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Nominations are open for the 2024 RSC Prizes

Each year, the RSC recognizes outstanding members of the chemical community through the RSC Prizes, which distinguish exceptional groups, teams, and individuals for a variety of accomplishments. While some prizes are limited to those living in the UK or Ireland, there are over 20 prizes open to those elsewhere in the world.

Nominations are now open for the 2024 RSC Prizes, and will close 17:00 GMT (12:00 EST) on Thursday, January 18th, 2024.

To highlight three categories of prizes, with full details about each prize in the table at the bottom of this post:

  • Horizon Prizes: recognize a group, team or collaboration who are opening up new directions and possibilities in their field, making discoveries and innovations that push the boundaries of science. Teams can be any size, from a small research group to a multi-institution, multi-national collaboration, and self-nomination is permitted. As part of their prize, teams also receive a professionally produced video showcasing their work (click here to view a playlist of the 2022 winners).
  • Research & Innovation Prizes: recognize exceptional individuals who are advancing the chemical sciences, working in academia and industry. We have open prizes with no career-related eligibility criteria in multiple scientific fields. Alongside this we also have the Centenary Prizes for Chemistry and Communication (up to 3 prizes available), which recognize outstanding scientists who are also exceptional communicators.
  • Inclusion & Diversity Prize: recognises team or individual whose work is has had impact in improving the accessibility, inclusivity, and diversity of the chemical science community

Click here to search the 2024 RSC Prizes open for nominations outside of the UK and Ireland, and if you would like more information see the Guidance for Nominators and our FAQ.


Prize Who is it for? Rubric Self-Nomination? Membership Requirement? Career stage or other eligibility restrictions?
Horizon Prizes


Analytical Science

Chemistry-Biology Interface

Dalton (Inorganic Chemistry)

Environment, Sustainability and Energy

Faraday (Physical Chemistry)

Materials Chemistry

Organic Chemistry


Groups, teams and collaborations of any size Horizon Prizes recognise significant recent novel discoveries or advances made in particular fields. Yes At least one team member must be an RSC member None
Inclusion & Diversity Prize Individuals or teams Awarded to recognise and celebrate an individual or team whose innovative approaches/initiatives have delivered impact in improving the accessibility, inclusivity and diversity of the chemical science community.


Yes No – open to members and non-members None
Centenary Prizes for Chemistry and Communication Individuals Awarded to outstanding chemists, who are also exceptional communicators, from overseas to give lectures in the UK and Ireland. No Nominator must be an RSC member

Nominees do not need to be an RSC member

Analytical Science open prize: Theophilus Redwood Prize Individuals Awarded for outstanding contributions to the chemical sciences in the area of analytical chemistry. No Nominator and nominee must be RSC members



Chemistry Biology Interface open prize: Khorana Prize Individuals Awarded for outstanding contributions through work at the chemistry and life science interface. No Nominator and nominee must be RSC members


Dalton open prize: Mond-Nyholm Prize for Inorganic Chemistry Individuals Awarded for outstanding contributions to the chemical sciences in the area of inorganic chemistry. No Nominator and nominee must be RSC members


Environment, Sustainability and Energy open prize: Environment Prize Individuals Awarded for outstanding contributions to the chemical sciences in the area of environment, sustainability and energy. No Nominator and nominee must be RSC members


Faraday open prize: Faraday Lectureship Prize Individuals Awarded for outstanding contributions to the chemical sciences in the area of physical chemistry. No Nominator and nominee must be RSC members


Organic Chemistry open prize: Pedler Prize Individuals Awarded for outstanding contributions to the chemical sciences in the area of organic chemistry. No Nominator and nominee must be RSC members


Beilby Medal and Prize Individuals Recognises work of exceptional practical significance in chemical engineering, applied materials science, energy efficiency or a related field.


