Archive for the ‘Conferences’ Category

Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry International Symposium

The first Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry International Symposium will take place in China in April 2012. The symposium will be comprised of three one-day meetings, each one featuring a selection of lectures covering organic and bioorganic chemistry by some of the world’s leading international scientists.

The meetings will be held at Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Lanzhou University and Peking University. The symposium is organised by Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, the Royal Society of Chemistry and the local host organisations. The OBC International Symposium will take place as follows:
• Monday 16th April 2012 – Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Shanghai, China
• Wednesday 18th April 2012 – Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
• Friday 20th April 2012 – Peking University, Beijing, China

For more information please visit the symposium website.

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Join ICPO21: 21st IUPAC International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry

The Organic Division of the RSC on behalf of IUPAC is now inviting contributions to ICPO21: 21st IUPAC International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry to be held 9 – 13 September 2012 at Durham University.

The submission deadline dates are:


  • Oral abstracts               23 March 2012
  • Poster abstracts           13 July 2012


Key topics that will be covered in the meeting include:

  • Physical underpinnings
  • Mechanism and Catalysis
  • Supramolecular and Systems Chemistry


Why join ICPOC21?

A broad range of scientists from across the whole community who share a quantitative perspective on chemistry will be there, providing an opportunity to discuss and celebrate the current status, development, and the future of physical organic chemistry.


In addition to outstanding plenary sessions, there will be three parallel sessions over the five days comprising invited lectures and contributed talks, as well as poster sessions.

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RSC Publishing poster prizes awarded at ISMSC

Congratulations to the following students who were awarded ChemComm, Dalton Transactions and Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry poster prizes at the 2012 International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC) at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand:

  • Jean-Francois Ayme (Edinburgh) – “Pentameric Circular Helicates as a Scaffold for a Molecular Pentafoil Knot”
  • Jessica Holmes (Melbourne) –  “Supramolecular Systems of Cyclotricatechylene”
  • David Hvasanov (UNSW) –  “Photoinduced membrane proton-pumping via polymersomes as chloroplast mimics”

The poster prize winners with Professor Phil Gale from the ISMSC-2012 International Advisory Committee (photo courtesy of Scott Cameron from the Brooker group)

Nominations for the 2013 Cram Lehn Pedersen prize to be awarded at ISMSC-8 in Crystal City, Virginia, USA, will open later in the year. Stay tuned to the ChemComm blog for details.

Related news:
Cram Lehn Pedersen Prize awarded at ISMSC

Posted on behalf of Joanne Thomson

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Meet the OBC team

The OBC team will be attending a number of conferences in 2012 and we would be delighted to meet you.

Dr Marie Cote, Deputy Editor

Dr Richard Kelly, Managing Editor

Here are just some of the conferences where you can meet us in the coming months:

Please let us know if you are planning on attending any of these meetings, as it would be lovely to meet you there!

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Challenges in Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology Symposium

The first of the International Symposia on Advancing the Chemical Sciences (ISACS) series next year is to be Challenges in Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology (ISACS7) on 12 – 15 June at the University of Edinburgh, UK.

See the excellent list of confirmed speakers and details of the abstract submission process here.

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OBC will be in Crete to attend ESOC 2011

Are you planning on going to ESOC 2011 this coming summer?

ESOC 2011 is the 17th European Symposium of Organic Chemistry that will be held in Crete, Greece, from 10th to 15th July 2011.

This well established conference will provide a forum for broad scientific and technological exchange
among researchers from Europe and elsewhere. The conference will emphasize on new achievements in
the following fields:

– Total Synthesis of Natural Products
– Catalysis in Organic Synthesis
– New Methods in Organic Synthesis
– Medicinal Chemistry
– Bioorganic Chemistry & Chemical Biology
– Supramolecular Chemistry
– Synthesis of Functional Materials
– Physical Organic Chemistry

The program will include an outstanding line up of invited speakers.
Keep up to date with the latest program information on the website

Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry will be there and it is one of the supporters of this meeting. If you are thinking of attending this conference and spending a week of your summer in sunny Crete, drop us an e-mail – it would be great to meet you! OBC will have a stand so feel free to come along!

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Meet the OBC team

The OBC team will be attending a number of conferences in 2011 and we would be delighted to meet you.

These are just some of the conferences where you can meet us in the coming months:

Please let us know if you are planning on attending any of these meetings as it would be lovely to meet you there.

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Meet the OBC team

The OBC team will be attending a number of conferences in 2011 and we would be delighted to meet you.


Here’s where you can meet us in the coming months:

Please let us know if you are planning on attending any of these meetings as it would be lovely to meet you there.

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Submit abstracts for ISACS now

Online abstract submission for the International Symposia on Advancing the Chemical Sciences (ISACS) is now open. Abstracts are invited by the dates below:

ISACS5: Challenges in Chemical Biology:
Oral Presentations: 21 January 2011, Posters: 27th May 2011
ISACS6: Challenges in Organic Materials & Supramolecular Chemistry:
Oral Presentations: 18 March 2011, Posters: 8th July 2011

You can find out more about the exceptional speaker line-up at each event, sign up for news updates and submit abstracts and oral presentations at

3. ISACS5 – Challenges in Chemical Biology

ISACS5 – Challenges in Chemical Biology: 26-29 July 2011, Manchester, UK

Online abstract submission is now open for ISACS5, the fifth in the International Symposia on Advancing the Chemical Sciences (ISACS) conference series from the RSC. Contributions for posters are invited by 27th May 2011 to supplement the exceptional plenary programme. Also, new for 2011, we are delighted to have oral presentation slots available – submission deadline 21 January 2011. You can find out more about the outstanding speaker line-up, sign up for news updates and submit abstracts at

4. ISACS6 – Challenges in Organic Materials & Supramolecular Chemistry

ISACS6 – Challenges in Organic Materials & Supramolecular Chemistry: 2-5 September 2011, Beijing, China

Online abstract submission is now open for ISACS6, the sixth in the International Symposia on Advancing the Chemical Sciences (ISACS) conference series from the RSC. Contributions for posters are invited by 8th July 2011 to supplement the exceptional plenary programme. Also, new for 2011 we are delighted to have oral presentation slots available – submission deadline 18 March 2011. You can find out more about the outstanding speaker line-up, sign up for news updates and submit abstracts at

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