Horizons Community Board collection: Solar Energy Conversion

Solar Energy Conversion

A new online article collection guest edited by members of the Horizons Community Boards

The Community Boards that support Materials Horizons and Nanoscale Horizons provide a platform for early career researchers to share their experiences and ideas on scientific publishing. Working together and sharing their unique expertise, our Community Board members have recommended several key topics where significant, rapid progress has been made in the last two years. Today we are delighted to share their selected top articles published in the Horizons journals showcasing the most important advances in solar energy conversion.

This collection is guest edited by Rebecca Gieseking (Brandeis University, USA), Alexandra Ramadan (University of Oxford, UK), and Jungki Ryu (UNIST, Republic of Korea). To get to know our guest editors, check out their Editorial article introducing this collection.


Read the collection

Read the introductory editorial


We hope you enjoy reading this collection.

With best wishes,

Dr Heather Montgomery

Managing Editor, Nanoscale Horizons

Dr Michaela Mühlberg

Executive Editor, Materials Horizons




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Nanoscale Horizons Outstanding Paper Award 2020

Celebrating the exceptional work published in Nanoscale Horizons

Our annual Outstanding Paper Award celebrates some of the exceptional work published in Materials Horizons and Nanoscale Horizons, and the authors behind those articles. The winners were chosen by the Editorial and Advisory Boards based on the science presented and the work’s potential future impact, from papers published in 2020.

Please join us in congratulating the winners of the 2020 Outstanding Paper Award and we hope that you enjoy reading their outstanding articles as much as we did.

Nanoscale Horizons Outstanding Article 2020

Lead-free, stable, high-efficiency (52%) blue luminescent FA3Bi2Br9 perovskite quantum dots

Yalong Shen, Jun Yin, Bo Cai, Ziming Wang, Yuhang Dong, Xiaobao Xu and Haibo Zeng

Nanoscale Horiz., 2020, 5, 580–585


Nanoscale Horizons Outstanding Article runner-up 2020

The biomolecule corona of lipid nanoparticles contains circulating cell-free DNA

Lois Gardner, Jessica Warrington, Jane Rogan, Dominic G. Rothwell, Ged Brady, Caroline Dive, Kostas Kostarelos and Marilena Hadjidemetriou

Nanoscale Horiz., 2020, 5, 1476–1486


Nanoscale Horizons Outstanding Review 2020

Dynamic DNA nanotechnology: toward functional nanoscale devices

Marcello DeLuca, Ze Shi, Carlos E. Castro and Gaurav Arya

Nanoscale Horiz., 2020, 5, 182–201


Read more about the prize winners and their research in our Editorial. Our sister journal Materials Horizons has also announced its Outstanding Paper Award winners . You can read all of the Materials Horizons and Nanoscale Horizons 2020 Outstanding Papers in our joint themed online collection.


Read the collection

We hope you enjoy reading these articles.

Best wishes,

Dr Michaela Mühlberg

Executive Editor, Nanoscale Horizons

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RSC Desktop Seminar series – Hosted by Materials Horizons and Nanoscale Horizons

Materials Horizons and Nanoscale Horizons are pleased to announce a free Webinar series featuring scientific talks from Editorial and Community Board Members on a range of topics.

RSC Desktop Seminars are an ongoing initiative from the Royal Society of Chemistry to bring cutting-edge research directly to you! Now, more than ever, there is a crucial need for sharing research, and each seminar in this series will feature presentations from Editorial and Community Board members of Materials Horizons and Nanoscale Horizons.

Each 90 to 120-min webinar will feature scientific talks as well as dedicated time for questions & answers. The schedule for the series will be as follows:

Wednesday, 25 November 2020 (7am GMT; 15:00 CST; 16:00 JST)

Find out more & register

“Machine learning accelerated design of new functional material” – Professor Jinlan Wang (Southeast University, China)

Thursday, 3 December 2020 (08:00 GMT; 13:30 IST; 19:00 AEDT)

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“Soft Gold Elastronics for Connected Healthcare” – Professor Wenlong Cheng (Monash University, Australia)

“Smart Sensors for Environmental Monitoring and Healthcare” – Professor Ritu Gupta (IIT Jodhpur, India)

Thursday, 10 December 2020 (07:00 GMT; 15:00 CST; 17:00 AEST; 18:00 AEDT)

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“The interaction between micelles and cells: Small changes in the nanoparticle shells have big impacts” – Professor Martina Stenzel (University of New South Wales, Australia)

“Emerging trends in oral drug delivery using stimuli responsive nanomedicine” – Dr Amirali Popat (The University of Queensland, Australia)

Thursday, 17 December 2020 (08:00 GMT; 16:00 CST; 17:00 JST)

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“Sub-1nm Ultrathin Nanocrystals” – Professor Xun Wang (Tsinghua University, China)

“Metal-Organic Frameworks for Polymer Recognition and Separation” – Dr Nobuhiko Hosono (University of Tokyo, Japan)

“Stability of Photocatalysts” – Dr Mengye Wang (Sun Yat-Sen University, China)


We hope you will be able to join us for some of the events in this Desktop Seminar Series.

