Archive for November, 2016

Poster prize winners at the 10th Symposium on Biorelevant Chemistry

Congratulations to the two poster prize winners at the 10th Symposium on Biorelevant Chemistry!

We were pleased to present prizes to these winners:

Yuuma Shisaka (Nagoya University) – Molecular BioSystems Poster Prize
Title: ‘Interaction Analysis of Hemoprotein HasA with Captured Synthetic Metal Complexes and Its Specific Receptor HasR from Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

Yuki Imakura (University of Tokyo) – Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry Poster Prize
Title: ‘Design of long-lived hyperpolarized probes based on T1 relaxation mechanism’

Organized by the Chemical Society of Japan, the Biorelevant Chemistry Symposium took place from 7-9 September 2016 in Kanazawa, Japan and was attended by a total of 430 delegates.

From left to right: Professor Hisakazu Mihara (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Chair of the Division of Biofunctional Chemistry, Chemical Society of Japan), Professor Nobutaka Fujieda (Osaka University, Poster award committee co-chair), Mr Yuuma Shisaka (Nagoya Univerisity, Molecular BioSystems award winner), Mr Yuki Imakura (Nagoya Univerisity, OBC award winner), Professor Kenji Yokoyama (Tokyo University of Technology, Chair of the Division of Biotechnology, Chemical Society of Japan), Professor Asanuma Hiroyuki (Nagoya University, Poster award committee chair), Professor Masato Saito (Osaka University, Poster award committee co-chair).

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An efficient second-generation total synthesis of Aplyronine A

The importance of natural products in health and medicine is enormous owing to their diverse biological activities and their role as a basis for drug development. Endeavours in total synthesis have attracted some of the most talented organic chemists–providing intellectual and creative outlets–and have been central to the evolution and technical development of organic synthesis.

In the early 1990’s, Professor Hideo Kigoshi of the University of Tsukuba reported the first total synthesis of the marine macrolide Aplyronine A which is still a highly desirable synthetic target due to its potent and unique biological properties.

In collaboration with Professor Ichiro Hayakawa of Okayama University, the group has recently published a highly efficient second-generation total synthesis of Aplyronine A which requires fewer synthetic steps and boasts an improved overall yield. Issues with poor stereoselectivity, regioselectivity and isomerization were overcome through the optimization of a Ni/Cr-mediated coupling.

As shown in the retrosynthetic pathway below, Aplyronine A was obtained from 10, the same intermediate used in the first generation synthesis however, instead of the Julia coupling between ketone and sulfone-containing fragments, the macrolactone 11 was cyclized via an intramolecular Ni/Cr-mediated coupling. This modification drastically reduced the number of unwanted byproducts obtained from the Julia coupling and eliminated the need to employ a modified Yamaguchi lactonization which had resulted in the formation of an undesired 26-membered lactone that required an additional isomerization to yield the desired product. Precursor 11 was constructed through an intermolecular esterification between carboxylic acid 12 and alcohol 13 which were each prepared through asymmetric Ni/Cr-mediated couplings. In the case of the carboxylic acid, route efficiency was further enhanced as this strategy resulted in the simultaneous formation of the C14–C15 (E)-trisubstituted double bond and the C13 stereogenic center through the use of a chiral ligand.

In addition to establishing an efficient synthetic pathway to Aplyronine A, the Ni/Cr-mediated coupling has significant potential in the preparation of structurally diverse derivatives which may result in enhanced biological activity and the discovery of a novel lead.

The popularity of natural products as synthetic targets will continue as they provide unparalleled inspiration for drug leads and the synthesis of non-natural compounds. Strategies to develop concise and efficient synthetic routes are significantly important not only in terms of their utility in medicine but in the downstream application of novel synthetic methodologies developed during the process of their total synthesis.

To find out more see:

Second generation total synthesis of aplyronine A featuring Ni/Cr-mediated coupling reactions
Ichiro Hayakawa, Keita Saito, Sachiko Matsumoto, Shinichi Kobayashi, Ayaka Taniguchi, Kenichi Kobayashi, Yusuke Fujii, Takahiro Kanekob and Hideo Kigoshi
DOI: 10.1039/C6OB02241C

Victoria Corless is currently completing her Ph.D. in organic chemistry with Prof. Andrei Yudin at The University of Toronto. Her research is centred on the synthesis of kinetically amphoteric molecules, which offer a versatile platform for the development of chemoselective transformations with particular emphasis on creating novel biologically active molecules.

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Halogen bonding in anion recognition and sensing

As part of an ongoing research programme in host-guest supramolecular chemistry, Professor Paul Beer of Oxford University has been developing methods for the synthesis of interlocking molecular architectures based on halogen bond donor motifs.

Halogen bonding interactions—the noncovalent, attractive interaction between an electron deficient halogen (X) and a Lewis base (B)—are slowly becoming more prevalent as a complimentary alternative to more commonly used binding interactions. Since its discovery in the late 1960’s, anion recognition chemistry has developed from an interesting area of academic research to a pillar of supramolecular chemistry. In recent years, there has been dramatic advancements within the field that have resulted in a number of practical applications such as organocatalysis involving ion complexation, ion extraction from mixtures and the development of sensory devices and molecular switches.

Anions play fundamental roles in a large number of biological, chemical, medicinal and environmental processes and nature’s binders typically complex anions through intricate networks of electrostatic interactions. The ability to mimic the selectivity of biological systems in artificial settings has been a longstanding challenge in this field.

In a recent OBC publication, the Beer group successfully synthesized two mono-cationic and two dicationic halogen and hydrogen bonding rotaxane anion recognition systems (see figure) and successfully demonstrated the enhanced binding affinity and selectivity of the dicationic halogen bonding analogue relative to its hydrogen bond-containing counterpart. In addition, the dicationic halogen bonding system displayed an enhanced preference for binding to bromine anions over other halides, nitrate and dihydrogen phosphate oxoanions. NMR binding studies reveal that the enhanced strength and selectivity of halide recognition is the result of chelated charge assisted halogen bonding interactions in the dicationic system. This study elegantly demonstrates efforts in exploiting the XB chelate effect to improve anion binding affinity and selectivity. Halogen bonding is still an emerging area of research however, examples such as this highlight its utility as a complementary mode of binding when compared to other more established interactions and will no doubt lead to an evolution in anion receptor design.

To find out more see:

Chelated charge assisted halogen bonding enhanced halide recognition by a pyridinium-iodotriazolium axle containing [2]rotaxane
Alexander E. Hess and Paul D. Beer
DOI: 10.1039/C6OB01851C

Victoria Corless is currently completing her Ph.D. in organic chemistry with Prof. Andrei Yudin at The University of Toronto. Her research is centred on the synthesis of kinetically amphoteric molecules, which offer a versatile platform for the development of chemoselective transformations with particular emphasis on creating novel biologically active molecules.

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