Natural Product Reports at the Zing Natural Products conference – February 2011

2011 will again see the Natural Product Reports (NPR) Editorial team travelling to conferences around the world to meet researchers and to see some of the latest work being carried out. A full list of where you can find us this year can be found on the NPR blog

The first meeting on our schedule for this year is the Zing Natural Products conference – 13th – 16th February – in Sharm-el-Sheikh, Egypt. This conference, sponsored by NPR, will be a great opportunity to not only see some of the latest cutting edge natural products research but also to meet authors and readers of the journal. Editor Richard Kelly will be attending on behalf of NPR.

The meeting will be co-Chaired by NPR Advisory Board member and former NPR Chair David O’Hagan (University of St Andrews, UK) and NPR Advisory Board member Margaret Brimble (University of Auckland, New Zealand) and looks set to cover the breadth of natural products research: from isolation and structural studies to biosynthesis to synthesis of molecules. Included in the line up of speakers are NPR Editorial Board members Andreas Kirschning (Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany) and Stefan Schulz (TU Braunschweig, Germany), former NPR Chair Tom Simpson (University of Bristol, UK) and former Lecture Award winner Jason Micklefield (University of Manchester, UK).

If you are travelling to this conference and would like to meet Richard Kelly, Editor of NPR, then please drop us an email to let us know.

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NPR Lecture Award presented at Pacifichem

December saw the presentation of the 2010 NPR lecture award at the Pacifichem conference in Hawaii. Professor Chris Walsh, from Harvard Medical School in the US delivered his award lecture, entitled “Posttranslational approach to natural product biosynthesis” during the Natural Products Biosynthesis symposium at the meeting.

Professor Chris Walsh receives his award from NPR Chair Professor Brad Moore.

Professor Walsh was selected for the award in recognition of his work on natural product biosynthesis, in particular his work on investigating the structure and function of enzymes. He has written a number of articles for NPR, some of which you can view below:

Structural insights into nonribosomal peptide enzymatic assembly lines
Alexander Koglin, Christopher T. Walsh, Nat. Prod. Rep., 2009, (8),987-1000
DOI: 10.1039/b904543k

Total biosynthesis: in vitro reconstitution of polyketide and nonribosomal peptide pathways
Elizabeth S. Sattely, Michael A. Fischbach, Christopher T. Walsh, Nat. Prod. Rep., 2008, (4),757-793
DOI: 10.1039/b801747f

Biological formation of pyrroles: Nature’s logic and enzymatic machinery
Christopher T. Walsh, Sylvie Garneau-Tsodikova, Annaleise R. Howard-Jones, Nat. Prod. Rep., 2006, (4),517-531
DOI: 10.1039/b605245m

NPR sponsors a lecture each year at an international meeting. The recipient will have made a significant research contribution to natural products chemistry in its broadest sense, and will have published in or have had some affiliation to the journal. The award is open to anyone fitting these criteria.

The 2011 award winner will be announced in the next few weeks.

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Natural Products in OBC

Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, our sister journal, publishes many articles that cover natural product chemistry. We will try to keep you updated, although the safest bet is for you to sign up to OBC’s e-alert (free service) and receive the table of content directly in your inbox every time an issue is published.

The latest NP articles have been collated here.

If you want to see your natural products article featured on this blog you can submit it here.

Synthesis of (±)-desethylrhazinal using a tandem radical addition-cyclization process
Ehecatl Paleo, Yazmin M. Osornio and Luis D. Miranda
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2011, 9, 361-362
DOI: 10.1039/C0OB00572J, Communication

Intramolecular hydroalkoxylation in Brønsted acidic ionic liquids and its application to the synthesis of (±)-centrolobine
Yunkyung Jeong, Do-Young Kim, Yunsil Choi and Jae-Sang Ryu
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2011, 9, 374-378
DOI: 10.1039/C0OB00701C, Communication

(S)-Stereoisomer of telomestatin as a potent G-quadruplex binder and telomerase inhibitor
Takayuki Doi, Kazuaki Shibata, Masahito Yoshida, Motoki Takagi, Masayuki Tera, Kazuo Nagasawa, Kazuo Shin-ya and Takashi Takahashi
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2011, 9, 387-393
DOI: 10.1039/C0OB00513D, Paper

Anti-malarial, anti-algal, anti-tubercular, anti-bacterial, anti-photosynthetic, and anti-fouling activity of diterpene and diterpene isonitriles from the tropical marine sponge Cymbastela hooperi
Anthony D. Wright, Adam McCluskey, Mark J. Robertson, Kylie A. MacGregor, Christopher P. Gordon and Jana Guenther
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2011, 9, 400-407
DOI: 10.1039/C0OB00326C, Paper

Nucleotidylation of unsaturated carbasugar in validamycin biosynthesis
Jongtae Yang, Hui Xu, Yirong Zhang, Linquan Bai, Zixin Deng and Taifo Mahmud
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2011, 9, 438-449
DOI: 10.1039/C0OB00475H, Paper

