Many congratulations to Olga Zaytseva and Miguel Ángel Gómez González on their poster prize success at the 10th International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials, which took place from 6th-10th September 2015 at the University of Vienna, Austria.
As one of the globally leading conferences on environmental nanoscience and nanoecotoxicology, the 10th ICEENN brought together researchers, regulators and industry to discuss the recent advances in the investigations of risks of current and future applications in the key sector of nanotechnology, along with procedures of risk management to maintain the economic and social benefits of the sector. Sessions dealt with key research areas such as analysis of nanomaterials, toxicology and ecotoxicology, and innovation and applications of nanotechnology to environmental issues.
Olga Zaytseva of Hohenheim University, Stuttgart, produced a winning poster entitled ‘Phytotoxicity of multi-walled carbon nanotubes in soybean (Glycine max.)‘, while Miguel Ángel Gómez González of the Spanish National Research Council, Madrid, won with his poster entitled ‘Arsenic speciation in contaminated soils by AF4/SP-ICPMS and XAS techniques: Role of colloids in the mobilization of arsenic‘.
The judges of the prizes thought the quality of the presentations and posters was really high and, from the Environmental Science: Nano team, we would like to thank all the students that attended or presented at the meeting.
For more details on ICEENN 2015 please visit the conference website.

Presentation for the prize winners of ICEENN 2015
Many congratulations on this achievement from the Environmental Science: Nano team