We are delighted to announce the winners of the inaugural JAAS Emerging Investigator Lectureship. Launched to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the journal, the lectureship will be awarded annually from 2015 to recognise and support an emerging scientist working in the area of atomic spectrometry in the early stages of their independent career.
With so many exceptional and highly deserving nominations, it was decided to award the JAAS Emerging Investigator Lectureship to two winners this year.
Congralutaions to Gerardo Gamez (Texas Tech University) and Lara Lobo Revilla (University of Oviedo)!
Lectureship award details
As a winner of the lectureship, both Gerardo and Lara will be able to present their research at a relevant high-profile international meeting and receive a contribution of up to £1000 each to cover associated travel and accommodation costs. They will be awarded a certificate and invited to contribute a paper to JAAS.
You can read more about eligibility and the selection process in the call for nominations post.
We will be posting more information about our winners soon!