Archive for the ‘Conferences’ Category


We are delighted to announce this year’s 15th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE). The conference will be held during May 5th-9th 2019 in Nanjing, China. ICOBTE has been a highly successful conference series and has grown to become one of the most important international meetings on the biogeochemistry of both essential and toxic elements. The general theme of the 15th ICOBTE in Nanjing is “Biogeochemistry of trace elements for improved environmental sustainability and human health”. This theme reflects the great challenges we all face in protecting our environment from contamination by toxic trace elements and in providing sufficient amounts of essential trace elements for human nutrition.

Key deadlines

25th January – Abstract submission

15th March – Abstract acceptance

There will be thirteen different Special Symposia based on different topics related to the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Further details about the Special Symposia, full list of plenary speakers and confirmed talks and information on available prestigious awards can be found on the conference website: 

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Latest Advances in the Analysis of Complex Environmental Matrices

We are delighted to highlight the Latest Advances in the Analysis of Complex Environmental Matrices meeting that takes place at the Royal Society of Chemistry’s London office, Burlington House on 22nd February 2019. 

The meeting highlights advances in the analysis of complex environmental matrices (soils and sediments, water and air) by GC, HPLC and MS and also the use of cheminformatics and it will include a number of interesting talks from keynote speakers listed below.  There will be coffee and lunch breaks and a vendors’ exhibition around midday. For the full schedule, click the link below:

Find out more about the event and register here

Keynote speakers and talks include:

Mixing high-resolution chemical analysis and machine learning in ecotoxicology for aquatic invertebrates

Dr Leon Barron (King’s College London)

Temporal and spatial variation in pharmaceutical concentrations in an urban river system

Prof. Alistair B.A Boxall (University of York)

Liquid chromatography/quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry screening of polar pollutants sequestered by passive sampling devices at the river catchment scale

Prof. Gary Fones (University of Portsmouth)

Micro- and nano-plastic pollution of freshwater and wastewater treatment systems

Dr Caroline Gauchotte Lindsay (University of Glasgow)

Enhanced confidence in river quality monitoring using passive sampling and GCxGC-ToF- MS with tandem ionisation

Dr Laura McGregor (SepSolve Analytical Ltd.)

Exploring the advantages of automated sample preparation and GC-ToF for SVOC and pesticide analysis in environmental waters

Dr John Quick (ALS Environmental Ltd.)

GCxGC-ToF for remote monitoring – Cape Verde Atmospheric Observatory (CVAO)

Dr Katie Read (University of York)

Environmental cheminformatics to identify unknown chemicals and their effects

Dr Emma Schymanski (University of Luxembourg)

Use of ion chromatography with mass spectrometry for the measurement of problematic herbicides in water

Ms Wai-Chi Man, (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Hemel Hempstead, UK)


Dr Roger Reeve (Environmental Chemistry Group)  

Prof. Graham Mill (University of Portsmouth)

Dr Lee Williams (University of Sunderland)


Registration information:

Standard Registration deadline: 19th February 2019

Members £90.00 (and of BMSS or Chromatographic Society, discount code needed)

Non-members £120.00

Students RSC members, retired members and unwaged (discount code needed) £25.00, Students, non-members £35.00

Discount codes:

BMS and Chromatographic Society members 19BMC14

Retired/ unwaged 19RU22

Register here on the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Conference and Events database 

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Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop – Poster Prize Winner!

We are delighted to announce the winner of the Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop that took place in Vancouver from 30th September – 3rd October 2018. The best poster was awarded to Jordana Van Geest of Golder Associates with her poster title: “A sulfite and total dissolved solids (TDS) toxicity interaction study for coal mine influenced waters in British Columbia.” The award was presented by Curtis Eickhoff at the annual general meeting luncheon that took place on Wednesday 3rd October.

On behalf of the Royal Society of Chemistry, we would like to congratulate Jordana on this outstanding achievement.

Poster prize winner at Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop 2018: Jordana Van Geest


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Fall ACS Symposium: Emerging Investigators in Environmental Science

We are delighted to announce a session taking place at the 256th ACS National Meeting & Exposition in Boston titled “Showcasing Emerging Investigators: A Symposium by the RSC Environmental Science Journals”. The session is presided over by the Editors-in-Chief for the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Environmental Science journals, Kris McNeill (ESPI), Peter Vikesland (ES Nano) and David Cwiertny (ESWRT). We warmly invite you to join us on 20th August for this exciting Symposium.

The Symposium will feature talks from six early career environmental scientists who have been featured as Emerging Investigators in either Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, Environmental Science: Nano or Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. The work that they will present at this event showcases the high-quality, cutting-edge research being conducted by the early-career members of our community.

Symposium details:

When: Monday 20th August, 1:00 PM

Where: Room 259A, Boston Convention & Exhibition Center

Speakers and Talk titles:

Stacey Louie University of Houston, USA

Formation and effects of heterogeneous protein-humic surface coatings on nanoparticles

Reginald Rogers Rochester Institute of Technology, USA

Using carbon nanomaterials to address the grand challenge of clean water for all people

Cora Young York University, Canada

Understanding long-range transport of perfluoroalkyl substances and flame retardants

Anke Neumann Newcastle University, UK

Reactions at the Fe mineral-water interface: Impact on contaminant fate

Nicole Fahrenfeld Rutgers University, USA

Viability and ecology-based tools to improve hazard characterization for environmental antibiotic resistance

Ameet Pinto Northeastern University, USA

Who, where, and why of the drinking water microbiome

            Find out more           

This Symposium complements the growing Emerging Investigators Series of papers published by each of the Environmental Science journals, as well as the broader mission of the RSC to support researchers in the early stages of their careers. Through the Emerging Investigator Series initiative, the journals provide a unique platform for early-career environmental scientists & engineers to showcase their work to the broadest possible audience. More details about the Emerging Investigators Series for each of the journals can be found at

In addition, look out for Executive Editor Simon Neil during the event. You can meet him at the symposium or throughout the conference at the RSC stand (number 2008)

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Dioxin 2018

The 38th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants & 10th International PCB Workshop: 

DIOXIN 2018 

This year, the conference will take place between 26th – 31st August, 2018 in Kraków, Poland.  

