specific molecular component of soy lecithin that is the source of asymmetric growth. Soy lecithin is composed predominantly (~75%) of phosphatidylchorine (PC). However, separation of different GNP shapes using preparatory gel electrophoresis, and analysis of lipid extracts by LC-MS indicated phosphatidic acid (PA) was crucial to GNP asymmetric growth.

Indeed, it was shown that GNPs produced from lower purity PC (30%) showed NIR LPSR and were stable, while higher purity PC (95%) produced only spherical GNPs which aggregated over time and displayed LSPR only in the UV-Vis spectrum. When spiked with PA, the growth solutions of PC95 displayed a second LSPR in the NIR, which shifted further red as more PA was added.

This study presents a biocompatible method for GNP production using environmentally benign ligands. It also demonstrates how gaining molecular level understanding of the synthetic process allows control over the GNP shape and size, based on lipid composition and/or specific plant material used. This therefore provides benefits both from the perspective of the desired application and the environmental impacts.

Environmental Science: Nano is providing free access upon registration* to all content published during 2014 and 2015. To get your free download of this paper, please follow the link below:

A minor lipid component of soy lecithin causes growth of triangular prismatic gold nanoparticles, Benjamin. R. Ayres and Scott. M. Reed, DOI: 10.1039/C3EN00015J

*Free access to individuals is provided through an RSC Publishing personal account. It’s quick, simple and more importantly free to register!

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Assessing the effects of Natural Water Chemistry on Silver Nanoparticles

Environmental Science: Nano is a comprehensive source of information on nanomaterial interactions with biological and environmental systems, and the design and use of engineered nanomaterials for sustainability. All 2014 and 2015 content will be free to access online.

As nanotechnology continues to develop at a fast growing speed, more research efforts should focus on the assessment of nanotoxicity in order to better understand whether engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) pose hazards upon exposure. ENPs have been used in a large variety of products (from toothpaste, soap, sunscreen lotion to plastic ware, electronics, cement, paint, etc.) and therefore the likelihood for ecological exposure to these nanoproducts in relation to their leachable by-products is inevitable.

Dubey and co-workers highlight the importance of assessing the interaction of ENPs with naturally occurring colloids in relation to environmental factors. Upon entering the aquatic system, these factors could modify their colloidal stability and ultimately affect their toxicity. Their studies focused on silver nanoparticles (AgNP) which have been widely used for their broad spectrum of antimicrobial and plasmonic properties. In particular, Dubey et al investigated the potential effects of multiple water chemistry on the colloidal stability, dissolution rate and antibacterial activity of citrate-coated silver nanoparticles (Citrate-AgNPs) against Escherichia coli. Concomitantly, toxicity studies of Citrate–AgNPs and AgNO3 were also performed in the river water samples collected across three seasons.

The work carried out by Dubey and co-workes underlines the importance of evaluating aquatic toxicity of ENPs in order to understand the potential implications on the ecosystem’s health and functions.

Graphical abstract: Natural water chemistry (dissolved organic carbon, pH, and hardness) modulates colloidal stability, dissolution, and antimicrobial activity of citrate functionalized silver nanoparticles

Read the full article for free!

Natural Water Chemistry (Dissolved Organic Carbon, pH, and Hardness) Modulates Colloidal Stability, Dissolution, and Antimicrobial Activity of Citrate Functionalized Silver Nanoparticles
Lok R. Pokhrel, Brajesh Dubey and Phillip R. Scheuerman
Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2014, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3EN00017F

Fancy submitting an article to Environ. Sci.: Nano? Then why not submit to us today or alternatively email us your suggestions.

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Could nanoparticle exposure alter our embryonic development?

All Environmental Science: Nano content will be free for the duration of 2014 and 2015 – make the most of it. Here is one of our newly published articles.

Scientists at Clarkson University, USA, have investigated the effect of nanoparticles (NPs) on intestinal development of embryonic zebrafish (Danio rerio). They saw that levels of serotonin, a developmental marker, change according to exposure time and concentration.

NP use in commercial goods and food is ever increasing. Previously, studies have shown that NPs can alter skeletal development1 and tissue formation,2 but there is a need to find out more about what NPs might be doing to our bodies. The gastrointestinal (GI) tract has been identified as a hanging out point for ingested NPs that get trapped within our numerous intestinal folds; Özel and colleagues built on this observation and tested nickel (Ni) and copper oxide (CuO) NP exposure in the intestines of zebrafish embryos.

A zebrafish embryo

In their newly published paper3, Özel et al measured serotonin (5HT) levels to investigate intestinal development. 5HT, which is secreted by cells in the GI tract, is known to act as a growth factor during embryogenesis; it is particularly involved in brain development, with disruption of serotonin-related cellular processes leading to CNS (central nervous system) disorders.4 Intestinal levels of 5HT were measured as an indication of developmental physiology. 5HT concentration was determined via carbon filter microelectrodes, inserted directly into the embryo, and differential pulse voltammetry.

