Archive for the ‘Community’ Category

Celebrating WesTEC 2022 with Dow Canada

The Royal Society of Chemistry was proud to again support and celebrate the 31st Western Canada Operations Technical Excellence Conference (WesTEC), hosted by Dow Chemical, which is also marking its 125th anniversary.

This year’s theme of “Mapping the Path2Zero,” highlights the essential role of companies in addressing climate change by moving towards a goal of net zero emissions. Dow has committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2050, and has already unveiled their plans to build a first of its kind net zero carbon integrated ethylene cracker and derivatives site in Fort Saskatchewan. As in previous years, the 2022 WesTEC was an opportunity to highlight the outstanding work in this area being done at Dow Canada, and the Royal Society of Chemistry was glad to be a part of that recognition.

The Royal Society of Chemistry was thrilled to sponsor two awards at the 2022 WesTEC: Best Presentation: Nail Hagar, as well as Best Exhibit: Pabbi Grover and Jordan Gabert. Congratulations to all three winners!


Best Presentation: Nail Hagar

From left to right: Tonya Stockman, R&D/TS&D Director; Nail Hagar; Diego Ordoñez, Dow Canada President


Best Exhibit: Jordan Gabert, Pabbi Grover

From left to right: Jordan Gabert; Pabbi Grover; Lindsay Michalski, Senior Reliability Director; Jessica Gonzales, Global Process Automation Director


Additionally, the Royal Society of Chemistry would like to congratulate Professor Emeritus Dr. Milton Lee of Brigham Young University, and previous member of Analytical Method‘s Editorial Board, for receiving the Distinguished External Leader in Science and Technology. Dr. Lee is pictured below with Dr. Jim Luong, R&D Fellow Dow Canada and current Analytical Methods Advisory Board member. Dr. Lee was honored at the 2022 WestTEC, where he delivered an award address to attendees sharing his wisdom gained throughout his distinguished career.


Distinguished External Leader in Science and Technology: Milton Lee

From left to right: Jim Luong, R&D Fellow Dow Canada; Milton Lee, Professor Emeritus Brigham Young University


The Royal Society of Chemistry would like to congratulate all the award recipients at WesTEC 2022, as well as celebrate Dow Canada’s 175th anniversary. We are proud to partner with Dow Canada and celebrate its innovations.

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2022 Energy & Environmental Science Lectureship Nominations Open

Nominations for the 2022 Energy & Environmental Science Lectureship are now open!

The Lectureship is to recognize and support researchers in the early stage of their independent career working in an energy research topic within the scope of Energy & Environmental Science, and provide a platform to showcase their research to a wider scientific community. The EES Lectureship is awarded through a nominations process, with nominations of candidates open to the community.

The winner of the EES Lectureship will receive a £1,000 honorarium and will be given the opportunity to attend and present their research at a leading international conference, as well as contribute a Review-type article to Energy & Environmental Science.

The criteria for the Lectureship are:

  • The candidate’s research area must be within the scope of Energy & Environmental Science
  • Shortlisted candidates must have published in Energy & Environmental Science in the past 3 years
  • Candidates should be at an early stage of their independent career (generally within 10 years of attaining their doctorate or equivalent degree, but appropriate consideration will be given to those who have taken a career break, for example for childcare leave, or followed an alternative study path).

For more information, follow this link and learn how to submit your nomination by November 30th, 2022.


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Materials Science Emerging Investigators

The Journals of Materials Chemistry A, B, and C recently released their 2022 Emerging Investigators collections, highlighting the best work from materials chemists in the early stages of their independent career. These collections cover the research areas of energy and sustainability (JMC-A), biology and medicine (JMC-B), and optical, magnetic, and electronic devices (JMC-C).

The contributing investigators were selected by experts in their fields and were chosen based on the potential of their work to influence the future directions of materials chemistry throughout their forthcoming careers.

Congratulations to all of the outstanding researchers featured, and click the links below to discover the work of these rising stars in materials chemistry!

Journal of Materials Chemistry A
Emerging Investigators
Journal of Materials Chemistry B
Emerging Investigators
Journal of Materials Chemistry C
Emerging Investigators
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Peer Review Week 2022

This week (September 19-23, 2022) is Peer Review Week, an annual event celebrating and discussing the role of peer review in scholarly communication. This year’s theme is “Research Integrity: Creating and supporting trust in research,” and the posts, webinars, and resources shared this week will cover this vitally important aspect of peer review.