Best wishes,


Dr Michaela Mühlberg
Executive Editor, Materials Horizons
Dr Charlotte Marshall
Managing Editor, Nanoscale Horizons

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Welcome to our new Community Board members

Introducing two new members to the Nanoscale Horizons Community Board

Welcome to the team!

We are delighted to welcome Dr Jungki Ryu, UNIST, South Korea, and Dr Yanlong Wang, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, to the Community Board of Nanoscale Horizons.

Jungki Ryu is an associate professor in the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, South Korea. He received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Materials Science and Engineering from Yonsei University in 2006 and KAIST in 2011, respectively. Before joining UNIST in 2014, he spent 3 years for his postdoctoral research about bio-inspired functional materials at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is currently interested in (1) the synthesis of electrocatalysts for water splitting, biomass conversion, and CO2 utilization, (2) the development of efficient electrochemical and photoelectrochemical systems, and (3) the design of bio-inspired functional materials for energy conversion and storage.



Dr Yanlong Wang received his B.Sc. degree from Jilin University (China) in 2011 and Ph.D. degree from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) (Singapore) in 2016. After working at NTU as a postdoctoral fellow for one year, he joined the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences as a researcher in 2017. His current research interests include optical properties of 2D materials and functional properties of optical thin films.





We look forward to working with Dr Ryu and Dr Wang as they provide us with the valuable feedback and insights needed to continue the success of the journal in future

Please join us in welcoming our new Community Board members.


With best wishes,

Dr Charlotte Marshall

Managing Editor, Nanoscale Horizons


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Community Board collection: Biosensors


A new online article collection guest edited by members of the Horizons Community Boards

The Community Boards that support both Horizons journals provide a platform for early career researchers to share their experiences and ideas on scientific publishing. Working together and sharing their unique expertise, our Community Board members have recommended several key topics where significant, rapid progress has been made in the last 2 years. They have selected top articles published in the Horizons journals to showcase the most important advances in each topic area.

This collection is guest edited by Zhiyuan Liu, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, CAS, China, Gift Mehlana, Midlands State University, Zimbabwe, and Arun Richard Chandrasekaran, The RNA Institute, University at Albany, USA.

Read the collection here.


To get to know our guest editors, check out the Editorial article.

We hope you enjoy reading this collection.


Best wishes,

Dr Charlotte Marshall

Managing Editor, Nanoscale Horizons


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Advanced Memory Technologies – Community Board collection

Advanced Memory Technologies


A new online article collection guest edited by members of the Horizons Community Boards


The Community Boards that support both Horizons journals provide a platform for early career researchers to share their experiences and ideas on scientific publishing. Working together and sharing their unique expertise, our Community Board members have recommended several key topics where significant, rapid progress has been made in the last 2 years. They have selected top articles published in the Horizons journals to showcase the most important advances in each topic area.


This collection is guest edited by Ye Zhou (Shenzhen University and Materials Horizons Community Board member) and Pengzhan Sun (University of Manchester and Nanoscale Horizons Community Board member.)




Read the collection here.


To get to know our guest editors, check out the Editorial article.


All articles are free to access until the end of October 2020.* We hope you enjoy reading this collection.


* Free access to articles via your free Royal Society of Chemistry publishing personal account

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Introducing our new Advisory Board members

Introducing the new members of the Nanoscale Horizons Advisory Board

Welcome to the team!

The Nanoscale Horizons Advisory Board consists of 50 expert scientists working across the breadth of nanoscience and nanotechnology. We are delighted to welcome the following new members.

