On the cover: train tracks for synchronising droplets, tunable gradients and cheap droplet emulsion manufacture

The front cover of Issue 23 shows work from Meng Sun et al. who have produced a static droplet array with the capability for tunable concentration gradients.   Their technique involves the controlled exchange of materials between moving plugs and stationary drops, and the concentration of soluble reagents can be varied from drop to drop  at well-defined time points.

Microfluidic static droplet arrays with tuneable gradients in material composition
Meng Sun, Swastika S. Bithi and Siva A. Vanapalli
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20709A

On the inside front cover we have an image from Kwang Oh and coworkers describing their method for droplet combination in microfluidic devices that allows passive parallel synchronisation.  They describe the layout as being analogous to a train track, as the network consists of a top channel, a bottom channel, and ladder-like connections between the two main channels.

Parallel synchronization of two trains of droplets using a railroad-like channel network
Byungwook Ahn, Kangsun Lee, Hun Lee, Rajagopal Panchapakesan and Kwang W. Oh
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20690G

The back cover highlights work from Nan-Nan Deng et al on the economical production of microfluidic devices for monodisperse droplet formation.  The simple device fabrication, using inexpensive tools and supplies, is flexible, offering easy spatial patterning of surface wettability, and good chemical compatibility and optical properties.

Simple and cheap microfluidic devices for the preparation of monodisperse emulsions
Nan-Nan Deng, Zhi-Jun Meng, Rui Xie, Xiao-Jie Ju, Chuan-Lin Mou, Wei Wang and Liang-Ying Chu
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20629J

View the rest of the issue online here, which including all our latest hot articles on a micro-hydrocyclone for particle separation, sustainable microinjection moulding, broadband for droplets, clinical-scale bubble production and streaming potential for energy

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Russell Johnson

A heart-on-a-chip device could help detect drugs that limit heart tissue contraction, say US scientists.

The device was created using small thin strips of tissue made from heart muscle cells that are connected to electrodes to stimulate contraction. Observing the contraction response of the tissue allows scientists to study the effect of physiological factors or test drugs for cardiotoxicity. Replicating segments of heart tissue makes it possible to rapidly measure contraction data at the tissue level, rather than just studying individual cells.

Heart on a chip

The researchers, led by Kevin Parker from Harvard University, Cambridge, created up to eight separate strips of tissue on one chip by growing a sheet of heart muscle cells in a flat film and then cutting away sections to leave isolated strips that were only connected to the film by one edge. Creating several strips on one chip allowed the team to conduct multiple experiments at once. The contraction experiments were observed by looking vertically down onto the chip and monitoring the change in length as the strips contracted and bent up. ‘The heart-on-a-chip allows us to capture in 2D what a healthy or diseased heart might look like and look at how much force the tissue will generate,’ says Anna Grosberg, a member of the research team.

The team then used the heart-on-a-chip to investigate the effects of different environments on contraction response. Experiments with epinephrine (adrenaline) showed the device can be used to measure the dose-dependent effect of drugs on contraction response. The team also showed that the heart-on-a-chip can be used as a platform to investigate the effect of cell architecture on tissue contraction.

‘The heart-on-a-chip technology is the first scalable technique that recapitulates in vitro the anisotropic cell organisation of native cardiac muscle, while simultaneously allowing coupled electrical and mechanical function to be quantitatively assayed,’ says Andrew McCulloch, an expert in cardiac bioengineering at the University of California, San Diego, US. ‘Once this technology can be deployed using human stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes, we will have a powerful new platform for screening new drugs for heart diseases like arrhythmia and heart failure.’

Ensembles of engineered cardiac tissues for physiological and pharmacological study: Heart on a chip
Anna Grosberg, Patrick W. Alford, Megan L. McCain and Kevin Kit Parker
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20557A

Original article published at Chemistry World

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HOT: a micro-hydrocyclone for particle separation and sustainable microinjection moulding

Hydrocyclones are widely used in industries such as petrochemicals and mining for the separation of particulates from fluids at the macro- and mesoscale.  This is the first report of microscale hydrocyclone, tested on polystyrene microbeads suspended in PBS, providing continuous separation with exceptional flow rates and without clogging.  Microfluidic applications potentially include chemical analysis, materials research, point-of-care and blood sample preparation.

