You still have time to make your nomination for an RSC Prize or Award…
With over 80 to choose from covering all areas of the chemical sciences – industry, research, business or education – recognition is open to everyone. As well as this professional recognition, winners could receive up to £5,000 prize money.
You can reward scientific excellence in any of the following nomination categories:
• Analytical Chemistry
Do you know someone who has made an outstanding and innovative contribution in the field
of analytical science, or used analytical science to make a significant contribution in a related area?
• Chemists working in the Biosciences
Do you know someone who has made an exceptional contribution to research at the
chemistry/biology interface? The RSC rewards excellence in both industry and academia, for
research spanning all aspects of the interaction between chemistry and the life sciences.
• Chemists working in Industry and Technology
Rewards both individual and team contributions to the chemical sciences industry, specifically
recognising those playing a key role in enhancing and advancing industrial technologies.
• Chemistry in Education
Do you know someone who has made a significant contribution to teaching the chemical sciences,
developed innovative materials for students or is based in industry and has played a key role in
promoting the chemical sciences in education?
• Chemists working in Environment, Sustainability, and Energy
Do you know someone who has made an outstanding contribution to the chemical sciences in the
areas of environment, sustainability, energy or toxicology?
• Inorganic Chemistry
Do you know someone who has advanced research in inorganic chemistry by developing new
organometallic compounds, or by providing vital insight into catalytic processes?
• Materials Chemistry
Do you know someone who has made an exceptional contribution in the field of materials
chemistry, helped to develop new materials with industry, or pioneered new techniques for the
benefit of materials research.
• Organic Chemistry
Rewards excellence in both industry and academia, for original research in any aspect of organic
chemistry, as well as specific areas including organometallic and physical organic chemistry.
• Physical Chemistry
Do you know someone who has made an outstanding and innovative contribution to the fields of
physical or theoretical chemistry?
Nominate before 15 January to reward excellence in the chemical sciences