NJC issue 8 out now

Read the articles published in the last summer issue of NJC

Aug OFC by Prof. YamauchiOur outside cover, designed by Prof. Yamauchi (National Institute for Materials Science, Japan) and his colleagues, presents a Focus article dedicated to mesoporous fibers.

The authors review several works on non-siliceous mesoporous fibers synthesized with both soft- and hard-templates. They also discuss the orientation control of the mesochannels inside the fibers, which is important for considering the adsorption and diffusion of molecules, and they introduce their recent works on the novel synthesis of mesoporous fibers.

Recent progress on the tailored synthesis of various mesoporous fibers toward practical applications
Norihiro Suzuki, Jian Liu and Yusuke Yamauchi.
New J. Chem., 2014, 38, 3330-3335. DOI: 10.1039/C4NJ00016A.

Aug IFC by Dr ChahmaThe inside cover illustrates a paper by Dr Chahma (Laurentian University, Canada) and his co-workers in which they  describe the characterization of interactions between a free amino acid and chiral conducting surfaces using cyclic voltammetry and FTIR spectroscopy.

They report that being able to control the functionalities on conducting surfaces can help tune the chemical and electrochemical properties of the modified surfaces, thereby affecting the detectability of immobilized molecules on them.

Characterization of phenomena occurring at the interface of chiral conducting surfaces
M’hamed Chahma, Christopher D. McTiernan and Sara A. Abbas.
New J. Chem., 2014, 38, 3379-3385. DOI: 10.1039/C4NJ00489B.


The second Focus article is written by Dr Nicolas Giuseppone (University of Strasbourg) and co-workers in which they present how chromatographic, spectroscopic, and microscopic techniques, as well as theoretical modelling and statistical data treatment, are instrumental in the new research area of dynamic combinatorial systems, a significant area at the interface of molecular biology and materials science. The authors illustrate the advantages of a number of experimental and theoretical methods by a non-exhaustive review of examples from the recent literature.

Experimental and theoretical methods for the analyses of dynamic combinatorial libraries
Maria Cristina Misuraca, Emilie Moulin, Yves Ruffa and Nicolas Giuseppone.
New J. Chem., 2014, 38, 3336-3349. DOI: 10.1039/C4NJ00304G.

To find out more, access the full issue

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Congratulations to the NJC Poster Prize winner at ISXB-1

Graduate student Alavi Karim from the group of Prof Mate Erdelyi at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, has been recognized for her work on halogen bonding.

NJC was pleased to honour Alavi Karim from the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) for her outstanding poster presentation at the 1st International Symposium on Halogen Bonding (ISXB-1) that was held in Porto Cesareo (Italy) on June 18–22.

Alavi Karim is a graduate student in the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology where she works under the supervision of Dr. Mate Erdelyi. Her project currently focuses on Understanding Halogen Bonding in Solution.

In her award-winning poster titled “The Nature of [N–Cl–N]+ and [N–F–N]+ Halogen Bonds in Solution” she presented solution-phase NMR spectroscopy data and theoretical studies investigating the geometries and stabilities of the highly reactive, lighter haloniums in comparison to their well-studied iodonium and bromonium centered analogues. Alavi said: “We have characterized three-centre-four-electron halogen bonds, [N–X–N]+, in solution and demonstrated the iodine-, bromine- and chlorine-centred halogen bonds to be static symmetric. In line with fluorine, the [N+–F···N] system shows different behaviour in comparison to the heavier halogens. The complex is asymmetric and thus encompasses one conventional-covalent and one conventional-weak halogen bond. The fluorine- and chlorine-centred systems are highly reactive and could therefore only be stabilized in solution at low temperature. The conclusions drawn from NMR studies were supported by DFT calculations.”

The poster prize committee and winner (from left to right): Giuseppe Resnati, Francesca Baldelli-Bombelli, Alavi Karim and Pierangelo Metrangolo.

Many congratulations to Alavi on receiving her NJC poster prize. She also received a book from the Royal Society of Chemistry and a 1-year electronic subscription to New Journal of Chemistry.

You can read more about the ISXB-1 by visiting their website.

To keep up-to-date with all the latest research, sign up for the journal’s e-alerts.

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NJC issue 7 out now

Discover the second summer issue of NJC now!

This month’s issue begins with a Focus article by Dr Fuwei Li (Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) and co-workers in which the authors review reactions that introduce carbonyl groups into unactivated heterocycles. They highlight that various heterocycles could be utilized as simple starting materials to generate carbonyl group containing target molecules.

Carbonylative diversification of unactivated heteroaromatic compounds
Rui Lang, Chungu Xia and Fuwei Li.
New J. Chem., 2014, 38, 2732-2738. DOI: 10.1039/C4NJ00099D.

