Welcoming Prof. Heike Brötz-Oesterhelt to the NPR Editorial Board

Prof. Heike Brötz-Oesterhelt

Prof. Heike Brötz-Oesterhelt

Natural Product Reports is delighted to welcome Professor Heike Brötz-Oesterhelt to the Editorial Board.

Heike Brötz-Oesterhelt holds a degree in Microbiology from the University of Bonn. After her PhD in 1997, she joined the Anti-Infectives Research Department of Bayer HealthCare, leading hit and lead discovery teams for 8 years. In 2004, she co-founded the anti-infective biotech company AiCuris, Wuppertal, Germany. She returned to academia as a professor for Pharmaceutical Biology at the University of Duesseldorf in 2010, and four years later became Chair of the Department of Microbial Bioactive Compounds at the University of Tuebingen. She is speaker of the Transregional Collaborative Research Centre TRR261 ‘Cellular Mechanisms of Antibiotic Action and Production’ and co-speaker of the Cluster of Excellence “Controlling Microbes to Fight Infection”.

Heike is particularly interested in the molecular mechanisms of new antibacterial natural products and the operation modes of novel antibiotic targets. Find out more about Heike’s research on her webpage, or by reading her Open Access NPR article below:

Conformational control of the bacterial Clp protease by natural product antibiotics

Nat. Prod. Rep., 2017,34, 815-831
Graphical abstract: Conformational control of the bacterial Clp protease by natural product antibiotics
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Winner of the 2021 NPR Emerging Investigator Lectureship

Hans Renata receives the 2021 Natural Product Reports Emerging Investigator Lectureship

The annual Natural Product Reports Emerging Investigator Lectureship recognises a researcher who has made a significant contribution to a natural products-related area of the chemical sciences in their early independent career.

We are delighted to announce that Associate Professor Hans Renata has been chosen by the NPR Editorial Board as this year’s receipient of the lectureship.

It is an honor to receive the 2021 Natural Product Reports Emerging Investigator Lectureship. I would like to thank the selection committee, my mentors and colleagues (Phil, Frances, Ben, Ryan, Keary) who have supported me over the years, and last but not least, my lab members for their hard work and creativity, without which this work would not be possible.” – Prof. Hans Renata

His lectureship will be held virtually at date to be confirmed. To stay up to date with future announcements, follow us on Twitter @NatProdReports or sign-up to our news alerts.

More about Hans

Hans Renata received his B.A. degree from Columbia University in 2008 and earned his Ph.D. from The Scripps Research Institute in 2013 under the guidance of Prof. Phil S. Baran. After postdoctoral studies with Prof. Frances H. Arnold at Caltech, he began his independent career at The Scripps Research Institute in 2016. His research focuses on synthetic and biosynthetic studies of natural products and biocatalytic reaction developments.

Find out more about him and the work his lab is doing on their webpage.


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Nominate for the 2021 Emerging Investigator Lectureship

Nominations are now open for the 2021 Natural Product Reports Emerging Investigator Lectureship.

This lectureship recognises a researcher who has made a significant contribution to a natural products-related area of the chemical sciences in their early independent career. Nominations can be made by anyone, so why not nominate a colleague, collaborator, or someone whose work you admire today?

Nominations must be submitted by 30 October 2020

Who can be nominated?

To be eligible for the Natural Product Reports Emerging Investigator Lectureship candidates must be within the first six years of their independent career, either in academia or industry, have started publishing independent papers and have made a significant contribution to natural products-related research.

How to nominate

Those wishing to make a nomination should email the following details to the Editorial Office at npr-rsc@rsc.org by 30 October 2020:

  • The name, affiliation and (if possible) web address of the nominee
  • At least one paragraph outlining the reasons for nomination. This should include brief details of the nominee’s contributions to their field. Additional supporting information, for example their CV, would be helpful but is not mandatory for making a nomination.

Selection procedure

The Natural Product Reports Editorial Board will draw up a short-list of candidates based on the information provided at nomination. The board will then vote to select the recipient and the winner will be announced in late 2020.

