Summertime DNA damage: Is it the sun or the suncream?

It’s becoming apparent to me that there are nanoparticles all over the place. My vision hasn’t increased outstandingly, but papers like this one in Environmental Science: Nano, which address materials that are used in consumer products, can bring home the relevance of this fast-paced scientific field to everyday life. Read on to find out how, if manufacturers aren’t careful, it might be possible that the suncream you use to protect your skin from UV radiation damage is introducing DNA mutations of its own.

Zinc oxide (ZnO) absorbs UVA and UVB wavelengths; exactly the ones we want to block out when we spend too long in the sun. ZnO is therefore the perfect suncream ingredient. However, micron-sized ZnO particles are bright white in visible light, and no one wants that streaky beach look. Nano-sized ZnO particles, however, are transparent to visible light and are therefore ideal for use in suncream and cosmetics that aim to protect us from UV radiation.

But there is a problem with using ZnO nanoparticles in cosmetics. They have a tendency to induce significant DNA damage and cytotoxicity.

With an increase in recent years in the use of ZnO nano structures in suncreams, efforts must be made to develop safer ZnO particles which maintain their optical properties whilst displaying reduced toxicity.

In this Environmental Science: Nano paper by Philip Demokritou and colleagues from Harvard University, ZnO nanorods were trapped in a biologically inert nanothin amorphous SiO2 coating during the gas phase of synthesis. The team then demonstrated, using human lymphoblastoid cells, that whilst encapsulation did not alter optical properties, the SiO2-coated ZnO produced significantly lower DNA damage than uncoated ZnO nanorods.

TEM images of the uncoated (a,b) and SiO2-coated (c,d) ZnO nanoparticles

Demokritou’s method, or an extension of it, could allow manufacturers to tick all the boxes: use colourless (aesthetically pleasing) ZnO nano structures to absorb the harmful UV rays your product protects against, whilst ensuring that the wearer isn’t slapping a cytotoxin all over their skin.

Download your free* copy of this paper by following the link below:

Engineered safer-by-design, transparent, silica-coated ZnO nanorods with reduced DNA damage potential, by Philip Demokritou and colleagues, DOI: 10.1039/C3EN00062A

*Access is free through a registered RSC account – click here to register

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Step away from the hairspray. Nanoparticle inhalation possible.

Fig 2. TEM micrographs of regular silver spray (a,b), regular disinfectant spray (c,d), regular hairspray (e,f), regular skin hydrating mist (g,h) and regular facial spray (i,j)

One of our latest Environmental Science: Nano papers focuses on quantification of inhalation exposure relating to aerosols.

The research, conducted by Gediminas Mainelis and colleagues from Rutgers University, USA, measured inhalation exposure and dose deposition of spray particles, as well as using electron microscopy to visually identify nano-objects. The team tested five ‘regular’ sprays and five nanotechnology-based sprays, with some interesting conclusions.

Electron microscopy showed that some regular sprays contained nanoparticles, whilst some nanoparticle sprays did not. Nanoparticles manufactured in small to moderate quantities, or those without novel molecular identities, may not be subject to regulation, meaning that it might be possible for them to appear in ‘regular’ sprays without the nanotechnology label.

Mainelis et al found no correlation between the presence and abundance of nano-objects and the determined inhalation exposures and in 7/10 sprays, the highest inhalation range was in the coarse particle (2.5-10um) range. Does this suggest that nanoparticles are less easily inhaled? In addition, 8/10 sprays produced high deposited doses, with deposition mostly in the head airways versus the alveolar region. This is an interesting insight, which lends itself to further toxicological study of inhalation exposure; is it better or worse for these particles to deposit mostly in our head airways rather than our lungs, and what are the effects of deposition?

As nanoparticle use continues to increase, it might be expected that regulation will increase with it. Mainelis’ study and quantitative results provide valuable data on the potential exposure associated with these sprays, and will aid both manufacturers and regulators in the development and safe use of these products. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not have hair spray particles floating around my airways.