Professor Uri BaninThe Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. The Banin lab study the chemistry, physics and application of nanocrystals. A special focus is given to semiconductor nanocrystals and to hybrid metal-semiconductor nanoparticles.
Professor Frank CarusoThe University of Melbourne, Australia. The Caruso lab research interests focus on developing advanced nano- and biomaterials for biotechnology and medicine.
Professor Paola CeroniUniversity of Bologna, Italy. The Ceroni lab research activity can be placed in the field of photochemistry of supramolecular systems and photoactive nanocrystals for imaging and energy conversion (luminescent solar concentrators, artificial photosynthesis and photocatalysis).
Professor Shuai DongSoutheast University, China. The Dong lab research is related to electronic physics and materials, including multiferroic oxide, magnetoelectric coupling effect; related electronic heterojunction, field effect device; new energy materials; superconducting materials.
Professor Laura FabrisRutgers University, USA. The Fabris lab works on integrating novel nanomaterials chemistry and characterization approaches to computational tools for the design of new plasmonic nanoparticles, with biology and medicine applications.
Dr David LeongNational University of Singapore, Singapore. The Leong lab is interested in discovering novel nano-biology of nanomaterials.
Professor Paul MulvaneyUniversity of Melbourne, Australia. The Mulvaney lab is interested in the optical properties of single quantum dots, surface plasmon spectroscopy of single metal particles, nanocrystal based electronics, nanomechanics and solar energy conversion.
Professor Ester SegalTechnion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel. The Segal lab is interested in nanostructured materials such as porous silicon and their interface with soft matter e.g. hydrogels, biomolecules, and living cells.
Professor Sharon WeissVanderbilt University, USA. The Weiss group engages in research involving photonics, optoelectronics, nanoscience and technology, and material interfaces.
Professor Stefan ZauscherDuke University, USA. The Zauscher lab research lies at the intersection of surface and colloid science, polymer materials engineering, and biointerface science.

Check out a selection of the nanoscience research carried out by the Advisory Board and published in the nanoscale journal family

Advisory Board research selection

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Outstanding Reviewers for Nanoscale Horizons in 2019

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We would like to highlight the Outstanding Reviewers for Nanoscale Horizons in 2019, as selected by the editorial team, for their significant contribution to the journal. The reviewers have been chosen based on the number, timeliness and quality of the reports completed over the last 12 months.

We would like to say a big thank you to those individuals listed here as well as to all of the reviewers that have supported the journal. Each Outstanding Reviewer will receive a certificate to give recognition for their significant contribution.


Dr Wojciech Chrzanowski, The University of Sydney, ORCID: 0000-0001-8050-8821

Dr Rawil F Fakhrullin, Kazan (Idel Buye) Federal University, ORCID: 0000-0003-2015-7649

Dr Sokrates T Pantelides, Vanderbilt University, ORCID: 0000-0002-2963-7545

Dr Emilio M Perez, Fundacion IMDEA Nanociencia, ORCID: 0000-0002-8739-2777

Dr Michael J Sailor, University of California San Diego, ORCID: 0000-0002-4809-9826

Dr Evan Scott, Northwestern University, ORCID: 0000-0002-8945-2892

Dr V. Prasad Shastri, University of Freiburg, ORCID: 0000-0001-5125-9678

Dr Sara Skrabalak, Indiana University Bloomington, ORCID: 0000-0002-1873-100X

Dr Takayuki Uchihashi, Nagoya University, ORCID: 0000-0002-0263-5312

Dr Jianfang Wang, Chinese University of Hong Kong, ORCID: 0000-0002-2467-8751


We would also like to thank the Nanoscale Horizons board and the nanoscience community for their continued support of the journal, as authors, reviewers and readers.


If you would like to become a reviewer for our journal, just email us with details of your research interests and an up-to-date CV or résumé. You can find more details in our author and reviewer resource centre

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Materials Horizons & Nanoscale Horizons Community Boards

Call for Nominations

General information

The purpose of the Community Board for both Materials Horizons and Nanoscale Horizons is to provide a channel for communication between the materials and nanoscience student and early career researcher community and the journals’ Executive Editor and Editorial Boards, and also to facilitate student and postdoctoral (or equivalent) engagement with Materials Horizonand Nanoscale Horizons. We are looking for engaged and interested early career researchers who will see this as an opportunity to assist in the development of an innovative journal, from a learned society publisher, in rapidly expanding areas of science. We are inviting nominations for both journals at this time, please do feel free to state a preference of journal in your nomination, however this is not mandatory and each nomination will be assessed for suitability for both Materials Horizons and Nanoscale Horizons Community Boards.

Guidelines for Nominators

We are inviting nominations for both journals at this time, please do feel free to state a preference of journal in your nomination, however this is not mandatory and each nomination will be assessed for suitability for both Materials Horizons and Nanoscale Horizons Community Boards.

  • Any Principle Investigator can nominate someone for the Community Board of either Materials Horizons or Nanoscale Horizons. Candidates must not nominate themselves.
  • Nominations are open to PhD candidates and active researchers who received their PhD (or equivalent degree, if applicable) no more than eight years prior to 1 November 2019. Appropriate consideration will be given to candidates from all research backgrounds (academic or industrial) and to those who have taken a career break or followed a different study path.

To make a nomination please provide the information outlined below to nanoscalehorizons-rsc@rsc.org.