Yes No – open to members and non-members Nominees should be an early career scientist, typically with no more than 10 years of full-time equivalent professional experience


Sir Derek Barton Gold Medal Individuals Awarded in recognition of a substantial internationally-leading body of creative work in organic chemistry carried out after the age of sixty. No Nominator must be an RSC member

Nominees do not need to be an RSC member

Nominees should be 60 or over at the closing date of nominations.



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Nominations are open for the Organic Chemistry Frontiers Early Career Advisory Board

This year marks the beginning of the Organic Chemistry Frontiers Early Career Advisory Board, which aims to provide a direct means of communication between the journal and researchers in organic chemistry who are early in their career. Members of the Early Career Advisory Board will help shape the future of Organic Chemistry Frontiers through providing fresh, innovative perspectives.

Researchers on the Early Career Advisory Board will provide feedback on the journal’s scientific standards, suggest emerging topics and researchers for the journal to feature, and will contribute to promotional and visibility initiatives within their community. Members will normally serve a term of two years, with an option for reappointment for a maximum of two consecutive terms.

The Early Career Advisory Board is open to academic or industry researchers in all countries, with the requirement that they are no more than five years from starting an independent research position. Self-nominations are very welcome, and the nomination period closes on November 30th, 2023.

To learn more about the Organic Chemistry Frontiers Early Career Advisory Board and how to nominate someone for the role, click here to read the post on the Organic Chemistry Frontiers blog.

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Materials Horizons 10th Anniversary Collection for the Americas

To celebrate the 10 year anniversary of Materials Horizons, the journal has been preparing monthly Regional Spotlight Collections, highlighting the most popular articles publishing in Materials Horizons from contributors across the globe.

Recently, the spotlight collection for the Americas was released, containing 33 of the very best publications from this region in the past 10 years.

Click here to read this collection of fantastic articles, and click here to learn more about upcoming activities honoring Materials Horizons on its 10th anniversary.

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Open Nominations for the 2023 Energy & Environmental Science Lectureship

Energy & Environmental Science recently announced the start of the nomination period for the journal’s 2024 Lectureship award, which will close on December 4th, 2023. This recognition, which was first awarded in 2012, highlights a scientist in the early stages of their career who have made significant contributions in the fields of medicinal chemistry and drug discovery.

Nominees must be independent researchers who have completed their PhD, actively working in the field of medicinal chemistry, and at an early stage in their career (typically within 10 years of attaining their doctorate or equivalent), and have published in Energy & Environmental Science in the past 3 years.

To learn more details about the 2024 Energy & Environmental Science Lectureship, read about past winners, and find out how to submit a nomination, click here to view the award’s website.

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Nominations for the 2024 RSC Medicinal Chemistry Emerging Investigator Lectureship are Now Open

RSC Medicinal Chemistry recently announced the start of the nomination period for the journal’s 2024 Emerging Investigator Lectureship award, which will close on November 30th, 2023. This recognition, which was first awarded in 2013, highlights a scientist in the early stages of their career who have made significant contributions in the fields of medicinal chemistry and drug discovery.

Nominees must be independent researchers, actively working in the field of medicinal chemistry, and at an early stage in their career (typically within 12 years of attaining their doctorate or equivalent).

To learn more details about the 2024 RSC Medicinal Chemistry Emerging Investigator Lectureship, read about past winners, and find out how to submit a nomination, click here to view the award’s website.

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RSC Chemical Biology 2022 Outstanding Paper Award

In September, RSC Chemical Biology announced the winning publication of their 2022 Outstanding Paper Award, which was selected by the journal’s Editorial Board and intended to highlight a publication in RSC Chemical Biology with both strong scientific merits and a large potential future impact on the field as a whole. The winning paper was: “OligoTRAFTACs: A generalizable method for transcription factor degradation,” from Kusal T. G. Samarasinghe, Elvira An, Miriam A. Genuth, Ling Chu, Scott A. Holley, and Craig M. Crews.

To honor the recipients of this award, RSC Chemical Biology is presenting an upcoming webinar at 12:00 PM on Tuesday, November 21st, featuring a presentation from the paper’s corresponding author, Prof. Craig Crews (Yale University), as well as a presentation from Prof. Michelle Arkin (University of California, San Francisco), an Editorial Board Member for RSC Chemical Biology.