To see a full list of events being held by publishers, authors, editors, reviewers, and more, take a look at the full list of events for this year. Also, join the discussion about Peer Review Week on Twitter using #PeerReviewWeek22.

If you want to learn more about the Royal Society of Chemistry’s approach to peer review, read our article written for this year’s Peer Review Week, with perspectives from Editors-in-Chief and Associate Editors, as well as more information about the peer review process for the Royal Society of Chemistry’s journals, including how you can become a peer reviewer.

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Introducing Our New Board Members

At the Royal Society of Chemistry, our board members play indispensable roles in maintaining the quality and relevance of our journals. As some members’ terms come to an end, we welcome a new set of editorial and advisory board members to guide us into the future. We would like to offer a warm welcome to these researchers and to thank them graciously for their work at RSC.


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Updates from the Brazil Office for RSC Americas

Written by Elizabeth Magalhaes

A satellite office of RSC Americas, the Brazilian office in São Paulo, has been operating since 2012 and represents the whole portfolio in the region including all of South America. Now, after the worst (we hope) of the pandemic, we are re-assessing our approach in the region. The main partner in the community is the Brazilian Chemical Society, SBQ. At the beginning of 2022, RSC president Tom Welton gave a webinar to SBQ to reflect on Sustainability, which has become a prominent subject from 2022 onwards in the Brazilian Community.

Most of our publications in Brazil come from the local chemistry community, totalling nearly 500 at RSC. More and more, research in this area has become multidisciplinary, so following Biochemistry, Materials, Food Engineering, and Energy topics has played an important role in pursuing submission leading to publications locally. This movement has been essential in times where national funding has become an issue in Brazil and other Latin American countries. Other sources of funding, such as applications through innovation, are paving initial steps to enable research despite major cuts in governments’ science budgets.

Our goal in the region is to keep RSC relevant and to continue to be a trustworthy source for quality publications. To perform best in our aims, we support the most important local meetings in our communities, general or specific, to better understand the local environment. We look for opportunities to find engaged authors and editors, as well as to enlighten the future generation. We recently came back from one of the largest events in the area, the 45th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society. This conference was an opportunity to showcase our portfolio in full, including journals, books, databases, and other campaigns on Diversity and Inclusion. Our marketing stand attracted attention and was an effective point of contact for researchers.


At the conference, we presented a How-to-Publish talk with 3 of our local editorial board members in an interactive section. A highlight of the trip was the second annual awarding of the so-called JP RSC RASBQ prize, organized in partnership with SBQ. This award recognizes two young researchers for their scientific competence and quality of work, providing them with funding to attend international conferences and to boost their initial careers as professionals by covering research costs. More about the award and this year’s recipients can be found here (in Portuguese).


Yet there is still more to come, and this year we will sponsor and/or attend focus events and meetings in Materials, Analytical, Inorganic, Medicinal, and Organic Chemistry, including ICCST 15 – the International Conference on the Chemistry of Selenium and Tellurium. Watch this space!

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Outstanding Reviewers of 2021

The accuracy and quality of chemical science literature is only possible through the hard work of dedicated reviewers. We would like to thank all those who have contributed to the peer review process this past year, and especially recognize those from the Americas selected as Outstanding Reviewers. These reviewers have been chosen based on the number, timeliness, and quality of reports completed over 2021.

For a full list of the Outstanding Reviewers of 2021 from over 130 countries, please click here.


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WesTEC 2021: Driving 30 Years of Technical Excellence

The Royal Society of Chemistry are pleased to continue our support and celebrate the 30th annual Western Canada Operations Technical Excellence Conference (WesTEC), hosted by Dow Canada. This year’s theme, “Driving 30 Years of Technical Excellence”, captured the spirit of WesTEC: discovery, momentum, and continuous improvement and advances.

We are delighted to be invited again this year by Analytical Methods Editorial Board member Dr. Jim Luong to contribute a congratulatory letter and sponsor the Best Presentation and Best Exhibit Prizes at the WesTEC 2021 event. Through these efforts, the Royal Society of Chemistry is honored to recognize the skill and excellence across the breadth of Dow Canada.