  • The nominator’s name, affiliation, position and contact details
  • The candidate’s name, affiliation, research group, position and contact details
  • A supporting statement from the nominator (no more than 750 words) addressing the selection criteria (see below)
  • A short personal statement from the candidate describing what they will bring to the role in terms of advising and being an advocate for the journal. This must be no longer than 250 words.
  • An up-to-date CV for the candidate, including publication history (if any)

Selection criteria for Materials Horizons and Nanoscale Horizons Community Boards

The Executive Editor and members of the Editorial Boards will consider the following aspects of all nominations for the Community Boards as appropriate:

  • Impact of research
  • Quality of publications and/or patents and/or software
  • Profile within institute and/or community
  • Service to the community

Materials and Nanoscale Horizons Community Board_FAQs

The deadline for submission of nominations is 27th January, 2020.

For more information about the journal and for a list of current Community Board members, please visit the journal webpage at: rsc.li/nanoscale-horizons

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Welcome Wenlong Cheng, Zhiyong Tang, Jinlan Wang – new Scientific Editors

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We are delighted to welcome three new Scientific Editors to Nanoscale Horizons! Their varied expertise will support us to better inform editorial decisions on Nanoscale Horizons.


Professor Wenlong Cheng

Monash University, Australia

Wenlong Cheng is a professor and director of research in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Monash University, Australia. He is also an Ambassador Tech Fellow in Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication. He earned his PhD from Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2005 and his BS from Jilin University, China in 1999. He held positions in the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics and the Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering of Cornell University before joining the Monash University in 2010. His research interest focuses on the rational design and assembly of noble nanocrystals (particularly gold) for various applications in nanobioscience and nanobiotechnology, including DNA-based nanoassemblies, soft wearable electronic skin sensors, soft energy devices, targeted cancer theranostics, and soft plasmonic metamaterials.


Check out some of his recent articles:

High-adhesion vertically aligned gold nanowire stretchable electrodes via a thin-layer soft nailing strategy, Nanoscale Horiz., 2019

Site-specific Ag coating on concave Au nanoarrows by controlling the surfactant concentration, Nanoscale Horiz., 2019

A location- and sharpness-specific tactile electronic skin based on staircase-like nanowire patches, Nanoscale Horiz., 2018 – Nanoscale Horizons Outstanding Paper runner-up 2018


Professor Zhiyong Tang

National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, China

Zhiyong is a Professor at the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology in China. He received his B.S. and M.S. from the Department of Environmental Chemistry at Wuhan University before receiving his PhD from the Changchu Institute of Applied Chemistry in Dr Erkang Wang’s group. Zhiyong was a research Fellow in the Departments of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Oklahoma State University and University of Michigan, respectively, working with Nicholas Kotov. He joined the National Center for Nanoscience and technology in 2008 and his research interests are centered on the fabrication and application of functional inorganic nanomaterials in the fields of energy and the environment.

Zhiyong joined the Nanoscale Horizons Editorial Board back in 2016 and is now increasing his involvement with the journal by taking on a Scientific Editor role.


Check out some of his recent articles:

Detecting electronic structure evolution of semiconductor nanocrystals by magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy, Nanoscale, 2019

MOF-derived nitrogen-doped nanoporous carbon for electroreduction of CO2 to CO: the calcining temperature effect and the mechanism, Nanoscale, 2019

Interfacial coupling between noble metal nanoparticles and metal–organic frameworks for enhanced catalytic activity, Nanoscale, 2018


Professor Jinlan Wang

Southeast University, China

Jinlan Wang got her Ph. D from Department of Physics, Nanjing University, China in 2002. Then, she had three-year Postdoctoral experience at Chemistry Division, Argonne National Laboratory, USA. In 2006, she joined Southeast University in China as a full professor and developed the computational physics and chemistry group. She is currently a distinguished professor of Southeast University. She has published over 200 papers in high-impact journals and was the recipient of the Distinguished Young Scholars award of National Science Foundation of China (2015). Her current research interest mainly focuses on computational studies and the design of two-dimensional materials and clean energy materials. Involved techniques range from machine learning to classical molecular dynamics to different level first-principles methods.


Check out some of her recent articles:

High Curie temperature and intrinsic ferromagnetic half-metallicity in two-dimensional Cr3X4 (X = S, Se, Te) nanosheets, Nanoscale Horiz., 2019

MnX (X = P, As) monolayers: a new type of two-dimensional intrinsic room temperature ferromagnetic half-metallic material with large magnetic anisotropy, Nanoscale, 2019

Copper(i) sulfide: a two-dimensional semiconductor with superior oxidation resistance and high carrier mobility, Nanoscale Horiz., 2019

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