By Pui Sai Lau, Web Writer
Many people loathe the aches and pains attributed to influenza (or flu) infection, which is especially prevalent during the winter months. However, depending on the aggressiveness of the pathogen subtype, more severe health complications including mortality can occur, particularly in infants and the elderly. While several detection methods are available for influenza diagnosis, limitations still exist such as long-analysis time, requirement of intensive labor and high cost. To tackle some of these issues, Ángel Maquieira and colleagues from Valencia, Spain have developed a sandwich immunoassay on commercial DVDs that makes use of a standard DVD reader for quantification. Check out their discovery by accessing the link below!
Influenza A virus infection diagnosis based on DVD reader technology
María-José Bañuls, María-Victoria González-Pedro, Rosa Puchades and Ángel Maquieira
Anal. Methods, 2012, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C2AY25493J