To download your free copy* of Mainelis’ full paper, follow the link below:

Quantitative assessment of inhalation exposure and deposited dose of aerosol from nanotechnology-based consumer sprays, by G Mainelis, P Lioy and Y Nazrenko. DOI: 10.1039/C3EN00053B

*Access is free through a registered RSC account – click here to register

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Most accessed Environmental Science: Nano articles in Q4 2013

Most accessed articles from October – December 2013

Natural water chemistry (dissolved organic carbon, pH, and hardness) modulates colloidal stability, dissolution, and antimicrobial activity of citrate functionalized silver nanoparticles
Lok R. Pokhrel, Brajesh Dubey and Phillip R. Scheuerman
Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2014,1, 45-54
DOI: 10.1039/C3EN00017F

A chemical free, nanotechnology-based method for airborne bacterial inactivation using engineered water nanostructures
Georgios Pyrgiotakis, James McDevitt, Andre Bordini, Edgar Diaz, Ramon Molina, Christa Watson, Glen Deloid, Steve Lenard, Natalie Fix, Yosuke Mizuyama, Toshiyuki Yamauchi, Joseph Brain and Philip Demokritou
Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2014,1, 15-26
DOI: 10.1039/C3EN00007A

A minor lipid component of soy lecithin causes growth of triangular prismatic gold nanoparticles
Benjamin R. Ayres and Scott M. Reed
Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2014,1, 37-44
DOI: 10.1039/C3EN00015J

Alterations of intestinal serotonin following nanoparticle exposure in embryonic zebrafish
Rıfat Emrah Özel, Kenneth N. Wallace and Silvana Andreescu
Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2014,1, 27-36
DOI: 10.1039/C3EN00001J

Interactions between polybrominated diphenyl ethers and graphene surface: a DFT and MD investigation
Ning Ding, Xiangfeng Chen and Chi-Man Lawrence Wu
Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2014,1, 55-63
DOI: 10.1039/C3EN00037K

Quantification of carbon nanomaterials in vivo: direct stable isotope labeling on the skeleton of fullerene C60
Xue-Ling Chang, Longfei Ruan, Sheng-Tao Yang, Baoyun Sun, Cuibin Guo, Liangjun Zhou, Jinquan Dong, Hui Yuan, Gengmei Xing, Yuliang Zhao and Min Yang
Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2014,1, 64-70
DOI: 10.1039/C3EN00046J

Why not take a look at the articles today and blog your thoughts and comments below.

Fancy submitting an article to Environmental Science: Nano? Then why not submit to us today or alternatively email us your suggestions.

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Nanomaterials: Bin and burn?

It is inevitable that nanomaterials will enter the waste stream and be incinerated © Shutterstock

Scientists in the US have begun addressing the question of whether the disposal of nanomaterials could damage the environment, by investigating the fate of nanomaterials in incinerators.

Over the past few decades, nanomaterials have proven to be extremely useful, and as our understanding of their unique properties has increased, so has the variety of applications for which they have been used. For example, nanomaterials make excellent catalysts due to their very large surface area to volume ratios, and they are very popular in the medical industry as vehicles for the delivery of drugs into the body. But it’s not only in industry that nanomaterials have been making their mark, they are slowly but surely making their way into a myriad of consumer products as well. Nanomaterials are already being used as UV filters in sun cream and in cosmetics as colourants, and nanosilver is becoming popular as an antibacterial agent in fabrics and cleaning products.

Read the full article for free!

Characterization of particle emissions and fate of nanomaterials during incineration
Eric P. Vejerano, Elena C. Leon, Amara L. Holder and Linsey C. Marr
Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2014, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3EN00080J, Paper
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We celebrate inaugural Issue launch…with cake!

The Royal Society of Chemistry is very good at chemical science. Publishing it, promoting it, encouraging it, supporting it. We are constantly aiming to advance excellence in the chemical sciences.

…but there is also another thing we’re very good at, which is lesser known.


We do cake really well.

And so, Environmental Science: Nano demonstrated the RSC love for cake with a celebration of our inaugural issue – in sponge form. Managing Editor Harp Minhas cuts the Environmental Science: Nano cake, featuring our Philip Demokritou front cover, in the picture below.

A huge congratulations to the whole team, and to our excellent authors, for producing such a successful first Issue. We may have had our fill of cake for now, but we certainly haven’t had our fill of nanoscience…

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Stable isotopic labelling: a novel tool for assessing the biosafety of carbon nanomaterials

By Ian Keyte, Doctoral Researcher at University of Birmingham and web writer for the Royal Society of Chemistry Environmental Team

Evaluating the biosafety and environmental fate of carbon nanomaterials can be aided by the use of 13C isotopic labelling to improve their in vivo quantification and monitoring. This study conducted at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing discusses this approach.

