Archive for the ‘Hot Article’ Category

The ongoing SERS debate…

Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is a variation of Raman spectroscopy whereby the molecule of interest is first adsorbed onto a surface, often of silver or gold, rather than being studied in solution. The defining advantage of this approach is that the observed intensity of the spectrum is much greater than in solution studies. This effect is strongly associated with the use of nanoscale surfaces for adsorption.

It is clear from reading the article ‘Persistent misconceptions regarding SERS’ by Martin Moskovits, that explaining the mechanism of the phenomenon underlying this technique is still the matter of an intense and interesting debate. It is very possible that this lack of consensus contributes to the fact that SERS is yet to be successfully explained by quantum mechanics, and the theory used to explain it is still classical in nature.

In his article, Moskovits makes it clear that his favoured candidate to explain the enhancement mechanism is the plasmonic theory, which he explains clearly and succinctly. He then systematically examines the other popular theories, and provides arguments that in his view display the superiority of the plasmonic mechanism. He writes particularly strongly against the chemical enhancement theory, and urges its abandonment. Moskovits further suggests that the disagreements amongst SERS researchers may have resulted in opportunities to use the technique being missed due to uncertainty over its mechanism.

As research techniques undergo simultaneous development by multiple research groups, it is unsurprising that differences of opinion and opposing theories arise. If a particular view becomes popular, it can become so widely accepted that it is taken as fact and remains unchallenged for many years. It is therefore important that opposing views are presented, as in this article, in order that the relevant research community may consider their merits.

by Victoria Wilton

Form your own opinion – read the Perspective today:

Persistent misconceptions regarding SERS
Martin Moskovits
DOI: 10.1039/C2CP44030J

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XAFS study of catalytic NO reduction

Scientists from Japan have discovered that the synchronization of Cu and Ce valence charge in Cu/CeO2 catalysts can improve the catalytic activity for NO reduction.  They used an operando time-resolved XAFS technique at the Cu and Ce k-edges to study the catalytic NO reduction under periodic (rich-lean cycling) operation.

Read the details in this PCCP communication:

Operando XAFS study of catalytic NO reduction over Cu/CeO2: the effect of copper–ceria interaction under periodic operation
Yasutaka Nagai, Kazuhiko Dohmae, Yusaku F. Nishimura, Hitoshi Kato, Hirohito Hirata and Naoki Takahashi DOI: 10.1039/C3CP44316G

XAFS study of catalytic NO reduction

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Smog-fog-smog and plants under pressure

Scientists from the USA suggest that plant-derived volatile organic compounds are more likely to react with OH at the air-water interface than inside the bulk of water droplets or in the vapour phase. They carried out molecular dynamics simulations of an organic compound in green leaf volatiles, MBO, and OH radicals at air-water interfaces bringing new insight into their absorption behaviours.

Green leaf volatiles are oxygenated hydrocarbons that are emitted by plants, especially under stress conditions such as mechanical damage and local weather changes. MBO is an unsaturated alcohol which is emitted in large quantities by some species of pine and can be oxidised by radicals including OH. MBO and other green leaf volatiles can be a source of secondary organic aerosols in the atmosphere, which play an important role in climate. Currently secondary organic aerosols are not well understood, and are an important factor in the smog-fog-smog cycle.

Read more in this HOT PCCP article:

Molecular simulations of green leaf volatiles and atmospheric oxidants on air/water interfaces
Thilanga P. Liyana-Arachchi, Christopher Stevens, Amie K. Hansel, Franz S. Ehrenhauser, Kalliat T. Valsaraj and Francisco R. Hung
DOI: 10.1039/C3CP44090G

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Nanogap structures

In their PCCP perspective on nanogap-enhanced SERS, Natelson, Li and Herzog discuss the rich and fascinating plasmonic physics at work in these systems.

Nanogap structures: combining enhanced Raman spectroscopy and electronic transport

Extended electrode structures incorporating nanogaps provide additional functionality for SERS studies beyond acting purely as plasmonic substrates. In tip-surface systems like those used for TERS, the ability to image the surface through scanned-probe techniques makes it possible to perform single- or few-molecule studies without relying on indirect or statistical arguments.

The authors make the comparison of experimental results with theoretical expectations an important thread in their discussion. Looking to the future, they predict that the bonding of Raman spectroscopy, electronic transport techniques and advanced theoretical treatments will be a profitable union for years to come.