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Natural Product Reports welcomes new Advisory Members

We are delighted to welcome Professor Craig Williams (The University of Queensland), and Professor Christopher Boddy (University of Ottawa), and Dr. Sandra Loesgen (University of Florida) to the Natural Product Reports team as Advisory Board Members.

Craig Williams completed his BSc (Hons) and PhD (1997) at Flinders University of South Australia and is now Associate Professor at University of Queensland. His research is on investigating strategies towards the total synthesis of very complex natural products and designing and discovering novel biologically active molecules for use as medicines in cancer, Alzheimer’s and for pain treatments.
Sandra Loesgen is currently Associate Professor of Chemistry at the Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience, and part of the Chemistry Department at University of Florida. Her research focuses on the identification and development of drug leads from the metabolic products of microbial organisms, with a special emphasis on endophytic fungi and rare actinomycetes. In particular, her research program currently focuses on the discovery of new anticancer, antimicrobial, and antiviral compounds from microbial sources.
Christopher Boddy is currently Professor at the University of Ottawa. His research is on harnessing biosynthetic pathways to produce complex molecules. His group uses synthetic chemistry and biochemistry to try to determine how microorganisms construct complex biologically active molecules and to use these biosynthetic pathways to produce complex natural products and their analogs. The goal is to develop enzyme inhibitors, study mechanisms of action, or determine structure-activity relationships.

Find some of their most recent RSC publications below:

Key achievements in the total synthesis of vibsane-type diterpenoids
Nat. Prod. Rep., 2012, 29, 440-448, DOI: 10.1039/C2NP00067A, Highlight

The value of universally available raw NMR data for transparency, reproducibility, and integrity in natural product research
Nat. Prod. Rep., 2019, 36, 35-107, DOI: 10.1039/C7NP00064B, Review Article

The clerodane ring system: investigating the viability of a direct Diels–Alder approach
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2011, 9, 4745-4747, DOI: 10.1039/C1OB05422H, Communication

Correction: The value of universally available raw NMR data for transparency, reproducibility, and integrity in natural product research
Nat. Prod. Rep., 2019, 36, 248-249, DOI: 10.1039/C8NP90041H, Correction

Pharmaceuticals that contain polycyclic hydrocarbon scaffolds
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 7737-7763, DOI: 10.1039/C4CS00477A, Review Article

Copper(I)-catalyzed cycloaddition of silver acetylides and azides: Incorporation of volatile acetylenes into the triazole core
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2011, 9, 6082-6088, DOI: 10.1039/C1OB05360D, Paper

EBC-318 and 339: bicyclo[10.2.1]alkanes from Croton insularis
RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 25110-25113, DOI: 10.1039/C6RA02599D, Communication

Competition between cluster fragmentation, C–C bond coupling and C–X bond activation in silver hexynyl cluster cations, [(C4H9CCAg)nAg]+. Size does matter!
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2009, 11, 4132-4135, DOI: 10.1039/B904687A, Communication

Croton insularis introduces the seco-casbane class with EBC-329 and the first casbane endoperoxide EBC-324
Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 12315-12317, DOI: 10.1039/C4CC05413J, Communication

1,4-Diazacubane crystal structure rectified as piperazinium
Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 11751-11753, DOI: 10.1039/C9CC06272F, Communication

N,N,N′,N′-Tetramethylenediamine dioxide (TMEDAO2) facilitates atom economical/open atmosphere Ley–Griffith (TPAP) tandem oxidation-Wittig reactions
Green Chem., 2015, 17, 4537-4540, DOI: 10.1039/C5GC01346A, Communication

Enantioselective total synthesis of (−)-neovibsanin G and (−)-14-epi-neovibsanin G
Chem. Commun., 2012, 48, 287-289, DOI: 10.1039/C1CC15995J, Communication

7-Step total synthesis of (+)-EBC-329: Photoisomerisation reveals new seco-casbane family member
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2017, 15, 7102-7105, DOI: 10.1039/C7OB01400G, Communication

N-Oxides rescue Ru(V) in catalytic Griffith–Ley (TPAP) alcohol oxidations
Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 10301-10304, DOI: 10.1039/C6CC05440D, Communication

