In case you missed it, in August we launched Environmental Science: Nano’s Advanced Materials themed collection!
Advanced Materials are produced through rational design. Precise control of material composition and internal structure can also be achieved through advanced manufacturing approaches. By intent, Advanced Materials have exceptional mechanical, electrical, optical, or magnetic properties or other functionalities that differentiate them from conventional materials. These properties enable self-repair, produce stimulus responsive changes in shape, transform energy and many other emergent phenomena. While not all Advanced Materials are nano-enabled, many Advanced Materials are reliant upon nanoscale particles and/or nanoscale phenomena to facilitate their desired performance.
Explore this collection highlighting contributions that address the environmental aspects of Advanced Material production, usage, and disposal.
Guest Editors Wendel Wohlleben, Jerome Rose, Mark Wiesner, and Peter Vikesland discuss the importance of advanced materials towards sustainability in their Editorial.
We hope you enjoy our Advanced Materials collection!
Environmental Science: Nano Editorial team