The widespread use of carbon nanomaterials (NMs) such as fullerenes in a diverse range of applications such as biomedicine, electronics, and industrial practices will inevitably lead to their interaction with environmental and biological systems. The major barrier to the large-scale production and use of carbon NMs is fully understanding their biosafety and assessing how their unique structure and properties influence their potential effects.

To address this issue will require better knowledge of the exposure, pharmacokinetics, biodistribution and toxicity of carbon NMs. There is currently a lack of simple quantification methods for in vivo carbon NMs. In the past quantification of carbon NMs in blood and body tissue has been achieved by methods based on  high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS). However, other reliable methods are also available.

Isotopic labelling is also a favourable option. This commonly involves use of radioactive isotopes e.g. 14C, and 125I. However, these are subject to a number of drawbacks, as the synthesis and detection of these radioactive isotopes are complicated and this also leads to the creation radioactive wastes. Additionally, most radioactive isotopes can only be used for studying functionalized fullerenes.

The use of stable isotopes for fullerene labelling may avoid these problems. This approach of coupling the use of stable isotope labels with isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) detection has been used previously to quantify other carbon NMs such as quantum dots and nanotubes. This study by Xue-Ling Chang and co-workers represents the first time this approach of using 13C stable isotopic labelling on the carbon skeleton of fullerene has been attempted.

In this study, 13C-enriched fullerene (C60) was synthesised by the arc discharge method and purified by HPLC. The labelled fullerenes were dispersed in aqueous solutions assisted by CS2 and administered to test mice via i.v injection. Blood, tissue and organ samples were then collected and 13C enriched C60 content were monitored and quantified using IRMS.

Fig. 1: Schematic of experimental design

The enrichment of the 13C on the C60 skeleton was confirmed by assessing the MS and IR spectra data. The pharmacokinetics of the labelled fullerenes was investigated using both one-compartmental and two compartmental models.  C60 was shown to very rapidly clear from blood stream with a blood circulation half-life of 14 minutes calculated. The labelled C60 displayed selective accumulation in the RES organs, particularly, the liver, spleen and lungs with slight decreases noted within 24 hours of exposure.

The study demonstrates the feasibility of using 13C stable isotopically labelled fullerenes to trace and quantitatively monitor the bio-behaviour of carbon NMs like fullerenes in vivo. Researchers can therefore better trace the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of these materials. This approach is preferable as it does not introduce foreign atoms onto, nor does it damage or disrupt, the carbon network. The fullerene therefore retains its intrinsic structure so the labels will reflect the real properties of C60 structures.

This work provides a potential new platform to study the environmental and biological fate of carbon NMs, offering a sensitive, reliable and non-destructive method trace their effects in vivo. The authors also identify further areas of research for which the approach can be used, including the effects of long-term exposure, consequences of surface functionalisation, and potential metabolism mechanisms of carbon NMs.

Read the full paper by following the link below. Your copy is free with registration to an RSC account

Quantification of carbon nanomaterials in vivo: direct stable isotope labeling on the skeleton of fullerene C60, by Xue-Ling Chang et al. DOI: 10.1039/c3en00046j

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Graphene: a potentially useful adsorbent material for the extraction of polybrominated diphenyl ethers

By Ian Keyte, Doctoral Researcher at University of Birmingham and web writer for the Royal Society of Chemistry Environmental Team

Graphene nanomaterials have the potential to act as surfaces to rapidly extract persistent organic molecules such as PBDEs, therefore providing potential use in analytical and environmental chemistry applications, according to a new study by Ding and co-workers at Hong Kong University.

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are a class of organic compounds widely used as flame retardants in electrical equipment, furniture and textiles. PBDEs are of concern due to possible adverse health effects, including potential toxic and endocrine disrupting behaviour. This has led to the phasing out of their production, import and sale in many countries. However, PBDEs can migrate from existing products and are shown to bioaccumulate in the human body. Therefore, it is essential to find ways to monitor their levels in the environment in order to understand and minimize human exposure, and to develop methods to efficiently remove them from the environment.

