青年学者专访 | 杨欣教授:研究不只是为了发表文章

The original article (in English) can be found here: https://blogs.rsc.org/ew/2016/08/11/emerging-investigator-seriesxin-yang/

中山大学环境科学与工程学院的杨欣教授被英国皇家化学会期刊 Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology (ESWRT) 评选为 Emerging Investigator ,并接受了 ESWRT 的专题采访。

  • How has your research evolved from your first to your most recent article?

    My first research article was on disinfection byproducts formation during chlorination during my MPhi study at the HKUST. My current paper is also on disinfection byproducts, but from chlorine dioxide disinfection. Over the years, my research has been focused on disinfection and the byproducts formation with expansion toward emerging contaminants, such as pharmaceuticals and personal care products and persistent organic pollutants. My research has always aimed at drinking water safety.


  • What aspect of your work are you most excited about at the moment?

    The most exciting thing is to bridge the knowledge or results from the laboratory work with the real application. As my research has been focusing on drinking water treatment, we have good connections with water companies serving drinking water. It is great to apply what have learned from the laboratory work to guide the real application in water treatment. This is not easy, but we are trying.


  • What would be the ideal ratio of chlorine dioxide: chlorine for water treatment?

    From the tests, we find that the presence of some chlorine in chlorine dioxide solution may be effective in control certain groups of disinfection byproducts. It is difficult to give an ideal ratio as the water qualities vary. Meanwhile, the valuation of the formation of disinfection byproducts is just one aspect of the mixing solution, the other aspects such as inactivation capability may also be considered for further study.


  • What do you find most challenging about your research?

    I am working on pollutants or products with trace concentrations and the instruments such as GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS are often used. As the exploration of the reaction pathway is often one major objective, the mass spectral analysis from tons of peaks obtained from MS is very challenging.

    在工作中我需要与痕量的污染物或是产物打交道,也经常要用到 GC-MS/MS 以及 LC-MS/MS 等仪器。探究反应路径是我们关注的重点,而从成千上万的质谱峰中进行分析真的是一件颇具挑战的事。

  • How do you spend your spare time?

    I spend my spare time with my family including my 6-year old son. Outside of that, I enjoy reading, travelling and playing tennis.

    空余时间我一般都选择陪着家里人度过,尤其是我有一个 6 岁的儿子。此外,我喜欢阅读,旅行以及打网球。

  • Which profession would you choose if you were not a scientist?

    I have been enjoying so much as a teacher and researcher in the university. If I had not gone into science, I would like to be an engineer.


  • Can you share one piece of career-related advice or wisdom with other early career scientists?

    Work on something that needs to be worked on. Research is not just paper publication. It will be very exciting and important to solve real-application problems.


关于期刊 ESWRT

Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology (ESWRT) 自 2015 年正式出版以来,受到来自水环境研究领域工作者的高度关注,并深受好评。该期刊主要报道水科学与技术相关的创新性科研成果,尤其是水的资源、安全和循环利用方面的突出成果。致力于展示促进水资源可持续发展的高质量研究和新技术,内容涵盖水资源监测和分析技术,水和废水处理的物理、化学和生物过程,膜技术和海水淡化,先进的净化技术等。


中山大学环境科学与工程学院教授。本科毕业于南开大学环境科学系,2002 年进入香港科技大学进行深造,2007 年获香港科技大学土木和环境工程系博士学位,后于北卡罗莱纳大学师从 Philip C. Singer 教授从事博士后工作。主要研究领域为水污染治理中的副产物形成机理与控制,以及水环境中微量污染物的迁移转化与控制。


  • Emerging investigators series: disinfection by-products in mixed chlorine dioxide and chlorine water treatment
    Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2016, Advance Article
    DOI: 10.1039/C6EW00061D
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