Microfluidic device based on a micro-hydrocyclone for particle–liquid separation
P. Bhardwaj, P. Bagdi and A. K. Sen
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20606K

Cyclic olefin copolymer has been used to create a whole microfluidic device through microinjection moulding with the aim of bridging the gap between lab techniques and mass production of lab on a chip devices.  The team that successfully developed the platform have also come up with a dimensionless number μf to provide an insight into the physics of microinjection moulding.

Sustainable fabrication of micro-structured lab-on-a-chip
Hwa Jin Oh, Jae Hong Park, Seok Jae Lee, Byeong Il Kim, Young Seok Song and Jae Ryoun Youn
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20441F

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Micro fuel cells for microchips

Researchers from Spain and Germany have designed the first microfluidic device with an integrated micro fuel cell that is capable of both powering and pumping analyte around the device.

Micro fuel cells for microchips

Microfluidic devices have been hailed as the technology that will revolutionise areas such as diagnostics in medicine, food safety, drug development and genetic sequencing since their conception in the late 1980s. However, a limiting factor in translating neat microfluidic ideas to practical, portable devices has been integrating all the necessary components. The microfluidic chip may be small and perfectly formed, but the power source, pumps and control electronics for sample analysis are often external, bulky components – existing in the macroscale rather than the microscale.

Now, a team led by Neus Sabaté at the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona has integrated a micro direct methanol fuel cell into a microfluidic platform, which is capable of producing up to 4mW, sufficient to power the device. The carbon dioxide produced as a by-product of the fuel cell reaction is used to push liquids through the microchannels, removing the need for an external pump. The team has shown that by controlling the fuel cell operating conditions, they can control the flow rate of the liquid, which bears an almost linear relationship to the current generated in the device.

Jonathan Cooper, an expert in lab-on-a-chip technologies from the University of Glasgow, UK, comments: ‘A real strength of this work is the excellent job the researchers have done in integrating and packaging the device to show a working prototype. The flow rates are high enough for devices to function for several minutes and the device offers the prospect of enabling autonomous functionality on chip.’

The next step for Sabaté is to show that the device can truly function independently. ‘We are trying to prove that we can indeed perform measurements on analytes by integrating a low power electronic chip module and amperometric sensors,’ she says.  Her team is also working on higher degrees of device integration by fabricating them from just one type of polymer and experimenting with different fuels such as glucose.

Fuel cell-powered microfluidic platform for lab-on-a-chip applications
Juan Pablo Esquivel, Marc Castellarnau, Tobias Senn, Bernd Löchel, Josep Samitier and Neus Sabaté
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20426B

Read the original article in Chemistry World

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Lab on a Chip now publishing Accepted Manuscripts

Lab on a Chip now offers you the chance to publish your accepted article as an Accepted Manuscript. This means that your research is available, in citable form, to the community even more rapidly. Find out more

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HOT articles: broadband for droplets, clinical-scale bubble production and streaming potential for energy

Broadband cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy has been used to increase the effective optical pathlengths in optical detection applied to microfluidic systems.  The BBCEAS method was capable of in situ analyte detection quickly (273 Hz/3.66 ms acquisition time) and with high sensitivity (αmin < 10−2 cm−1).

Broadband cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy for real time, in situ spectral analysis of microfluidic droplets
Simon R. T. Neil, Cathy M. Rushworth, Claire Vallance and Stuart R. Mackenzie
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20854C

The production of clinical-scale quantities of droplet emulsions for in vivo therapy uses, such as gas embolotherapy, has been achieved by researchers from the universities of California and North Carolina.  Highly monodisperse liquid perfluoropentane droplets in the 3–6 μm range necessary for clinical phase-change droplets were produced at rates exceeding 105 droplets per second.