This month’s front cover illustrates the Letter by Dr Soumen Basak (Saha Institute of Nuclear July OFC - Dr BasakPhysics, India) and co-workers who report an elegant, facile and green protocol for designing dendrimer-like assemblies of multicolor fluorophore-labeled peptides grafted on gold nanoparticles.

According to the authors, multicolour fluorescent labeling of both intra- and extracellular structures is a powerful technique for simultaneous monitoring of multiple complex biochemical processes. These multi-functional nanoparticles have shown great promise as new probes for biomedical imaging and carriers in drug delivery.

A multicolor fluorescent peptide–nanoparticle scaffold: real time uptake and distribution in neuronal cells
Kallol Bera, Shounak Baksi, Moupriya Nag, Subhas Chandra Bera, Debashis Mukhopadhyay and Soumen Basak.
New J. Chem., 2014, 38, 2739-2743. DOI: 10.1039/C4NJ00265B.July IFC - Dr Loots

The inside cover was designed by Dr Leigh Loots (University of Stellenbosch, South Africa).

Dr Loots and her colleagues demonstrated that the synthesis of novel pyridinium zwitterionic compounds show a great potential as a new class of supramolecular building blocks for the formation of ionic as well as metal-organic frameworks.

Synthesis and solid-state supramolecular chemistry of a series of pyridinium-derived zwitterions
Leigh Loots, Delia A. Haynes and Tanya le Roex.
New J. Chem., 2014, 38, 2778-2786. DOI: 10.1039/C4NJ00281D.

Read the full issue here

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Hot Article: Dye Hard

covalent modification

Industrial printing and fabric-dying processes generate vast amounts of wastewater. The removal of these industrial dyes, many of which are harmful to both aquatic and human health, is mandatory.

In this NJC paper, Jianyong Zhang, Cheng-Yong Su and co-workers (Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China) report a method for generating robust and mechanically stable nanotubes by modification of a supramolecular gel via a covalent capture reaction.

The surface of the resulting structure is cationic, allowing for the effective and selective adsorption of anionic dyes over cationic or neutral species. The authors also report that the materials can be reused for dye capture without losses in their capture ability.

 To find out more, read the full article, which is free to access for of 4 weeks:

Surface modification of supramolecular nanotubes and selective guest capture
Minjuan Lin, Haoliang Liu, Philip W. Miller, Jianyong Zhang and Cheng-Yong Su
New J. Chem., 2014, DOI: 10.1039/C4NJ00445K

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Hot Article: The Shining Film

Photoluminescent, lanthanide-containing, organic-inorganic hybrid materials find applications in various fields, such as: fluorescent biology, fluoroimmunoassays, NIR-emitting probes and amplifiers for optical communications.

Transparent thin films


In this NJC article, Ji-Na Hao and Bing Yan (Tongji University, Shanghai) report the preparation of new polymer thin films co-doped with lanthanide complexes and zeolite A. The lanthanide complexes are embedded into the cages of the zeolite, leading to host–guest materials with markedly enhanced thermal- and photo-stabilities.

All the materials are transparent and maintain the luminescent properties that are characteristic of lanthanide materials, emitting light with tuneable colours depending on the lanthanide used.


To find out more, read the full paper, which is free to access for a period of 4 weeks:

Ji-Na Hao and  Bing Yan
New J. Chem., 2014,  DOI: 10.1039/C4NJ00466C
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Meet Our Authors from May and June 2014

NJC presents two authors whose papers were published in May and June.

Dr Thu HuongDr Tran Thu Huong focuses her research on materials science, especially rare-earth-doped luminescent materials and nano-structured materials for biomedical applications. She works at the Institute of Materials Science (IMS) within the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST).

In their paper, Tran and co-workers show the influences of chemical composition and pH on the size, shape, morphology and luminescence properties of EuPO4•H2O materials during the fabrication process. The authors also demonstrated that the materials act as an alternative labelling tool for recognizing the measles virus.

The project was initiated in response to a request from biologists for strongly luminescent materials for labelling. According to Tran, the success of the study relied on efficient teamwork, support and provision of research facilities from the IMS, and the wonderful collaboration with scientists at the Vietnamese Center for Vaccine Research and Production of Biologicals.

Tran is very proud of General Vo Nguyen Giap, one of the most important figures in the history of Vietnam and well known throughout the world as a prominent commander who won victories in the Dien Bien Phu battle as well as during the Vietnam War. She adds: “In my opinion, he was also a leader with a strategic vision as he showed a special interest for culture and science. He often attended cultural events and meetings with scientists where his speech always focused to favour development.”

