No more oxygen for artificial lung

US scientists have mimicked the structure of a lung to make a device that can use air as a ventilating gas instead of pure oxygen. The invention could mean that oxygen cylinders to accompany artificial lung devices for lung disease patients are a thing of the past and implantable devices could be a step closer.

Joseph Potkay from Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Centre and co-workers fashioned microfluidic channels from the polymer polydimethylsiloxane and made them branch into smaller channels and then into artificial capillaries, similar to the arteries and capillaries in a real lung.  The oxygen exchange efficiency is three to five times better than current artificial lung devices owing to the small, micron-scale, blood and air channels.

The artificial lung device consists of small microfluidic channels, similar in size to blood vessels in real lungs, with a membrane for oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange

At the moment, lung disease patients in need of respiratory support rely on mechanical ventilators in which blood from the patient is circulated through a machine to oxygenate it. As Jeffrey Borenstein, an expert in microsystems technology and biomedical devices at the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, US, points out: ‘Current technology involves complex systems that are limited to intensive care units, so Potkay’s device has the potential to provide clinically relevant oxygenation levels using ambient air, opening the door to portable systems.’

The team aims to improve their device’s blood compatibility and scale it up so it can deliver enough oxygen to be suitable for humans.

Interested? Read Holly Sheahan‘s full Chemistry World article here or download the Lab on a Chip paper:

Bio-inspired, efficient, artificial lung employing air as the ventilating gas
Joseph A. Potkay, Michael Magnetta, Abigail Vinson and Brian Cmolik
Lab Chip, 2011, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20020H

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On the cover: Teflon microreactors, fabric chips and droplets with removable shells

On the front cover of Issue 15 we have a HOT article from Klavs Jensen and colleagues at MIT on a Teflon stack microreactor with a piezoelectric actuator.  The microreactor has been developed to handle syntheses that are prone to clogging – such as palladium-catalyzed C–N cross-coupling reactions which form insoluble salts as by-products.

A Teflon microreactor with integrated piezoelectric actuator to handle solid forming reactions
Simon Kuhn, Timothy Noël, Lei Gu, Patrick L. Heider and Klavs F. Jensen
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 2488-2492
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20337A

On the inside front cover is another HOT article from Dhananjaya Dendukuri and colleagues at Achira Labs Pvt. Ltd., India who have constructed a scalable microfluidic device by weaving silk to form a fabric chip.

‘Fab-Chips’: a versatile, fabric-based platform for low-cost, rapid and multiplexed diagnostics
Paridhi Bhandari, Tanya Narahari and Dhananjaya Dendukuri
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 2493-2499
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20373H

And finally the back cover features an article from Shih-Kang Fan and Chiun-Hsun Chen demonstrating a parallel-plate device capable of generating water-core and oil-shell encapsulated droplets and subsequent removal of the oil shells.

Encapsulated droplets with metered and removable oil shells by electrowetting and dielectrophoresis
Shih-Kang Fan, Yao-Wen Hsu and Chiun-Hsun Chen
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 2500-2508
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20142E

View the rest of the issue online here

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HOT: introducing the iMAP – an integrated microfluidic array plate

The latest innovation in microfluidic cell assay platforms is here! Capable of triple analysis with low cell numbers, the iMAP is the answer to your cellular and molecular analysis quandaries.

Key features of iMAP v1.0:

  • interfaced on-board gravity driven flow
  • open access input fluid exchange
  • a highly efficient sedimentation based cell capture mechanism

The integrated microfluidic array plate has been developed by Luke Lee, University of California, Berkeley, and colleagues at Dublin City University, Sogang University and Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile.  Download the article for the full details, it’s free to access for four weeks.

Integrated microfluidic array plate (iMAP) for cellular and molecular analysis
Ivan K. Dimov, Gregor Kijanka, Younggeun Park, Jens Ducrée, Taewook Kang and Luke P. Lee
Lab Chip, 2011, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20105K

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Lab on a Chip 2010 Impact Factor released

Lab on a Chip is delighted to announce a 2010 Impact Factor of 6.26, demonstrating the community support for Lab on a Chip as their journal of choice  for miniaturisation at the micro and nanoscale, for both fundamental and applications-based research.

Our thanks to all of our Editorial and Advisory Board members, authors and referees.

View the RSC Publishing blog for important news on the overall RSC Impact Factor performance.

