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Nominations for the 2025 RSC Prizes are Now Open

Each year, the RSC recognizes outstanding members of the chemical community through the RSC Prizes, which distinguish exceptional groups, teams, and individuals for a variety of accomplishments. While some prizes are limited to those living in the UK or Ireland, there are over 20 prizes open to those elsewhere in the world.

Nominations are now open for the 2025 RSC Prizes, and will close 17:00 GMT (12:00 EST) on Tuesday, January 14th, 2025.

To highlight three categories of prizes:

  • Horizon Prizes: recognize a group, team or collaboration who are opening up new directions and possibilities in their field, making discoveries and innovations that push the boundaries of science. Teams can be any size, from a small research group to a multi-institution, multi-national collaboration, and self-nomination is permitted.
  • Research & Innovation Prizes: recognize exceptional individuals who are advancing the chemical sciences, working in academia and industry. We have open prizes with no career-related eligibility criteria in multiple scientific fields. Alongside this we also have the Centenary Prizes for Chemistry and Communication (up to 3 prizes available), which recognize outstanding scientists who are also exceptional communicators.
  • Inclusion & Diversity Prize: recognises team or individual whose work is has had impact in improving the accessibility, inclusivity, and diversity of the chemical science community

Click here to search the 2025 RSC Prizes open for nominations outside of the UK and Ireland, and if you would like more information see the Guidance for Nominators and our FAQ.

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Congratulations to the RSC Poster Prize Winners at the 2024 Tri-Institutional Chemical Biology Symposium

At the recently held 2024 Tri-Institutional Chemical Biology Symposium at The Rockefeller University on August 14th, 2024, the Royal Society of Chemistry was proud to offer our continued support through sponsoring several poster prizes for attendees. This year, three RSC journals contributed to the prize, sponsoring £50 book vouchers for four awardees. Congratulations to all the poster prize winners!

RSC Chemical Biology

SeCheol Oh (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)

Ruijie Xiang (The Rockefeller University)

Chemical Science

Pooja Pandya (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)

Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry

Charlie Warren (Cornell University)

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Journal of Materials Chemistry B Themed Collection on Stimuli-Responsive Materials

Journal of Materials Chemistry B recently published their latest themed collection highlighting work on stimuli-responsive materials for biomedical applications.

The collection was guest edited by Dr. Mary Beth Browning Monroe (Syracuse University),  Prof. N. D. Pradeep Singh (Indian Institute of Technology), and Prof. Yanli Zhao (Nanyang Technological University) and is focused on recent developments on stimuli-responsive materials for biomedical applications, including their design, synthesis, characterization, and applications related to biology and medicine.

Click here to read through the full collection.

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2024 Nanoscale Emerging Investigators Collection

The Nanoscale journal family is proud to present their themed collection highlighting 2024’s rising stars of nanoscience and nanotechnology research. The collection, which is prepared yearly, features the very best work from researchers in the early stages of their independent career. Each contributor was recommended by experts in their fields for carrying out work with the potential to influence future directions in nanoscience and nanotechnology.

We would especially like to recognize the over 30 researchers in the collection that are based in the Americas, including Fang Chen (Stanford University), Peter Schindler (Northeastern University), Ashley Ross (University of Cincinnati), and many more!

Click here to read profiles of all these outstanding early career researchers, and then click here to view the highlighted articles from these fantastic scientists.

Congratulations to all the featured researchers on their important work in the field so far!

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Congratulations to the Winners of the 2024 Certificate of Undergraduate Excellence

Each year, the Royal Society of Chemistry sponsors the Certificate of Undergraduate Excellence at educational institutions across North America, honoring students of have shown significant achievement in the chemical sciences. The award recipients are selected by their departments for demonstrating exceptional dedication, performance, and engagement in coursework and research. Example qualifications include students who:

  • Are within the top 5-10% of their class in subject-specific and overall coursework
  • Participate and excel in undergraduate research projects
  • Have taken on leadership roles in their department and community
  • Persevered in their program despite facing significant challenges

Upon receiving the award from their institution, winners receive:

  • An invitation to join in publishing training provided by RSC journal editorial teams, with a certificate of completion endorsed by Chemical Communications executive editor, Dr. Richard Kelly
  • An RSC Affiliate Membership or copy of The Merck Index (15th edition) (selected by the institution)

Recently, the 2023-2024 award period closed, and we would like to celebrate this year’s awardees. Click here to view a full list of the recognized students.

If you would like your institution to participate in the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Certificate of Undergraduate Excellence, click here for more information and to complete the registration form.