Read Tran’s NJC article:

Fabrication and optical characterization of multimorphological nanostructured materials containing Eu(III) in phosphate matrices for biomedical application
T. T. Huong, L.T. Vinh, T. K. Anh, H. T. Khuyen, H. T. Phuong and L. Q. Minh
New J. Chem., 2014, 38, 2114–2119. DOI: 10.1039/c3nj01206a

Dr Marcela Gazitúa López works at the Universidad del Desarrollo in Chile and specializes in physical chemistry, chemical kinetics and computational chemistry.

Dr Marcela GazituaHer paper describes an experimental study of the effect of solvation on the mechanisms of nucleophilic substitution reactions. Marcela and her colleagues compared the results in water with those in 20 conventional organic solvents (COS) and 17 ionic liquids on the basis of solvent polarity indicators.

The work began in 2012 as part of a postdoctoral project covering the experimental-theoretical study of conventional solvents and ionic liquids as reaction media. Marcela is proud to present her first postdoctoral work in NJC which, according to her, is a “a chemistry journal that will rise in impact because of a wide scope that will appeal to a broad readership”.

Her favourite historical figure is Albert Einstein whom she admires for the importance and magnitude of his discoveries.

Read Marcela’s NJC article:

Mechanistic pathways in aromatic nucleophilic substitution in conventional solvents and ionic liquids
Marcela Gazitúa, Ricardo A. Tapia, Renato Contreras and Paola R. Campodónico
New J. Chem., 2014, 38, 2611–2618DOI: 10.1039/C4NJ00130C

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NJC issue 6 out now

Read the June 2014 issue online!

NJC June 2014 front cover

This month’s front cover illustrates the article by Dr Andrew Hunt (University of York, UK) and co-workers. The authors’ work demonstrated that microwave assisted extraction is an efficient green technology for the recovery of D-limonene from orange waste.

The study details the microwave assisted extraction (MAE) of D-limonene from oranges and focuses on understanding the MAE mechanism based on kinetic analysis of the process.

It was shown that microwave radiation favourably interacts with the sample during extraction, causing simultaneous cell rupture and diffusion and resulting in a greater yield. These results provide an important insight into the development of extraction processes for orange peel.

Microwave assisted extraction as an important technology for valorising orange waste
Thomas M. Attard , Baillie Watterson , Vitaliy L. Budarin , James H. Clark and Andrew J. Hunt.
New J. Chem., 2014, 38, 2278–2283. DOI: 10.1039/C4NJ00043A.

NJC June 2014 inside coverThe inside cover was designed by Prof. Zofia Urbanczyk-Lipkowska (Polish Academy of Sciences). In their perspective, Zofia and her colleague Marta Sowinska wanted to provide insight into currently available synthetic methods that yield dendrimers with various morphologies, placing emphasis on the evaluation of their advantages and limitations.

The review outlines the spectacular benefits of recent applications of several novel approaches to the synthesis of dendrimers. In particular, accelerated methods and click chemistry have opened new alternative ways to obtain the high generation, defect-free dendrimeric molecules with high efficacy that was previously unreachable.

Advances in the chemistry of dendrimers
Marta Sowinska and Zofia Urbanczyk-Lipkowska.
New J. Chem., 2014, 38, 2168–2203. DOI: 10.1039/C3NJ01239E.


Access the full issue here.

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Discover the NJC themed issue on Advanced Complex Inorganic Nanomaterials

NJC presents the May 2014 themed issue on Advanced Complex Inorganic Nanomaterials (ACIN). We would like to address warm thanks to the authors for their participation.

This month, NJC is delighted to present the special issue on Advanced Complex Inorganic Nanomaterials (ACIN), composing 10 review articles and 29 research reports. These articles provide an update of recent innovations in both fundamental and applied aspects of inorganic nanomaterials.  

 ACIN issue May 2014 OFCIn their perspective, Prof. Pascal Van Der Voort (Ghent University, Belgium) and his colleagues, who designed the outside cover, describe the Vanadium-containing metal–organic frameworks that have been developed since the first systematic reports on MOFs almost 15 years ago. According to their studies, these materials show interesting behaviour in oxidation catalysis and gas sorption, opening perspectives towards the development of even more active and selective catalysts.


Vanadium metal–organic frameworks: structures and applications
Pascal Van Der Voort, Karen Leus, Ying-Ya Liu, Matthias Vandichel, Veronique Van Speybroeck, Michel Waroquier and Shyam Biswas.
New J. Chem.
, 2014, 38, 1853–1867. DOI: 10.1039/C3NJ01130E. 

May 2014 ACIN IFC  

The inside cover was designed by Prof. Matthias Driess (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany). In their  article, the authors report the synthesis of multi-faceted versus irregular shaped Ag3PO4 microparticles for the visible light driven non-sacrificial water oxidation. According to the authors, non-sacrificial water oxidation with multi-faceted silver phosphate particles could lead to overall water splitting by successful coupling of the material with an efficient hydrogen evolution catalyst.


