Emerging contaminants in waters and soils, practical considerations:- Sampling, analysis and consequences
Wednesday 4 March 2015
The Source Skills Academy, Sheffield, UK
This event organised by the Water Science Forum, the Environmental Chemistry Group and the International Network of Environmental Forensics with support from the Environment, Sustainability and Energy Division will focus on exploring the chemistry of emerging contaminants which have recently been discovered in soil and/or water environments and are considered to be a potential risk to the environment and/or and human health.
Register by the 17th of Feb for EARLY BIRD Discount!
Programme topics include:
- Emerging and Priority Pollutants
- Comparison of active and passive sampling in relation to contaminants of emerging concern
- Emerging contaminants in groundwater
- Stereochemistry of pharmacologically active compounds
- Lecture by the Royal Society of Chemistry’s 2014 Sustainable Water Prize Winner Simon Parsons
For more information visit www.rsc.org/events/detail/16644 or scan the code:
We hope to see you there!