Treatment methods for PBDEs have not yet been fully developed for any environmental medium. Recently, however, the low dimensional nanomaterial graphene has emerged as a potentially useful substance in this field. The large surface area to volume ratio, unique chemical and thermal stability and high adsorption capacity of graphene make it suitable for possible use as an adsorbent material for extraction, removal, sensing and degradation of pollutant molecules including aromatic organic compounds like PBDEs. It is important therefore to fully understand the adsorption behaviour of organic pollutants on graphene surfaces to optimise its potential usefulness.

The study by Ding and co workers provides a theoretical investigation of the mechanisms, properties and thermodynamics underlying the adsorption of PBDEs on graphene surfaces. These computer simulations are a preferred way to study this adsorption behaviour, providing a relatively cheap method of obtaining fundamental information that avoids the limitations of using experimental laboratory studies. This is the first study of its kind to attempt this approach.

The method involved investigating adsorption mechanisms of nine PBDEs and DE on graphene in an aqueous environment using density functional theory (DFT) and molecular dynamics (MD) methods. The approach employed both local density approximation (LDA) and generalized gradient approximation (GGA) with the DFT method, corrected to take into account dispersive forces. MD simulations were carried out to supplement the DFT calculations using the COMPASS force field.

The results indicate the adsorption of PBDEs to graphene is very fast, confirming the remarkable performance of graphene in this extraction process. Electronic density of states, charge transfer analysis, and thermodynamic analysis indicate that PBDE adsorption to graphene is primarily controlled by physiosoption. It was shown that interaction strengths between PBDEs and graphene increased with the degree of bromination, due to relatively strong interactions between bromine atoms and the graphene surface.

For compounds without ortho-substitution, adsorption energies exhibited a positive linear correlation between interaction strength of PBDEs and DEs with compound hydrophobicity, while PBDEs with ortho-substitution displayed different adsorption behaviour influenced by steric hindrance. However, adsorption is not simply controlled by the hydrophobicity of the adsorbate. The authors indicate that π-π interactions play a more important role in the PBDE adsorption system and confirm that van der Waals interactions are a dominant factor governing the π-π stacking behaviour.

This study enhances our understanding of adsorption chemistry of aromatic organic pollutants on graphene nanomaterials. This knowledge will help open up the potential use of these materials in analytical and environmental chemistry applications. Therefore, this paper will be of interest to researchers in these broad fields, particularly those interested in laboratory extraction procedures, wastewater treatment processes and contaminated land remediation.

Click on the link below to download your copy of this newly published paper – and remember – it’s FREE TO ACCESS with an RSC publishing account!

Interactions between polybrominated diphenyl ethers and graphene surface: a DFT and MD investigation, Ning Ding, Xiangfeng Chen, and Chi-Man Lawrence Wu. DOI: 10.1039/c3en00037k

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Welcoming more members to the Environmental Science: Nano board

Environmental Science: Nano welcomes three more members to its board. Find out who they are and a bit about their research below…

Professor Kristin Schirmer

Kristin joins us as a third Associate Editor, working in conjunction with Jim and Greg, to handle and process our incoming submissions.

Professor Kristin Schirmer is presently the Head of the Department of Environmental Toxicology at the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Eawag, Switzerland. She studied for her Ph.D. in Canada, at the University of Waterloo.

Kristin has vast experience within biological environmental research; in 2007 she received three separate awards for her achievements: the SETAC Environmental Education Award, the Felix-Wankel Animal Welfare Research Award and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) Stimulus Award for Technology Transfer for the Ceramic Toximeter passive sampler.

Kristin’s primary research interest is in environmental toxicology and animal cell biology. She has a particular interest in how environmental contaminants, including engineered nanoparticles, interact with aquatic organisms. Kristin is working towards linking changes on the molecular level to whole organism and population level effects and the advancement of in vitro approaches to enable resource-efficient environmental monitoring and a reduction in the use of animals in toxicology.

Dr Frank von der Kammer

Frank joins the editorial board as a representative from the University of Vienna, where he is currently Head of the Nanogeosciences Division and vice Head of the Department for Environmental Geosciences. Frank completed his PhD with highest honour at Hamburg University of Technology and has since acted as a visiting Professor at the University of Pau and at the University of Aix-Marseille.

Frank’s research interests include environmental colloids, their dynamic behaviour and interaction with trace elements, natural nano-scale processes, nanoparticle characterization, engineered nanoparticles in the environment and the application of field flow fractionation to characterize nanoparticles in complex samples. He has published more than 50 peer-reviewed papers within both nano research and nanoparticle characterization.