Immunohistochemistry (using rabbit anti-serotonin antibody) of 50ppm NP-exposed zebrafish embryos showed a decrease in fluorescence intensity of 5HT in Ni-exposed embryos, compared to the control. In contrast, CuO exposure was associated with an increase in 5HT fluorescence intensity (Fig 1).

Fig 1. Zebrafish embryos showing 5HT levels after NP exposure using anti-5HT immunohistochemistry

These findings were supported by in vivo electrochemical measurements, which showed significantly decreased 5HT for concentrations of 20ppm and higher Ni, and a general increase in 5HT for CuO exposure (Fig 2).

Özel and colleagues suggest that the different effects seen between Ni and CuO NP exposure demonstrate the complexity of the toxicity induced by NPs. As well as measuring 5HT levels, the team also showed that rates of embryo hatching from the chorion (an acellular membrane surrounding fish eggs) were generally decreased by increasing NP concentrations. At 50 to 100ppm CuO, more than 98% of embryos failed to hatch, whilst Ni produced a 70% failure rate.

Fig 2. Changes of in vivo intestinal 5HT concentrations after NP exposure

The findings of this paper indicate that environmental exposure to NPs may affect the physiology of developing organs, as well as the triggering of developmentally-timed events, such as hatching. In future, there is a need to extend these studies in order to fully understand how NPs in the environment may affect development, from fish to humans and everything in between. We are all exposed.

This paper is one of the first to be published in Environmental Science: Nano. We must say a big thank you to the authors, and the Nano Editorial Team, who worked hard to publish it. Environmental Science: Nano is providing free access upon registration* to all content published during 2014 and 2015. To get your free download of this paper, follow the links below:

R. E. Özel, K. N. Wallace and S. Andreescu, Alterations of intestinal serotonin following nanoparticle exposure in embryonic zebrafish, DOI: 10.1039/C3EN00001J


  1. C. Ispas et al, Environmental Science & Technology, 2009, 43, 6349-6356
  2. D. Xiong et al, Science of The Total Environment, 2011, 409, 1444-1452
  3. R. E Özel et al, Environmental Science Nano, 2014, DOI: 10.1039/C3EN00001J
  4. M.S. Sodhi & E. Sanders-Bush, Int. Rev. Neurobiol., 2004, 59, 111-174

*Free access to individuals is provided through an RSC Publishing personal account. It’s quick, simple and more importantly free to register!

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First papers are now out!

Today we published our first advance articles in Environmental Science: Nano, and we’re really pleased that there’s already been significant interest in the journal.

One article in particular has gained readers’ attention on social media, owing to its title: “A chemical free, nanotechnology-based method for airborne bacterial inactivation using engineered water nanostructures”. Some people found it quite strange to read “chemical free” in an article published in a chemical science journal.

People find many different meanings in the phrase “chemical free”, and we’re interested in hearing what you think. We will be publishing the author’s views later, as a follow up to this post. In the interim, we would like to know your views on the phrase “chemical free”? Tell us in the comments section below. If you’re interested in reading more about how people view chemicals, check out this recent feature in Chemistry World (we’ve made it free to access).

Posted 28th Nov 2013

Note from Dr Harpal Minhas, Managing Editor.

Thank you for your comments – I acknowledge the title of this paper is controversial and I’d like to address some of the issues you’ve raised below and on social media.

The titles of research articles and other content in peer reviewed journals are the responsibility of the authors concerned and do not necessarily reflect the views of Editors or Publishers. However, in this case, we can understand why people would object to the title.

From now on we’re adding specific checks and balances in our editorial process to hopefully avoid these issues in the future. When we pick up “chemical free” language being used in titles, abstracts or article text, we’ll change it at proof stage to what we feel is a more appropriate term, explaining carefully to the author why we’ve made that specific change. We suspect most authors will welcome this guidance.

I can assure you that we did not suggest this title to the author, and we would never alter titles for any promotional activities. The title of any paper is decided by the author and their co-workers based on what they feel are the most important/relevant aspects of the research it represents. This ensures that they are able to frame the work in the way they feel is most appropriate to the community that the work addresses. Reviewers can comment on the title and ask for modifications. In this case they did not, but they did the rate the paper very highly for its research content. Once a paper is accepted, Editors and Publishers very rarely ask for authors to alter titles, based on their own opinions, as the paper has been appropriately approved by relevant peer review process. However, as noted above, we feel that the additional checks and balances would help authors to express themselves more clearly in controversial cases such as this.

With regards to the suggestion of retracting the article, we are a member of the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE) and we follow their recommendation and guidelines. Articles are only retracted under a specific set of circumstances; these are outlined here and this case does not fall into these categories.