A concise total synthesis of (±)-cipadonoid B from synthetic azedaralide
Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 2258-2260, DOI: 10.1039/C0CC04698A, Communication

Enantioselective synthesis of (R)-2-cubylglycine including unprecedented rhodium mediated C–H insertion of cubane
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2019, 17, 1067-1070, DOI: 10.1039/C8OB02959H, Communication

Unprecedented photochemical induced cascading rearrangement of the 3-azabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane skeleton
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2004, 2, 806-807, DOI: 10.1039/B402200A, Communication

Experimental determination of the gas phase proton affinities of the conjugate base anions of 2-iodoxybenzoic acid (IBX) and 2-iodosobenzoic acid (IBA)
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2008, 6, 2530-2533, DOI: 10.1039/B803452D, Paper

Elucidating the mechanism of the Ley–Griffith (TPAP) alcohol oxidation
Chem. Sci., 2017, 8, 8435-8442, DOI: 10.1039/C7SC04260D, Edge Article

The cubane paradigm in bioactive molecule discovery: further scope, limitations and the cyclooctatetraene complement
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2019, 17, 6790-6798, DOI: 10.1039/C9OB01238A, Paper

sp–sp3 Coupling reactions of alkynylsilver cations, RC[triple bond, length as m-dash]CAg2+ (R = Me and Ph) with allyliodide
Dalton Trans., 2013, 42, 9462-9467, DOI: 10.1039/C2DT32143B, Paper

Polyketide synthase and non-ribosomal peptide synthetase thioesterase selectivity: logic gate or a victim of fate?
Nat. Prod. Rep., 2016, 33, 183-202, DOI: 10.1039/C4NP00148F, Review Article

The role of transcription in heterologous expression of polyketides in bacterial hosts
Nat. Prod. Rep., 2013, 30, 1391-1411, DOI: 10.1039/C3NP70060G, Review Article

Chemoenzymatic macrocycle synthesis using resorcylic acid lactone thioesterase domains
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2018, 16, 5771-5779, DOI: 10.1039/C8OB01512K, Paper


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New Editorial Board Members – Natural Product Reports

We are delighted to warmly welcome three new Editorial Board Members to our Natural Product ReportsProfessor Dong-Chan Oh (Seoul National University, South Korea), and Professor Eriko Takano (University of Manchester, UK), and Professor Changsheng Zhang (South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, China Academy of Sciences, China).

Dong-Chan Oh studied oceanography and chemistry at Seoul National University, Republic of Korea. He obtained Ph. D. in marine natural products chemistry at Scripps Institution of Oceanography in 2006. After graduation, he joined Harvard Medical School as a postdoctoral research fellow and later worked as an instructor. In 2009, he started his independent academic career at Natural Products Research Institute, College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University in Korea. He conducted his research as a Howard Hughes Medical Institute International Early Career Scientist from 2012 to 2017. Dong-Chan Oh is currently a full professor of College of Pharmacy and the director of Natural Products Research Institute at Seoul National University.

His research focuses on the discovery, the structure elucidation, and the stereochemical determination of new bioactive natural products from microbes.

Eriko Takano is the Professor of Synthetic Biology in the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, Department of Chemistry, School of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering, at the University of Manchester since 2012. In 2014, she was appointed as one of the three directors for the EPSRC/BBSRC-funded Manchester Synthetic Biology Research Centre, SYNBIOCHEM and in 2018, she was appointed as the deputy head of department of Chemistry. Eriko graduated from Kitasato University in Japan and did her undergraduate project with Prof Satoshi Omura (2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine), before working at a R&D facility for a company, Meiji Seika Kaisha, for several years. After leaving industry, she obtained her PhD at the John Innes Institute, Norwich, UK, in 1994 on the regulation of antibiotic production in Streptomyces coelicolor. Before her arrival in Manchester, she had been Associate Professor at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, and Assistant Professor (C1) at the Department of Microbiology / Biotechnology, University of Tübingen, in Germany.