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Announcing EES Batteries and EES Solar

We are excited to announce the launch of two new journals in the Royal Society of Chemistry’s portfolio, joining Energy and Environmental Science and EES Catalysis in the EES familyEES Batteries and EES Solar.

EES Batteries will be led by Editor-in-Chief Piang Zhang (Tsinghua University, China) and will focus on the development of bigger and better batteries for a more sustainable future. EES Solar, headed by Editor-in-Chief Michael Saliba (University of Stuttgart & Research Center Juelich, Germany) will provide a venue for scientists working in chemistry, energy, materials science and engineering who are discovering new ways to convert light energy and generate electricity.

Click here to learn more about these exciting new journals, as well as the larger EES family of journals.

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Materials Horizons 10the Anniversary Inaugural Authors Reflections

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Materials Horizons, the journal has invited back some inaugural authors who published during the launch of the journal to write a Reflection article, looking back at their previous publication and discussing how their work may have influenced the field and what they may have done differently had they had the hindsight of today. The articles featured in this collection will give an overview of some of the exciting and impactful research first published in the journal.

Recently, the first five Reflections in this series have been published, and are available to read now by clicking here. Throughout the rest of the year, keep an eye on the collection as more Reflection articles are published.

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2024 RSC Prizes Announced

Recently, the Royal Society of Chemistry announced the 2024 winners of the Research & Innovation Prizes, Volunteer Recognition Prizes, Horizon Prizes, and the Inclusion & Diversity Prize.

This year’s prizes are a true celebration of excellence in all its forms across the chemical sciences. We’ve once again recognised individuals from all career stages and various backgrounds, and this year we announce the first winners of our Technical Excellence Prizes – celebrating technicians and technical roles as invaluable members of the chemical sciences community.

We have also expanded our Apprentice Prizes to allow for more awardees, and introduced the new Innovation Through Partnership Prize, which celebrates partnerships across all sectors, including government, industry, education, research institutions and the third sector.

Collaboration is essential to great science, and groups, teams and collaborations feature heavily in the line-up of winners. Our team prize winners range from very large teams to very small ones, across sectors, countries, and institutions, comprising individuals in a wide variety of roles.

Click here to view the 2024 Prizes digital gallery and read more about our winners and their work, then post your congratulations through our commenting tool on the individual prize pages.

We have also published a web collection of our winners’ previously published work across RSC journals, which you can click here to read

All our winners have made worthy contributions to the chemical sciences community and to our planet. We extend our warmest congratulations to them all!

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Celebrating Green Chemistry‘s 25th Anniversary

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Green Chemistry, members of the journal’s Editorial Board are holding symposium worldwide. We would like to particularly highlight the event being held in conjunction with NCCR Catalysis, and hosted by Green Chemistry‘s chair Javier Pérez-Ramírez and Editorial Board Member André Bardow. This symposium will take place on Wednesday, May 30th at 8:30 AM EDT at ETH Hönggerberg and streamed live online for free.

Keynote presentations will feature:

  • Prof. Walter Leitner, Director of the Department of Molecular Catalysis at Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion (Former Editorial Board Chair and current Advisory Board Member of Green Chemistry)
  • Dr. Maud Reiter, Head of Discovery Chemistry & Development at dsm-firmenich and Nicolas Habisreutinger, LCA and Sustainability Manager at dsm-firmenich.
  • Prof. Rebecca Buller, Head of Competence Center for Biocatalysis at ZHAW and NCCR Catalysis Work Package Coordinator.
  • Prof. Gonzalo Guillén-Gosálbez, Professor of Chemical Systems Engineering at ETH Zürich and NCCR Catalysis Work Package Coordinator.

Click here to register to attend via Zoom, and click here for more details about the event.

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Materials Horizons 2023 Outstanding Paper Awards

Recently, Materials Horizons announced the winners of their 2023 Outstanding Paper awards, recognizing several articles published in 2023 that were exceptionally high quality and innovative. These articles were chosen by the journal’s Editorial and Advisory Boards from a shortlist of articles based on a variety of metrics including article downloads, Altmetrics, and citations. Each year, these awards highlight the 2023 Outstanding Article, Outstanding Article Runner-Up, and Outstanding Review.

We would especially like to highlight the Materials Horizons 2023 Outstanding Review, which was awarded to Jackie Zheng, Md Arifuzzaman, Xiaomin Tang, Xi Chelsea Chen, and Tomonori Saito from Oak Ridge National Laboratory for their article summarizing the current state of the plastic recycling sector.

Click here to read the introductory editorial detailing each of the winning papers, and congratulations to all the recognized authors!

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