Visible light driven non-sacrificial water oxidation and dye degradation with silver phosphates: multi-faceted morphology matters
Arindam Indra, Prashanth W. Menezes, Michael Schwarze and Matthias Driess.
New J. Chem.
, 2014, 38, 1942–1945. DOI: 10.1039/C3NJ01012K.

Access the full list of articles comprising this dedicated issue here!

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Meet NJC Editors at 2014 Summer Conferences

New Journal of Chemistry (NJC) is sponsoring 5 conferences this summer; in addition the editors will be present at many other meetings between June and August of 2014, at which we invite you to meet us.

NJC is sponsoring several conferences during the coming summer months, starting in just a couple of weeks. We look forward to meeting you at one of these events.

15th French-American Chemical Society Meeting Logo Managing Editor Denise Parent will be attending the 15th French-American Chemical Society Meeting: June 1–5 in Avignon (France), at which Dr Rémi Chauvin will give the NJC Lecture.
97th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition Logo NJC is a sponsor of two symposia at the Canadian Chemistry Society Conference: June 1–5 in Vancouver (Canada). The sponsored symposia are “pi-Conjugated Materials: From Design to Application” (Chairs: Jaclyn Brusso and Dwight Seferos) and “Functional Inorganic and Hybrid Polymers” (Chairs: Thomas Baumgartner, Derek Gates, Jens Müller).
1st International Symposium on Halogen Bonding logo Denise Parent will also be attending the 1st International Symposium on Halogen Bonding: June 18–22 in Porto Cesareo (Italy), for which NJC is a sponsor.
20th International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry Assistant Editor Laurent Vial will represent NJC at the 2014 International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry: June 28–July 2 in Dublin (Ireland). NJC will sponsor a coffee break for attendees.
12th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference Logo NJC is also sponsoring the 12th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference: August 24–28 in Zurich (Switzerland).

NJC‘s editors will also be attending a number of other conferences this summer. Feel free to contact our editors if you too will be attending one of these events.

• Assistant Editor Yannick Guari is an invited speaker at the annual Gecom-CONCOORD meeting: May 18–23 in Vers (France).

• Assistant Editor Ling Peng will be giving a lecture at the BioDendrimer 2014 meeting: June 18–20 in Lugano (Switzerland), which NJC has also supported in the past.

• Associate Editor Peter Junk will be a participant in the 27th Rare Earth Research Conference: June 22–26 in Lake Tahoe (USA).

Yannick Guari will also be at the 14th International Conference on Molecule-Based Magnets: Juy 5–10 in St Petersburg (Russia).

• Associate Editor Jaïrton Dupont, as a member of the International Advisory Board, will be attending the 19th International Symposium on Homogenous Catalysis: July 6–11 in Ottawa (Canada).

• In July Peter Junk will attend meetings on 3 continents. Look for him at the following meetings:
Terrae Rare: July 7–12 in Cologne (Germany); XXVI International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry: July 13–18 in Sapporo (Japan); 8th Australian Organometallic Chemistry Symposium: July 22–25 in Magnetic Island (Australia).

Ling Peng will be attending Challenges in Organic Chemistry (ISACS14): August 7–10 in Shanghai (China).

Jaïrton Dupont is an invited lecturer at the Gordon Conference on Ionic Liquids: August 17–22 at the Sunday River Resort (USA).

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Update for the NJC Symposia in Sweden

The programs for the two NJC Symposia in Stockholm and Lund are now posted.

Last announcement! The 3rd series of NJC Symposia: New Directions in Chemistry will take place in May 2014. These symposia are being organised with the collaboration of KTH in Stockholm and Lund University. The NJC Board and editors are being hosted by Profs Mikael Lindström and Christina Moberg at KTH and Prof. Ola Wendt in Lund. We warmly thank the hosts and their institutions for their support in making these events possible.

May 21st: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Chemical Science & Engineering, Lecture Hall K1, from 9 am to 5 pm
May 23rd: Lund University, Kemicentrum, Lecture Hall B, from 9 am to 5:30 pm

We hope to meet many colleagues from Sweden but also Denmark, Norway and Finland during these 2 days.

If you wish to attend, please contact either Christina Moberg (kino ‘at’ kth.se) for the Stockholm date or Ola Wendt (Ola.Wendt ‘at’ chem.lu.se) for the Lund date to register your interest.

Full details are on the flyers and programs below (click on an image to see a larger image).

NJC Symposium at KTH on May 21, 2014NJC Symposium at KTH on May 21, 2014
NJC Symposium at Lund University on May 23, 2014NJC Symposium at Lund University on May 23, 2014

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