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One in the eye for diabetes

Another LOC article has been highlighted in Chemistry World!  This article from Mu Chiao and colleagues describes the fabrication of a device that could be implanted behind the eye to release drugs on demand to treat retinal damage caused by diabetes.

Diabetic retinopathy can lead to blindness. A current treatment is laser therapy, which is destructive and results in side effects, such as diminished side and night vision, and unwanted laser burns. Another therapy is to administer antiproliferative drugs, such as docetaxel (normally a cancer drug), but the compounds clear from the blood quickly, so high doses are needed to produce the desired effect, which increases toxicity to other tissues.

Mu Chiao and colleagues from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver have made a device to be implanted behind the eye that releases drugs when triggered by an external magnet. This means that the device doesn’t need a battery and lower doses can be used. Implantable devices have been made before but drug release is done by diffusion and the release rates can’t be controlled, which is a problem if the dosage rate needs to be adjusted when a patient’s condition changes.

To find out more read Elinor Richard’s Chemistry World article or download the article itself here:

On-demand controlled release of docetaxel from a battery-less MEMS drug delivery device
Fatemeh Nazly Pirmoradi, John K. Jackson, Helen M. Burt and Mu Chiao
Lab Chip, 2011, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20134D

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Artificial photosynthesis on a chip and 3D particle foccussing on the cover of issue 14

The two striking images on the cover of Issue 14 are from Chan Beum Park and Tony Jun Huang.

The image on the outside front cover depicts a microfluidic artificial photosynthesis platform created by Chan Beum Park‘s group at KAIST.  The platform which incorporates quantum dots and redox enzymes is capable of enzymatic synthesis of L-glutamate following light-driven NADH regeneration, similar to photosynthesis in green plants.

Artificial photosynthesis on a chip: microfluidic cofactor regeneration and photoenzymatic synthesis under visible light
Joon Seok Lee, Sahng Ha Lee, Jae Hong Kim and Chan Beum Park
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 2309-2311
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20303G

Highlighted on the inside front cover is another exciting article, demonstrating the 3D focussing of particles in a microfluidic channel using standing surface acoustic waves.  The paper builds on previous work from Tony Jun Huang‘s team at Penn State which had achieved 2D control of particles using the technique.

Three-dimensional continuous particle focusing in a microfluidic channel via standing surface acoustic waves (SSAW)
Jinjie Shi, Shahrzad Yazdi, Sz-Chin Steven Lin, Xiaoyun Ding, I-Kao Chiang, Kendra Sharp and Tony Jun Huang
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 2319-2324
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20042A

View the issue here

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Top ten most accessed articles in May

This month sees the following articles in Lab on a Chip that are in the top ten most accessed:-

Quantitative and sensitive detection of rare mutations using droplet-based microfluidics
Deniz Pekin, Yousr Skhiri, Jean-Christophe Baret, Delphine Le Corre, Linas Mazutis, Chaouki Ben Salem, Florian Millot, Abdeslam El Harrak, J. Brian Hutchison, Jonathan W. Larson, Darren R. Link, Pierre Laurent-Puig, Andrew D. Griffiths and Valérie Taly
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 2156-2166
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20128J

Paper-based piezoresistive MEMS sensors
Xinyu Liu, Martin Mwangi, XiuJun Li, Michael O’Brien and George M. Whitesides
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 2189-2196
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20161A

Multiplex digital PCR: breaking the one target per color barrier of quantitative PCR
Qun Zhong, Smiti Bhattacharya, Steven Kotsopoulos, Jeff Olson, Valérie Taly, Andrew D. Griffiths, Darren R. Link and Jonathan W. Larson
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 2167-2174
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20126C

Micromolding of solvent resistant microfluidic devices
Theodorus J. A. Renckens, Dainius Janeliunas, Hilbert van Vliet, Jan H. van Esch, Guido Mul and Michiel T. Kreutzer
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 2035-2038
DOI: 10.1039/C0LC00550A

Pinched flow coupled shear-modulated inertial microfluidics for high-throughput rare blood cell separation
Ali Asgar S. Bhagat, Han Wei Hou, Leon D. Li, Chwee Teck Lim and Jongyoon Han
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 1870-1878
DOI: 10.1039/C0LC00633E

Systematic investigation of droplet generation at T-junctions
Thomas Schneider, Daniel R. Burnham, Jaylen VanOrden and Daniel T. Chiu
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 2055-2059
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20259F