Professor Robert Hamers

Bob joins the Nano editorial board alongside Frank. Currently, Robert is a Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a Department which he Chaired between 2007-2010. This year Robert contributed to the Frontiers in Chemical Research Distinguished Lecturer Series, Texas A&M University, and in 2012 won an American Chemical Society National Award in colloid and surface chemistry.

Robert’s research interests predominantly focus on environmental health and safety of nanomaterials. His research investigates the environmental impact and potentials safety issues associated with release of nanomaterials in the environment and his team are engaged in research projects aimed at understanding how the size, shape, and surface functional groups impact the bioavailability and toxicity of nanomaterials. He is particularly interested in the biochemical effects of nanoparticles, addressing questions such as “how do nanoparticles impact protein folding processes?” and “do nanoparticles induce genetic mutations or other trans-generational effects?”.

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Annual SNO conference builds sustainable nanotechnology community

By Omowunmi “Wunmi” Sadik, SUNY-Binghamton, Barbara Karn, National Science Foundation, and Harp Minhas, Royal Society of Chemistry

The Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization (SNO) is a Professional and international non-profit society, which held its 2nd annual conference on November 3 – 5 2013 at the Fess Parker’s Double Tree Hotel in Santa Barbara, California. The conference was chaired by Dr. Arturo Keller of the University of California at Santa Barbara.

SNO focuses on advancing sustainable nanotechnology around the world through education, research, and the promotion of responsible use of nanotechnology ( The conference brought together scientists and experts from around the world, both from academia, industry and government agencies, to present and discuss current research findings on the subject of nanotechnology and sustainability. The conference was also attended by members of the press and nongovernmental organizations, and had an increase in attendance by 20% over 2012.

During the meeting it was announced that SNO will partnership with new journal Environmental Science: Nano, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry. Environmental Science: Nano will represent SNO as the Organisation’s official journal and is free to access to all SNO members for two years from launch. It is hoped that members will support this journal with submissions (please see end of post for more details). The journal offers great benefits, including free colour, no page limits and an efficient review process.

As well as this exciting announcement, the SNO conference featured an exciting three days of activities, including outstanding technical programs and cutting-edge research on nanotechnology and sustainability. Presentations included 6 plenary speakers, 154 platform presentations, and 46 poster presentations, which were drawn from early faculty career investigators, postdoctoral fellows, students, and industrial participants. In addition, prior to the Conference, SNO’s first Nanoceria workshop was held, which was led by Robert Yokel in conjunction with the University of Kentucky.

Although SNO is a relatively new organization it has formed an excellent basis to drive it towards a strong and sustainable future. The annual conference provides a place for the formation and advancement of the new community of sustainable nanotechnology. 2013’s conference program was built around providing plenty of time for networking and social interactions; this included the Sunday evening welcome reception and banquet, which allowed for community development.

Attendants at the 2013 Conference represented a vast geographical area, with participants from almost all states of the USA, as well as international participants from Canada, France, Great Britain, India, Korea, Japan and Poland. In addition, approx. 25% of the participants were women, and a sizeable student presence was recorded, indicative of the “recentness” of the field. These young scientists bring fresh appeal to the organization and SNO aims to support and honour them; $500 prizes were awarded to 26 graduate students based on their resumes and the relevance of their research to sustainability and nanotechnology.

If you would like to submit to Environmental Science: Nano, please use the following submission link:

Alternatively, please speak to a member of our Editorial Board at this address

Associate Editors: Greg Lowry, (Carnegie Mellon University), James Hutchison (University of Oregon), Kristin Schirmer (Eawag, Switzerland)

Chair and Editor-in-Chief: Vicki Grassian (University of Iowa)

Vice-Chair: Christy Haynes (University of Minesota)

Details of our full Editorial Board can be found here:

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Environmental Science: Nano – the benefits!

Here are a few reminders of the great benefits of publishing with Environmental Science: Nano

– Free colour on all figures

– No page charges or limits

– Fast Publication (<100 days on average)

– Individual promotion of HOT articles

– Papers processed by peers in the field

– Free electronic reprints

– NIH Compliant

– Simple and effective submission process (

– High quality content

– Free access to all content for the first 2 years after launch*

* Access is free through a registered RSC account – click here to register

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