High-speed, clinical-scale microfluidic generation of stable phase-change droplets for gas embolotherapy
David Bardin, Thomas D. Martz, Paul S. Sheeran, Roger Shih, Paul A. Dayton and Abraham P. Lee
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20615J

The power generated by streaming potential from multiphase flow has been improved by the use of two phase flow in a microscale system.  A two phase microfluidic system, which converts mechanical energy to electrical energy, was devised and the addition of bubbles to the device produced a significant increase in the power and energy conversion over a single phase system.

Strong enhancement of streaming current power by application of two phase flow
Yanbo Xie, John D. Sherwood, Lingling Shui, Albert van den Berg and Jan C. T. Eijkel
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20423H

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Bubble trouble eliminated in cancer treatment

Tegan Thomas

Fixed channels direct the liquid perfluoropentane through a 7um wide orifice so that all of the droplets are the desired size for treatment

US scientists have developed a microfluidic device to manufacture droplets of a specific size at high speed for a cancer treatment called embolisation.

Embolisation involves blocking a blood vessel to restrict blood flow to a tumour. Gas embolotherapy is one such treatment, in which liquid droplets are introduced into a blood vessel and ultrasound is used to vibrate the droplets to produce enough heat to vaporise them. The liquid to gas phase change results in bubbles five to six times larger than the initial droplet, which can then block the blood vessel. Current methods to generate the droplets result in droplets of different sizes, forcing the therapies to require a higher activation power by ultrasound.

Now, droplets of a uniform size have been made by Abraham Lee at the University of California, Irvine, and co-workers. They have developed a microfluidic device to generate liquid perfluoropentane (PFP) droplets at high speed and in single file. The device is made of polydimethylsiloxane on a glass substrate and consists of fixed geometric channels designed to direct the liquid PFP through a 7µm wide orifice. The droplets were generated at a rate exceeding 100,000 droplets per second, were stable for weeks at room temperature and exhibited the desired size range for use in gas embolotherapy.

Joseph Bull, an expert in gas embolotherapy at the University of Michigan, US, states that this study has made a number of significant contributions to the field ‘including achieving a high production rate of lipid-encapsulated droplets and characterising the dynamics of droplet formation by high speed imaging’.

In the future, Lee plans to build a drug layer into the liquid PFP droplets to generate phase-change droplets for gas chemoembolotherapy. ‘Delivering a chemotherapeutic agent alongside our occlusive droplets should elevate local concentrations of the drug while minimising escape to the systemic circulation,’ he says. ‘We also plan to continue to push the limits in terms of rate and size of emulsion generation using droplet-based microfluidics,’ he adds.

High-speed, clinical-scale microfluidic generation of stable phase-change droplets for gas embolotherapy
David Bardin, Thomas D. Martz, Paul S. Sheeran, Roger Shih, Paul A. Dayton and Abraham P. Lee, Lab Chip, 2011
DOI: 10.1039/c1lc20615j

Article originally published in Chemistry World.

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Call for papers for themed issue focussed around the WAM-NANO2012 conference

Lab on a Chip is pleased to announce a themed issue guest edited by Arben Merkoçi, Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology, and Jörg Kutter, Technical University of Denmark, and to open submissions for the issue.

The issue will be focussed around the III International Workshop on Analytical Miniaturization and NANOtechnologies (WAM-NANO2012) to be hosted in Barcelona, Spain, 11-12th June 2012, and will cover the latest international developments on the use of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials for the design and applications in lab-on-a-chip and other miniaturized analytical (bio) systems. The major focus of this issue will be on clinical, food safety and security applications of analytical (bio)systems in which nanotechnology enables novel devices and systems that provide the basis for better, more accessible healthcare, safety and security with improved outcomes for the citizen’s life.

