A threat for oral thrush: Cooperative regulation of mouth microbes

The very successful OBC Communication by Robert H. Cichewicz and coworkers, at the University of Oklahoma, on mutanobactin A and its influence on the yeast-mycelium transition of Candida albicans is now the inside cover of Issue 24.

These are just some examples of the web pages where this amazing article has been highlighted:

Congratulations to the authors on delivering such a great piece of research!

Read the original paper free to access until next year:

Mutanobactin A from the human oral pathogen Streptococcus mutans is a cross-kingdom regulator of the yeast-mycelium transition
P. Matthew Joyner, Jinman Liu, Zhijun Zhang, Justin Merritt, Fengxia Qi and Robert H. Cichewicz
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2010, 8, 5486-5489
DOI: 10.1039/C0OB00579G , Communication

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