If you are interested in learning more about the webinar, click here to see the post on the RSC Chemical Biology Blog, and click here to register for the event.

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Announcing the 2023 Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship Winner

This week, Journal of Materials Chemistry announced the winner of the 2023 Lectureship, which honors early career scientists who have made a significant contribution to the fields of materials chemistry. For this year’s award, the Advisory and Editorial Boards of the journal selected Dr. Jovana Milić (University of Fribourg, Switzerland) as the winner.

To learn more about Dr. Milić and to read the journal’s interview with her, check out the Journal of Materials Chemistry blog post.

Additionally, the journal recognized two runners-up for the award, who have also made impressive contributions to the field of materials chemistry as emerging leaders: Dr. Kwabena Bediako (University of California, Berkeley, USA) and Dr Laure Biniek (Institut Charles Sadron, CNRS- Strasbourg, France). Read more about these outstanding researchers on the Journal of Materials Chemistry blog.

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2024 Polymer Chemistry Lectureship Nominations are Open

Polymer Chemistry recently announced the start of the nomination period for the journal’s 2024 Lectureship award, which will close on January 31st, 2024. This recognition, which was first awarded in 2015, highlights a scientist in the early stages of their career who have made significant contributions to the polymer field.

Nominees must be independent researchers, actively working in the field of polymer chemistry, and at an early stage in their career (typically within 12 years of attaining their doctorate or equivalent), who have been a corresponding author on a publication in Polymer Chemistry within the past 3 years.

To learn more details about the 2024 Polymer Chemistry Lectureship, read about past winners, and find out how to submit a nomination, click here to read the Polymer Chemistry blog post with additional information.

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Sensors & Diagnostics Outstanding Paper Award

Recently, Sensors & Diagnostics announced the winning article of their inaugural 2022 Outstanding Paper Award, which was selected by the journal’s Editorial Board to recognize exception research published in Sensors & Diagnostics during 2022.

This year’s highlighted article is: “Highly sensitive urine glucose detection with graphene field-effect transistors functionalized with electropolymerized nanofilms,” from Gonzalo E. Fenoy (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina), Waldemar A. Marmisollé (Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria), Wolfgang Knoll (Danube Private University, Austria), and Omar Azzaroni (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina).

Read the post on the Sensors & Diagnostics blog to learn more about the award, the paper, and the winning team.

To recognize the award, Professor Omar Azzaroni, together with Professor Carlos D. Garcia (Sensors & Diagnostics Associate Editor, Clemson University, USA), will present his latest research in an RSC Desktop Seminar on November 14th at 12:00 PM GMT (7:00 AM EST). The 60 minute webinar will include presentations from both speakers, followed by an opportunity for audience questions.

If you are unable to attend live, simply register and a recording will be sent following the event.

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Attend the next Digital Discovery Desktop Seminar

We are proud to invite you to attend  the next Digital Discovery Desktop Seminar at 12:00 EDT on Tuesday, October 24th, which will highlight the journal’s Outstanding Paper Award winners for 2022, Professor Claudiane Ouellet-Plamondon and Dr Vasileios Sergis.

The session will feature presentations from Professor Ouellet-Plamondon and Digital Discovery Associate Editor Dr Linda Hung as they present their latest research in a 60-minute seminar, including an open question session.

If you are interested in the seminar but aren’t able to attend live, register your interest and we’ll send you a link to the recording afterwards.

Register Here


A portrait of professor Claudiane Ouellet-Plamondon

Professor Claudiane Ouellet-Plamondon

École de Technologie Supérieure Montreal, Canada

Title: “From automated mix design of concrete for 3D printing to a vision of an algorithmic system for net zero concrete.”


A portrait of Dr Linda Hung

Dr Linda HungToyota Research Institute, United States

Title: “Data-driven insights about inorganic crystal structures.”

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