Stand-alone self-powered integrated microfluidic blood analysis system (SIMBAS)
Ivan K. Dimov, Lourdes Basabe-Desmonts, Jose L. Garcia-Cordero, Benjamin M. Ross, Antonio J. Ricco and Luke P. Lee
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 845-850
DOI: 10.1039/C0LC00403K

Mixing enhancement for high viscous fluids in a microfluidic chamber
Shasha Wang, Xiaoyang Huang and Chun Yang
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 2081-2087
DOI: 10.1039/C0LC00695E

Miniature magnetic resonance system for point-of-care diagnostics
David Issadore, Changwook Min, Monty Liong, Jaehoon Chung, Ralph Weissleder and Hakho Lee
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 2282-2287
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20177H

On-chip background noise reduction for cell-based assays in droplets
Pascaline Mary, Angela Chen, Irwin Chen, Adam R. Abate and David A. Weitz
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 2066-2070
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20159J

Why not take a look at the articles today and blog your thoughts and comments below.

Fancy submitting an article to Lab on a Chip? Then why not submit to us today or alternatively email us your suggestions.

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HOT: a quick, cheap method for fabricating microwells for cell cultures

A new method to fabricate microwells for lab-on-a-chip scale high-throughput screening is demonstrated in this HOT article.  Whereas previous manufacturing processes can be long, costly and require a lot of equipment, this technique is relatively simple and cheap.

By using a laser to pattern a polyester film coated with silicone glue, Ali Khademhosseini, Harvard-MIT, and colleagues have successfully demonstrated the fabrication of hundreds of microwells in a matter of minutes.  The diameter of the microwells can be controlled by adjusting laser speed and power, and the well depth can be increased by stacking layers of film.

Download the article to read more – it’s free to access for the next 4 weeks:

Microfabricated polyester conical microwells for cell culture applications
Šeila Selimović, Francesco Piraino, Hojae Bae, Marco Rasponi, Alberto Redaelli and Ali Khademhosseini
Lab Chip, 2011, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20213H

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Conference: Bubble Tech to Bio App – “LAB-ON-A-CHIP”

October 17-18, 2011 – KIST Europe, Saarbrucken, Germany

The 2nd Korea – EU Workshop on Microfluidic Technology for Chemical, Biological and Medical Applications will be held later this year at KIST Europe.

The purpose of this international workshop is to bring together researchers, technologists, entrepreneurs and funding bodies to interact in the multidisciplinary field of “Lab on Chip”, specifically aimed at biological and medical applications. All speakers are by invitation only. Ample opportunity for informal talks will also be provided, as delegates will stay at a centralised venue, and contributed posters can be presented. This workshop will focus on the following leading areas of “Lab on Chip” for bio applications:

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Hybrid opto-electric manipulation, droplet based microfluidics and digital PCR on the cover of issue 13!

The striking image on the outside front cover of this issue is courtesy of Aloke Kumar (Oak Ridge National Laboratory).  The Critical Review which it highlights discusses the fundamentals, applications and future of hybrid opto-electric manipulation techniques for microfluidics

Hybrid opto-electric manipulation in microfluidics—opportunities and challenges
Aloke Kumar, Stuart J. Williams, Han-Sheng Chuang, Nicolas G. Green and Steven T. Wereley
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 2135-2148
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20208A

The equally eye-catching image on the inside front cover is from Valérie Taly and Andrew D. Griffiths (ISIS, Strasbourg) et al., accompanying work on a droplet-based microfluidics method for digital PCR and a method for multiplexing quantitative digital PCR beyond the conventional limitations of color-encoded probes.

Quantitative and sensitive detection of rare mutations using droplet-based microfluidics
Deniz Pekin, Yousr Skhiri, Jean-Christophe Baret, Delphine Le Corre, Linas Mazutis, Chaouki Ben Salem, Florian Millot, Abdeslam El Harrak, J. Brian Hutchison, Jonathan W. Larson, Darren R. Link, Pierre Laurent-Puig, Andrew D. Griffiths and Valérie Taly
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 2156-2166
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20128J

Multiplex digital PCR: breaking the one target per color barrier of quantitative PCR
Qun Zhong, Smiti Bhattacharya, Steven Kotsopoulos, Jeff Olson, Valérie Taly, Andrew D. Griffiths, Darren R. Link and Jonathan W. Larson
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 2167-2174
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20126C

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