Read this fascinating perspective today:

Nanogap structures: combining enhanced Raman spectroscopy and electronic transport
Douglas Natelson, Yajing Li and Joseph B. Herzog
DOI: 10.1039/C3CP44142C

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Surprising differences between macro- and nano-gold

In their recent PCCP communication, Richard Compton et al. explore gold electrocatalytic activity and report very interesting differences between the macro-and nano-scales.

Surface oxidation of gold nanoparticles supported on a glassy carbon electrode in sulphuric acid medium: contrasts with the behaviour of ‘macro’ goldThe researchers from Oxford University, UK, applied the procedure of consecutive electro-oxidation and reduction cycling in sulphuric acid medium to electrodeposited nanoparticles. Whereas this method is commonly used as a cleaning and calibration procedure for gold macro-electrodes, the method was found to have a negative effect on the surface of gold nanoparticles.

It has previously been thought that this surface cleaning method can be effectively applied to gold nanoparticles on the assumption that their behaviour is the same as the bulk behaviour. Compton et al. correctly question this assumption and suggest that changes in the surface morphology and/or composition of the nanoparticles during the cycling treatment may cause the damaging effects on the gold nanoparticle-modified electrode.

Read more detail in this article today:

Surface oxidation of gold nanoparticles supported on a glassy carbon electrode in sulphuric acid medium: contrasts with the behaviour of ‘macro’ gold
Ying Wang, Eduardo Laborda, Alison Crossley and Richard G. Compton
DOI: 10.1039/C3CP44615H

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Microsecond folding experiments and simulations

In their recent PCCP Perspective, Maxim Prigozhin and Martin Gruebele from the Center for Biophysics and Computational Biology, Urbana, USA, provide an excellent overview of the recent developments in the area of protein folding on the microsecond timescale.

Microsecond folding experiments and simulationsTheir Perspective compares recent experiments and simulations that have progressed the understanding of complex problems of multiple reaction coordinates, downhill folding, and intricate underlying structures of unfolded or misfolded states.

Advances in computing power and force fields in the late 1990s made it possible to directly compare protein folding experiments and simulations on the microsecond time-scale. Since then, understanding of how small globular proteins fold has made much progress.

With the continuing developments in both computing power and experimental methodology, this article highlights that exciting things in protein science are still to come!

Read this Perspective today:

Microsecond folding experiments and simulations: a match is made
M. B. Prigozhin and M. Gruebele
DOI: 10.1039/C3CP43992E

You may be interested in our themed collection Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry in PCCP.

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Investigating the nucleation and growth of silica

Grant McIntosh from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, has shone light in the interesting problem of silicate oligomer formation kinetics. For the first time, an ab initio study has been conducted that considers all possible oligomerization reactions available to silicic acid in basic solution, up to and including tetramers. An understanding of the nucleation and growth of silica colloids is important in the comprehension of sol-gel processes and geothermal fluids.

theoretical investigations into the nucleation of silica growth Including explicit water molecules in the calculations showed that these greatly affect the stability of intermediates and transition states, suggesting that some of the known pathways are more facile than previously predicted. Previously neglected bimolecular growth pathways were found to be energetically feasible, and so could significantly impact on the intial stages of silica nucleation.

Silicates are able to adopt a vast array of linear, cyclic, and branched structures, which makes it tough to experimentally monitor and identify product oligomers of silicate systems. This challenge is complicated further by the sensitivity toward temperature, ionic strength and pH. McIntosh remarks that a full picture of silicate growth will require time- and concentration dependent modelling techniques.

Read McIntosh’s article today:

Theoretical investigations into the nucleation of silica growth in basic solution part I – ab Initio studies of the formation of trimers and tetramers
Grant J. McIntosh
DOI: 10.1039/C3CP43399D

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Mutating DNA with electric fields

electric-field induced mutation of DNAIt may be possible to selectively mutate DNA using electric fields, opening the door for exciting new strategies to tune DNA’s structures.

José Cerón-Carrasco and Denis Jacquemin used density functional theory and second-order Møller–Plesset approaches to investigate the effects of electric fields on the tautomeric equilibria of the guanine–cytosine (GC) base pair. They found that electric fields not only drastically alter the kinetics of these equilibria, but also tune the very mechanism of the proton transfer reactions.