Eriko is internationally recognized as a pioneer in the synthetic biology of microbes for antibiotic production. Her interests are in bioinformatics software development for designing natural products producers; untargeted metabolomics for chassis engineering in Streptomyces; secondary metabolite biosynthesis pathway assembly; and regulatory circuit engineering through signalling molecules and non-coding RNAs. Eriko has published 103 peer-reviewed papers and 4 book chapters and holds 5 patents. She is the Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology and has served as an expert advisor for the European Commission Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks on synthetic biology, where she contributed to a series of three official Opinions with major impact on the development of the field.

Changsheng Zhang obtained a BSc. in Biology (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China, 1994) and an MSc. in Biotechnolgy (East China University of Science and Technology, 1997). In 2002, he obtained his Ph.D in Chemical Microbiology (Bergische University of Wuppertal, Germany) with Prof. Dr. W. Piepersberg. He carried out postdoctoral research on natural product glycosylation studies with J. S. Thorson at University of Wisconsin, Madison (2003-2008). In 2008, he joined the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, China Academy of Sciences.

His research interest focuses on marine polycyclic natural product discovery and biosynthesis

You can find some of their most recent RSC publications below:

Bioinformatics for the synthetic biology of natural products: integrating across the Design–Build–Test cycle
Pablo Carbonell, Andrew Currin, Adrian J. Jervis, Nicholas J. W. Rattray, Neil Swainston, Cunyu Yan, Eriko Takano and Rainer Breitling
Nat. Prod. Rep., 2016, 33, 925-932, DOI: 10.1039/C6NP00018E, Highlight

Switchable foldamer ion channels with antibacterial activity
Anna D. Peters, Stefan Borsley, Flavio della Sala, Dominic F. Cairns-Gibson, Marios Leonidou, Jonathan Clayden, George F. S. Whitehead, Iñigo J. Vitórica-Yrezábal, Eriko Takano, John Burthem, Scott L. Cockroft and Simon J. Webb
Chem. Sci., 2020, Advance Article, DOI: 10.1039/D0SC02393K, Edge Article

Functional characterization of the halogenase SpmH and discovery of new deschloro-tryptophan dimers
Zhiwen Liu, Liang Ma, Liping Zhang, Wenjun Zhang, Yiguang Zhu, Yuchan Chen, Weimin Zhang and Changsheng Zhang
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2019, 17, 1053-1057, DOI: 10.1039/C8OB02775G, Communication

Heterologous expression of the trichostatin gene cluster and functional characterization of N-methyltransferase TsnB8
Wei Liu, Vinay Gopal Jannu, Zhiwen Liu, Qingbo Zhang, Xiaodong Jiang, Liang Ma, Wenjun Zhang, Changsheng Zhang and Yiguang Zhu
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2020, 18, 3649-3653, DOI: 10.1039/D0OB00617C, Communication

Activation and characterization of a cryptic gene cluster reveals a cyclization cascade for polycyclic tetramate macrolactams
Subhasish Saha, Wenjun Zhang, Guangtao Zhang, Yiguang Zhu, Yuchan Chen, Wei Liu, Chengshan Yuan, Qingbo Zhang, Haibo Zhang, Liping Zhang, Weimin Zhang and Changsheng Zhang
Chem. Sci., 2017, 8, 1607-1612, DOI: 10.1039/C6SC03875A, Edge Article

Identification and bioactivity evaluation of secondary metabolites from Antarctic-derived Penicillium chrysogenum CCTCC M 2020019
Imran Khan, Haibo Zhang, Wei Liu, Liping Zhang, Fang Peng, Yuchan Chen, Qingbo Zhang, Guangtao Zhang, Weimin Zhang and Changsheng Zhang
RSC Adv., 2020, 10, 20738-20744, DOI: 10.1039/D0RA03529G, Paper

Characterization of the flavoenzyme XiaK as an N-hydroxylase and implications in indolosesquiterpene diversification
Qingbo Zhang, Huixian Li, Lu Yu, Yu Sun, Yiguang Zhu, Hanning Zhu, Liping Zhang, Shu-Ming Li, Yuemao Shen, Changlin Tian, Ang Li, Hung-wen Liu and Changsheng Zhang
Chem. Sci., 2017, 8, 5067-5077, DOI: 10.1039/C7SC01182B