Best presentation award winners: Kristie Ann Bell, Christon Wilson
From left to right: Jaime Curtis-Fisk, Senior R&D Leader, Kristie Ann Bell, Christon Wilson, Tonya Stockman, R&D/TS&D Director







Best Exhibit Award Winner: Ingrid Montpetit
From left to right: Catherine Costin, Vice-President of Dow Canada and Site Director and Ingrid Montpetit, AB Ops Learning Leader

As with many across the global chemical science community, Dow employees have tirelessly and
successfully worked throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, having been designated an essential service by
the government of Canada. The RSC is proud to partner with our colleagues at the Canadian Society for Chemistry to acknowledge and support their ongoing efforts.

Congratulations again on the occasion of the 30th WesTEC conference. We look forward to ongoing
innovation and collaboration for another 30 years, and beyond.

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Congratulations to WesTEC 2020 Award Winners

We are pleased to support the 29th annual Western Canada Operations Technical Excellence Conference (WesTEC) hosted by Dow Canada, continuing from previous years. Despite 2020 being an atypical year with the COVID-19 situation, many Dow employees continued to innovate and drive excellence in science and technology for a better future.

This year, we were delighted to be invited again by Analytical Methods Advisory Board member Dr. Jim Luong to contribute a congratulatory letter and sponsor the Best Lecture and Best Poster Prizes at the WesTEC 2020 event.

WesTEC, Best Lecture Award

Best Lecture Award winners Allison De Man and Jerome Wong with Catherine Costin Vice-President of Dow Canada and Site Director

WesTEC2020; Best Poster Award

Best Poster Award winners Wade Osicki and Todd Blumentrath (not pictured) with Catherine Costin, Vice-President of Dow Canada and Site Director

Congratulations to everyone for their research and development achievements!

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Welcome 2020 North and South American Editorial Board members!


The RSC US and Brazilian offices want to give a big welcome to our North and South American board members appointed in the past year!


Michelle Arkin, University of California San Francisco (USA)

RSC Chemical Biology Editorial Board Member


Curtis Berlinguette, University of British Columbia (Canada)

Journal of Materials Chemistry A / Materials Advances Associate Editor


Lin Chen, Northwestern University (USA)

Chemical Science Associate Editor


Zhongwei (John) Chen, University of Waterloo (Canada)

Energy & Environment Book Series, Editor in Chief


Jianjun Cheng, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign (USA)

Biomaterials Science Editor in Chief (formerly Associate Editor)


Wendell Coltro, Universidade Federal de Goiás (Brazil)

Analytical Methods Associate Editor


Neil Donahue, Carnegie Mellon University (USA)

Environmental Science: Atmospheres Editor in Chief


Norm Dovichi, University of Notre Dame (USA)

Analyst Editor in Chief


Leanne Gilbertson, University of Pittsburgh (USA)

Environmental Science: Nano Editorial Board Member


Jen Heemstra, Emory University (USA)

RSC Chemical Biology Editorial Board Member


Corey Hopkins, University of Nebraska Medical Center (USA)

Drug Discovery Book series, Series Editor


CJ Li, McGill University (Canada)

ChemComm Associate Editor (previously Green Chemistry Associate Editor)


Jennifer Love, University of Calgary (Canada)

Chemical Society Reviews Editorial Board Chair (previously Catalysis Science & Technology Associate Editor)


Gabriel Merino, Cinvestav Mérida (Mexico)

Chemical Science Associate Editor


Shirley Nagagaki, Universidade Federal do Paraná (Brazil)

RSC Advances Editorial Board Member


Zaneta Nikolovska-Coleska, University of Michigan (USA)

RSC Chemical Biology Editorial Board Member


Dong Qin, Georgia Tech (USA)

Nanoscale / Nanoscale Advances Associate Editor


Joel Thornton, University of Washington (USA)

Environmental Science: Atmospheres Editorial Board Member


Doug Stephan, University of Toronto (Canada)

ChemComm Editorial Board Chair (previously Chemical Society Reviews Editorial Board Chair)


Stacey Wetmore, University of Lethbridge (Canada)

RSC Advances Editorial Board Member


Hua-Zhong (Hogan) Yu, Simon Fraser University (Canada)

Analyst Reviews Editor


Vassilia Zorba, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)

JAAS Editorial Board Member





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