A proton transfer between two bases in DNA causes a modification of the interbase hydrogen-bonding pattern, and may consequently lead to a mutation. It is known that external environmental agents, such as free radicals and ionizing radiation, can alter the natural tautomeric equilibria of bases, but little research has been conducted so far about the effects of an external electric field.

Read more in this HOT PCCP article:

Electric-field induced mutation of DNA: a theoretical investigation of the GC base pair
José P. Cerón-Carrasco and Denis Jacquemin
DOI: 10.1039/C2CP44066K

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Setting a standard

Ionic liquids are the new black; a nonsense statement, but very true. Recyclable ionic liquids are the new solvents of choice as they allow for extensive recycling, novel processes and treatments and higher durability of devices. Ionic liquids are also just new, with unexplored physical and chemical properties. In a recent PCCP paper Torriero and co-workers target the issue of referencing electrochemical measurements in ionic liquids.
Table of contents imageFour classical metallocene redox couples are investigated in this paper. Ferrocene/ferrocenium is the reference redox couple of choice, but has been shown to be sensitive so specific solvation and ion pairing. This is also the case for ionic liquids, just much more extreme. In the four studied ionic liquids the variation is a full 100 mV. A similar large variation is found for cobaltocenium/cobaltocene. This variation presents a major issue if either of these redox couples are used as an internal reference in electrochemical experiments.
The per-methylated derivatives sandwich complexes, derived from 1,2,3,4,5-pentamethyl-cyclopentadienyl or Cp* (Cp-star), vary, but vary less. The relative change, measured as the difference in reduction potential of between Cp*2Fe and Cp*2Co+, is only a few millivolts. The result presented in this paper shows that the Cp* sandwich complexes may show promise as the new standard in electrochemical experiments in ionic liquids.

The limitation of the suggested internal references are discussed in full in:

Assessment of permethylated transition-metal sandwich complexes as internal reference redox systems in ionic liquids
Angel A. J. Torriero, Jaka Sunarso, Maria Forsyth and Cristina Pozo-Gonzalo
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013, 15, 2547-2553
DOI: 10.1039/C2CP43177G

by Dr Thomas Just Sørensen

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Exciting new double xanthenium dyes

The world of organic dyes is extremely dynamic, and vast amounts of research are performed on all aspects of organic colorants. That said, the number of chromophores is very static, and has been for decades. Rarely is a completely new dye seen, most developments are perturbations of known dye structures. A very interesting perturbation of a xanthenium dye is reported in a recent paper by Kamino et al., where they have fused two cationic xanthenium systems into a single dye.

Table of contents imageThe new, extended or double, rhodamine dye shows interesting properties, as a consequence of the bulk of the molecular structure and the elongation and extension of the conjugated system. A small red-shift of the absorption maximum of 50 nm occurs, and the new molecular structure allows the xanthenium fluorophore to be strongly emissive in the solid state.
A consequence of fusing two rhodamines into a single molecule is the doubling of all charges. The new dye is a dication in its most potent form, a species that evidently is highly solvent sensitive. More interesting, two peripheral phenyl groups are present in the system. The short distance between these results in hindered rotation. Two different isomers, defined by the phenyl substituents, can be isolated and they have significantly different properties.
The new dyes, which have been synthesised and characterised by Kamino et al. are exciting, as they allow for the investigation of how an enlarged pi-system changes the optical properties. As well as how the phenyl group, present in all fluoresceins and rhodamines, can affect their performance as stains and labels for the biological and medical sciences. Thus providing a new handle in the search for new and optimised fluorescent dyes.

by Dr Thomas Just Sørensen

Check out this fascinating PCCP article now:

A red-emissive aminobenzopyrano-xanthene dye: elucidation of fluorescence emission mechanisms in solution and in the aggregate state
Shinichiro Kamino, Atsuya Muranaka, Miho Murakami, Asana Tatsumi, Noriyuki Nagaoka, Yoshinao Shirasaki, Keiko Watanabe, Kengo Yoshida, Jun Horigome, Seiji Komeda, Masanobu Uchiyama and Shuichi Enomoto
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013, 15, 2131-2140
DOI: 10.1039/C2CP43503A

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