I’d like to specifically thank Mark Lorch for his message and comments about this article, and I want to take this opportunity to say that we agree with him when he says that it is wrong to use this phrase as an advertising slogan. Mark wrote a very interesting article on this subject for the BBC Magazine recently.

As has been pointed out, we have been critical of the phrase “chemical free” in the past and will continue to be. We try to engage with everyone about their perceptions of the word “chemicals” and really appreciate the passion from the community.

Posted 2nd Dec 2013

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Barbara Karn joins the Environmental Science: Nano Editorial Board

The team at Environmental Science: Nano would like to welcome Dr Barbara Karn on to the Editorial Board, where she is co-opted as a member of The Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization. Barbara is currently the Program Director at the National Science Foundation, Virginia, senior advisor to the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and co-founder of the Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization.

Barbara completed Masters degrees at Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland State University, before reading for a Ph.D. in Biology and Environmental Sciences at Florida International University.

Barbara has a huge amount of experience within the environmental sector, with a particular focus on nanotechnology. Previously, she has worked as an environmental scientist at the US Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and built a research program in Nanotechnology and the Environment. She continues to work in the National Nanotechnology Initiative, a part of the U.S. Office of Science and Technology Policy.

Barbara is a Nanotechnology Scholar, awarded by Georgetown University’s Program on Science in the Public Interest, and was also named one of the top ten experts in nanotechnology environment, health and safety issues by Nanotechnology Law and Business.

Barbara’s enthusiasm and experience will be an invaluable asset to the Environmental Science: Nano Editorial Board and will input into the shape and development of the journal both at this exciting time in our early history, and in the future. Welcome to the team!

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How well do you know the Environmental Science: Nano team? Fact 4

You’ve seen them at conferences, you’ve read their papers but how well do you really know the people behind Environmental Science: Nano?

Over the next few months, we’ll be revealing little known facts about our team. Will there be skeletons in the closet or peculiar pastimes? Stay tuned to find out!

Fact 4 features Vice Chair Christy Haynes. Can you guess her unusual hobby..?

In the last few years, Haynes has become slightly obsessed with “urban scavenger hunts.” In these events, teams (Haynes teams with some of her graduate students) race on foot or using public transportation, solving clues that lead to 12 destinations all over the city.  Teams can follow whatever route they deem best and often have to do silly stunts or take particular photos at each destination. Haynes and her teammates started out doing these races just for fun, with no expectation of winning, but have since become quite good and have done them in numerous US cities. They’ve finished 1st in more than one race (even one where Haynes was 6 months pregnant!) and have competed in national championship races under the team name SPORK (Scientists phor Outdoor Recreation and Knowledge).

Now I bet that gets the heart racing.

Have you read Fact 3?

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A welcome to Environmental Science: Nano – Professor Wei-xian Zhang joins the Editorial Board

Here at Environmental Science: Nano we would like to welcome Wei-xian to the team. Find out a bit more about him here!

Wei-xian graduated from Tongji University in Shanghai, from where he moved to John Hopkins University to complete his PhD in Environmental Engineering. Wei-xian has also served as a Professor of environmental engineering and director of the Institute of Sustainable Nanotechnology at Lehigh University, PA.

 Presently, Wei-xian is based at the UNEP-Tongji Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development, and his research focuses on chemical and biological transformation of environmental contaminants and heavy metal ions. Wei-xian has produced a number of incredibly well-cited research papers focusing on environmental nanotechnology, including Nanoscale iron particles for environmental remediation: An Overview (Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2003, 5, 323, DOI: 10.1023/A:1025520116015).

Wei-xian’s work on environmental nanotechnology has received extensive media attention in the past with feature articles appearing in the New York Times, Popular Science, Wall Street Journal and MIT Technology Review. In addition, Wei-xian has experience as a consulting engineer for the Ministry of Electronic Industry of China.

We are very excited to add Wei-xian to our editorial board; Wei-xian’s vast wealth of experience and expertise will contribute to the development and progression of Environmental Science: Nano. Welcome aboard!

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How well do you know the Environmental Science: Nano team? Fact 3

You’ve seen them at conferences, you’ve read their papers but how well do you really know the people behind Environmental Science: Nano?

Over the next few months, we’ll be revealing little known facts about our team. Will there be skeletons in the closet or peculiar pastimes? Stay tuned to find out!

Fact 3: Did you know…..?

Editorial board member Michael Hochella has been an aviator for nearly 40 years. Mike’s father was a famous pilot, so flying is in his blood. He loves mountain and wilderness flying, especially piloting to remote airstrips deep into the wilds of Montana and other far-away destinations around the Pacific Northwest of the US, where he flies every summer. For an Earth scientist, this is heaven.

Sounds all Wright to us!

Have you read Fact 2?

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