Enhancing determination of organophosphate species in high inorganic phosphate matrices: application to nerve agent degradation products
Yaofang Zhang, Kevin M. Kubachka and Joseph A. Caruso
Analytical Methods, 2010, DOI: 10.1039/c0ay00230e
Joseph Caruso and colleagues at the University of Cincinnati have developed a precipitation method for the removal of inorganic phosphates from samples to allow more effective identification of organophosphates by ICP-MS.
High concentrations of inorganic phosphates were successfully removed from apple juice and cola drink, leaving the organophosphates intact. In this study, nerve agent degradation products were analysed, as they have the potential to contaminate food and environmental systems after their initial formation.
Caruso’s results indicate that this method could be suitable for more complex matrices containing relatively high levels of inorganic phosphate.
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