Dioxin 2018 highly promotes the involvement of industry in fighting POP pollution and interaction of industry representatives with potential and existing customers and clients in all areas of investigation: analytical, regulatory, exposure assessment, and toxicological aspects relating to Persistent Organic Pollutants. Therefore, the message of the DIOXIN 2018 is: no boundaries in POPs pollution, research and control.

Further information about the conference, including a full list of plenary speakers can be found on the main conference website


Register before 30th June 2018 and check the conference website for full details on registration fees.

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Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop 2018


The Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop 2018 takes place this year from 30th September – 3rd October at the Sheraton Wall Centre in Vancouver, BC.

The three day workshop aims to progress the field of ecotoxicology by reflecting the work done on the preservation of our natural ecosystems and mitigate the harmful effects of pollutants.  It will provide the opportunity to share information on current and emerging topics of regional, national and international importance related to contaminants in ecosystems, both aquatic and terrestrial. It covers a range of sessions which are fully listed on the conference website here.


Abstracts must be submitted before 6th July 2018


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27th Symposium on Environmental Chemistry Prize Winners!

The 27th Symposium on Environmental Chemistry was held in Naha, Japan between 22-25 May 2018. The conference was chaired by Professor Kiwao Kadokami and was comprised of a number of plenary lectures, talks and posters on topics covering the breadth of environmental chemistry.

On behalf of the Environmental Science Journals, we would like to congratulate the following prize winners for contributing their outstanding posters.

Left to Right: Hiromitsu Urakami (RSC) , Sumika Ono (Ehime University), Alto Sonoda (Kagoshima University), Collins Nimako (Hokkaido University), Mai Shindo (Shizuoka University) and Professor Kiwao Kadokami (Committee Chair)

Environmental Science: Nano winner: 

Alto Sonoda (Kagoshima University)
Poster title: ‘Device for Measuring Dermal Exposure Rate of Flame Retardants via Direct Contact with Products.’

Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology winner: 

Sumika Ono (Ehime University)
Poster title:‘Development of highly sensitive analytical method for thyroid hormones in the brain using LC-MS/MS’

Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts 

Collins Nimako (Hokkaido University)
Poster title: ‘Evaluation of Neonicotinoid Insecticide exposure in the humans in Kumasi, Ghana’

Mai Shindo (Shizuoka University)
Poster title: ‘Analysis and leaching of trace elements in Sakurajima ash fall samples’

Congratulations once again to all awardees! 

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Cross-journal web collection featuring work presented at IAP2018


Selected articles based on presentations made at the IAP2018 Conference will be published in three journals of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Environmental Science series, i.e., Environmental Science: Processes & ImpactsEnvironmental Science: Water Research & Technology and Environmental Science: Nano. Authors will be encouraged to submit to the journal that is most appropriate for their paper based on its scope. All articles will be collated into a cross-journal web collection after publication. Information on how to apply to publish in a given journal, will be available during the conference.


The deadline for submission of all manuscripts is 31st October, 2018. 

The Royal Society of Chemistry’s Environmental Science journals offer comprehensive coverage of the latest high quality research in environmental science & engineering:

  • Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts (ESPI) –
    Led by Editor-in-Chief Kris McNeill (ETH Zurich) ESPI publishes work which advances our understanding of environmental chemistry in natural matrices – Submit to ESPI
  • Environmental Science: Nano – 
    Led by Editor-in-Chief Professor Peter Vikesland (Virginia Tech) Environmental Science: Nano publishes research on nanomaterial applications and interactions with environmental & biological systems – Submit to ESNano
  • Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology –
    Led by Editor-in-Chief David Cwiertny (University of Iowa) Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology publishes water research relevant to engineered systems and the built environment – Submit to ESWRT

Our team of expert Associate Editors are committed to providing you with efficient and attentive service throughout the publication process; our average time to first decision is under 40 days*

The Royal Society of Chemistry is the world’s leading chemistry community, advancing excellence in the chemical sciences. As a not-for-profit organisation we are committed to supporting the global scientific community; providing continual support for authors and researchers and investing in future generations of scientists.
Learn more about the portfolio at

Please note that all submissions will be subject to initial assessment by the Editors and subsequent peer review, as per the usual standards of the journals. 

*Average time from receipt to first decision in 2017

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The Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Contaminated Environments 2018

The Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Contaminated Environments

6th June, Burlington House, London

Image result for the-geochemistry-and-mineralogy-of-contaminated-environments


The aim of this meeting is to explore how understanding the geochemistry and mineralogy of the natural environment can help us to predict the fate and behaviour of contaminants, and mitigate their impacts.

The deadline for standard registration closes on 18th May. Please register using the RSC booking portal and find further information about the meeting including confirmed speakers and contact details on our Conference and Events database.

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Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography Summer Meeting (ASLO) 2018

Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography Summer Meeting (ASLO) 2018 takes place in Victoria, BC, Canada from 10-15th June 2018.

This meeting will encourage you to bring your knowledge, curiosity, and creativity to connect with each other and to share your passion for water!


The full scientific program will be posted in April 2018 so keep checking the conference website here for details. To register for the conference, click here.

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