Flavoenzyme CrmK-mediated substrate recycling in caerulomycin biosynthesis
Yiguang Zhu, Marie-Ève Picard, Qingbo Zhang, Julie Barma, Xavier Murphy Després, Xiangui Mei, Liping Zhang, Jean-Baptiste Duvignaud, Manon Couture, Weiming Zhu, Rong Shi and Changsheng Zhang
Chem. Sci., 2016, 7, 4867-4874, DOI: 10.1039/C6SC00771F, Edge Article

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2020 Natural Product Reports Emerging Investigator Lectureship

It is with great pleasure that we announce Prof. Alison Narayan (University of Michigan) as the recipient of the 2020 Natural Product Reports Emerging Investigator Lectureship

The Natural Product Reports Emerging Investigator Lectureship recognises a researcher who has made a significant contribution to a natural products-related area of the chemical sciences in their early independent career.


We are delighted to announce that Professor Alison Narayan has been chosen by the Natural Product Reports Editorial Board to receive the 2020 Natural Product Reports Emerging Investigator Lectureship.


Her lab is interested in harnessing the powerful reactivity and selectivity of chemistry that exists in nature, to develop new tools and approaches for creating biologically interesting and beneficial molecules.


More about Alison…

Alison obtained an undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan before pursuing a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley. In 2012, she joined the Sherman lab at the University of Michigan as a postdoctoral research fellow and in 2015, Alison began her independent career at University of Michigan as an assistant professor.  Alison’s main research interest is identifiying enzymes from secondary metabolite pathways with potential synthetic utility and developing methods based on these biocatalysts to enable access to biologically active target molecules.


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Nominations open for 2020 Emerging Investigator Lectureship

Nominations are now open for the 2020 Natural Product Reports Emerging Investigator Lectureship.

This lectureship recognises a researcher who has made a significant contribution to a natural products-related area of the chemical sciences in their early independent career. Nominations can be made by anyone, so why not nominate a colleague, collaborator, or someone whose work you admire today?

Nominate by 30 September 2019

Who can be nominated?

To be eligible for the Natural Product Reports Emerging Investigator Lectureship candidates must be within the first six years of their independent career, either in academia or industry, have started publishing independent papers and have made a significant contribution to natural products-related research.

Lectureship details

The recipient will be invited to present a lecture at a conference during 2020 and will receive £500 towards travel and accommodation costs. They will also be presented with a commemorative framed certificate and invited to contribute an article to Natural Product Reports.

How to nominate

Those wishing to make a nomination should email the following details to the Editorial Office at npr-rsc@rsc.org by 30 September 2019:

  • The name, affiliation and (if possible) web address of the nominee
  • At least one paragraph outlining the reasons for nomination. This should include brief details of the nominee’s contributions to their field. Additional supporting information, for example their CV, would be helpful but is not mandatory for making a nomination.

Selection procedure

The Natural Product Reports Editorial Board will draw up a short-list of candidates based on the information provided at nomination. The board will then vote to select the recipient and the winner will be announced in late 2019.

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Mo Seyedsayamdost wins the 2019 NPR Emerging Investigator Lectureship

Mo receiving the NPR Emerging Investigator Lectureship

Earlier this year, Natural Product Reports was delighted to announce that Professor Mohammad R. “Mo” Seyedsayamdost was chosen by the Natural Product Reports Editorial Board to receive the 2019 Natural Product Reports Emerging Investigator Lectureship, which he has now been awarded at the recent ACS Orlando symposium.

The Natural Product Reports Emerging Investigator Lectureship recognises a researcher who has made a significant contribution to a natural products-related area of the chemical sciences in their early independent career.

“It is an honor and a privilege to receive the NPR Emerging Investigator Lectureship.