Papers on the following topics are welcome:

– Novel nanotechnology based lab-on-a-chip (LOC) system designs (NANO-LOC)
– Nanofabricated based LOC designs
– Applications of NANO LOCs in diagnostics
– NANO-LOCs for safety and security
– Environmental control using NANO-LOCs
– Industrial applications of NANO-LOCs
– Nanotechnology based microfluidic /analytical devices (microarray, lateral flow etc)

Although the issue will be focused on WAM-NANO2012 additional contributions not related to this event but that fit the above topics will also be considered.  Submission to the issue can be made through the Lab on a Chip online submission portal at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/lc and should be received by January 4th 2012 for inclusion in the issue.

Please email the LOC editorial office for more information loc-rsc[at]rsc.org.

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Reservoir-on-a-Chip on the cover of Issue 22

On the back cover of Issue 22 we’re featuring research from the Micro and Nano-Scale Transport Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta.

The Reservoir-on-a-Chip, or ROC for short, by Sushanta K. Mitra et al. is a novel miniaturization approach to study oil recovery in a microfluidic device, mimicking the pore structure of a naturally occurring oil-bearing reservoir rock in an etched silicon substrate.  The device will enable researchers to better understand pore-scale transport relevant to reservoir engineering.

Download the article for the details:

Reservoir-on-a-Chip (ROC): A new paradigm in reservoir engineering
Naga Siva Kumar Gunda, Bijoyendra Bera, Nikolaos K. Karadimitriou, Sushanta K. Mitra and S. Majid Hassanizadeh
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 3785-3792
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20556K

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Top ten most accessed articles in September

This month sees the following articles in Lab on a Chip that are in the top ten most accessed:

Integration of cell phone imaging with microchip ELISA to detect ovarian cancer HE4 biomarker in urine at the point-of-care
ShuQi Wang, Xiaohu Zhao, Imran Khimji, Ragip Akbas, Weiliang Qiu, Dale Edwards, Daniel W. Cramer, Bin Ye and Utkan Demirci
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 3411-3418
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20479C

Paper on a disc: balancing the capillary-driven flow with a centrifugal force
Hyundoo Hwang, Seung-Hoon Kim, Tae-Hyeong Kim, Je-Kyun Park and Yoon-Kyoung Cho
Lab Chip, 2011, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20445A

Microfluidics with aqueous two-phase systems
Steffen Hardt and Thomas Hahn
Lab Chip, 2011, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20569B

Large-scale plasmonic microarrays for label-free high-throughput screening
Tsung-Yao Chang, Min Huang, Ahmet Ali Yanik, Hsin-Yu Tsai, Peng Shi, Serap Aksu, Mehmet Fatih Yanik and Hatice Altug
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 3596-3602
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20475K

Education: A modular approach to microfluidics in the teaching laboratory
Yolanda Fintschenko
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 3394-3400
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC90069B

Automated high-throughput generation of droplets
Jan Guzowski, Piotr M. Korczyk, Slawomir Jakiela and Piotr Garstecki
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 3593-3595
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20595A

Rounded multi-level microchannels with orifices made in one exposure enable aqueous two-phase system droplet microfluidics
David Lai, John P. Frampton, Hari Sriram and Shuichi Takayama
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 3551-3554
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20560A

Microchip-based immunomagnetic detection of circulating tumor cells
Kazunori Hoshino, Yu-Yen Huang, Nancy Lane, Michael Huebschman, Jonathan W. Uhr, Eugene P. Frenkel and Xiaojing Zhang
Lab Chip, 2011, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20270G

A digital microfluidic method for dried blood spot analysisMais J. Jebrail, Hao Yang, Jared M. Mudrik, Nelson M. Lafrenière, Christine McRoberts, Osama Y. Al-Dirbashi, Lawrence Fisher, Pranesh Chakraborty and Aaron R. Wheeler
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 3218-3224
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20524B

Green microfluidic devices made of corn proteins
Jarupat Luecha, Austin Hsiao, Serena Brodsky, Gang Logan Liu and Jozef L. Kokini
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 3419-3425
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20726A

Why not take a look at the articles today and blog your thoughts and comments below.

Fancy submitting an article to Lab on a Chip? Then why not submit to us today or alternatively email us your suggestions.

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