I am grateful to the selection committee, my mentors (Liz, JoAnne, Jon, and Roberto) for their constant support, as well as the members of my lab for their hard work.” – Prof. Mo Seyedsayamdost


More about Mo…

Mo obtained an undergraduate degree from Brandeis University and completed his thesis in the laboratory of Prof. Lizbeth Hedstrom. He then joined the Department of Chemistry at MIT and earned a PhD degree under the guidance of Prof. JoAnne Stubbe. His PhD thesis investigated the mechanism of long-range radical transfer in class I ribonucleotide reductases. He subsequently conducted postdoctoral training at Harvard Medical School in the research groups of Prof. Jon Clardy and Prof. Roberto Kolter, where he examined the roles of natural products in mediating microbial interspecies interactions. In 2013, Mo started his independent career at Princeton University, where his lab is interested in the discovery, structure, function, and biosynthesis of natural products from microbial sources, with an emphasis on bioactive cryptic metabolites. These studies blend approaches from microbiology, bacterial genetics, natural product chemistry, and enzymology.

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Tobias Gulder – NPR’s new Chair of the Editorial Board

We are delighted to announce that Professor Tobias A. M. Gulder is the new Chair of the Natural Product Reports Editorial Board.

“Natural Product Reports has been my favorite journal for critical reviews in natural product chemistry since entering the field as a graduate student. I became a member of the Editorial Board of NPR in 2017 and have since enjoyed working with the Royal Society of Chemistry Editorial Team and the Board Members to further develop the journal. I feel honored to succeed Brad Moore as the Chair of the journal and look forward to continue his successful work for the natural product community.”

We are very grateful to Professor Bradley Moore for all of his contributions to the journal during his years with us as an Editorial Board member and then as Chair.

As we wish Professor Moore well with his future endeavours we warmly welcome Professor Gulder to his new position, leading the journal to continued success.

About Tobias

Tobias A. M. Gulder holds degrees in Chemistry from the University of Würzburg (Diploma 2004, PhD 2008). After postdoctoral training at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography with Bradley Moore (2008-2010) he started his independent work as a Liebig and Emmy Noether fellow at the University of Bonn (2011-2014). In 2014 he accepted to offer to join the Technical University of Munich as Professor of Biosystems Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry and the Center for Integrated Protein Science Munich (CIPSM). In 2019 he became the Chair of Technical Biochemistry at the Technical University of Dresden.

Professor Gulder’s research interests focus on the structure, biosynthesis and synthesis of bacterial natural products. This includes the elucidation of new biosynthetic transformations and their application to the biocatalytic synthesis of natural products as well as the manipulation of biosynthetic pathways to generate new molecular structures.


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2019 Natural Product Reports Emerging Investigator Lectureship

It is with great pleasure that we announce Prof. Mohammad R. “Mo” Seyedsayamdost (Princeton University) as the recipient of the 2019 Natural Product Reports Emerging Investigator Lectureship!

The Natural Product Reports Emerging Investigator Lectureship recognises a researcher who has made a significant contribution to a natural products-related area of the chemical sciences in their early independent career.

We are delighted to announce that Professor Mohammad R. “Mo” Seyedsayamdost has been chosen by the Natural Product Reports Editorial Board to receive the 2019 Natural Product Reports Emerging Investigator Lectureship.

His lab is interested in the discovery, structure, function, and biosynthesis of natural products from microbial sources, with an emphasis on bioactive cryptic metabolites. These studies blend approaches from microbiology, bacterial genetics, natural product chemistry, and enzymology.



“It is an honor and a privilege to receive the NPR Emerging Investigator Lectureship.

I am grateful to the selection committee, my mentors (Liz, JoAnne, Jon, and Roberto) for their constant support, as well as the members of my lab for their hard work.” – Prof. Mo Seyedsayamdost


More about Mo…

Mo obtained an undergraduate degree from Brandeis University and completed his thesis in the laboratory of Prof. Lizbeth Hedstrom. He then joined the Department of Chemistry at MIT and earned a PhD degree under the guidance of Prof. JoAnne Stubbe. His PhD thesis investigated the mechanism of long-range radical transfer in class I ribonucleotide reductases. He subsequently conducted postdoctoral training at Harvard Medical School in the research groups of Prof. Jon Clardy and Prof. Roberto Kolter, where he examined the roles of natural products in mediating microbial interspecies interactions. In 2013, Mo started his independent career at Princeton University.

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