Asymmetric total synthesis of (+)-swainsonine
Soontorn Chooprayoon, Chutima Kuhakarn, Patoomratana Tuchinda, Vichai Reutrakul and Manat Pohmakotr
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2011, 9, 531-537
DOI: 10.1039/C0OB00388C, Paper

Wilsoniamines A and B: novel alkaloids from the temperate Australian bryozoan, Amathia wilsoni
Anthony R. Carroll, Sandra Duffy, Melissa Sykes and Vicky M. Avery
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2011, 9, 604-609
DOI: 10.1039/C0OB00538J, Paper

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What every chemist should know about plant names

NPR opens 2011 with a very interesting first issue in which a different and original viewpoint by Johannes Erkens is published:

‘In this Viewpoint, I explain why chemists should be aware of the essentials of plant naming, and describe some easy quality checks that can be performed to avoid errors being perpetuated’

This is what he says and that is exactly what he does.

You can read this article free to access until the end of January. Come on! Find out why chemists should know about plant names and comment on it.

What every chemist should know about plant names
Roy Hubertus Johannes Erkens
Nat. Prod. Rep., 2011, 28, 11-14
DOI: 10.1039/C0NP00042F


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Issue 1 2011 – Natural Product Reports

Our first Issue of 2011 is already here.

We are very excited about it and looking forward to making 2011 another successful year for NPR. Thank you to all our authors, readers and referees for a fantastic 2010. A big thanks goes also to the NPR Editorial Board for their support and enthusiasm.

In this first Issue you will find a brief Editorial by the new NPR Chair, Bradley Moore and the NPR Editor Richard Kelly.

This is followed by a very interesting and different viewpoint by Johannes Erkens on why chemists should be aware of the essentials of plant naming (free to access from tomorrow, 21st December, until the end of January).
Christopher Vanderwal tells us about chlorosulfolipids in the first highlight of 2011 and then we move to 6 very informative reviews.

Robert Cichewicz and Phillip Williams open this first NPR issue with two reviews on different medicinal chemistry topics. Cichewicz’s review explores the therapeutic lead potential of secondary metabolites for the treatment of protein-misfolding-related neurodegenerative diseases whereas Williams’ review looks at Alzheimer’s drug leads.

Ricardo Riguera talks about the use of NMR methods in complex mixtures and Blaine Pfeifer writes about heterologous biosynthesis as a route to access the beneficial properties of natural products.

István Molnár also looks at biosynthesis of NP; however, he focuses on the biosynthesis and biochemistry of cyclooligomer nonribosomal peptides fungal cyclooligomer depsipeptides.

This first Issue finishes with Ronald Parry‘s review on naturally occurring nitro compounds and the biosynthesis of the nitro group.

We hope you enjoy reading our first issue of 2011 and we want to wish you all a very nice New Year and the warmest Seasonal Greetings.

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Marine Natural Products Review 2011 is published!

Undoubtedly, one of the most popular NPR reviews, the marine natural products  has become a regular review everyone looks forward to.

John Blunt and his co-workers always put together a very comprehensive and detailed review with the latest literature on marine natural products.

This 2011 review highlights the literature for 2009 and describes 1011 new compounds from 352 articles, a small decrease from the number (1065) of compounds reported for 2008. As in previous reviews, the structures are shown only for new compounds, or for previously reported compounds where there has been a structural revision or a newly established stereochemistry.

You can read about all of these marine natural products in the 2011 Advance Review

Marine natural products
John W. Blunt, Brent R. Copp, Murray H. G. Munro, Peter T. Northcote and Michèle R. Prinsep
Nat. Prod. Rep., 2011, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C005001F, Review

And if you missed the most recent reviews on marine natural products you have them here:

Marine natural products 2010

Marine natural products 2009

Marine natural products 2008

Marine natural products 2007

Look out for the Marine Natural Products themed issue that will be published as NPR Issue 2 in 2011.

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NPR Issue 12 – Last issue of 2010

Natural Product Reports‘ last issue of the year is now published on line.

In this issue you will be able to discover the relationship between insects and natural products, anti-influenza agents and tradicional Chinese medicine, anti-HIV and natural products, a review on the pyrrolic ring in NPs, spiridioxynaphthalenes, organic guanidine derivatives in natural products and an update on stemona alkaloids. 

All of this in a very successful 2010 last issue.

We hope you enjoy it.

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Meet the NPR team

The NPR team will be attending a number of conferences in 2011 and we would be delighted to meet you.

These are just some of the conferences where you can meet us in the coming months:

Please let us know if you are planning on attending any of these meetings as it would be lovely to meet you there.

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Synthesis themed issue – Natural Product Reports

Did you miss the recent NPR themed issue on synthesis of natural products?

The issue contains review articles on topics ranging from organocatalysis in natural products synthesis to the synthesis of marine natural products. Also featured is a Viewpoint article by Sam Danishefsky on why natural products should be seen as key leads for the pharmaceutical industry.

Take a look at the issue online, or contact the editorial office if you would like more information about NPR.

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Announcement: New NPR Editorial Board Chair

We are delighted to announce that Professor Brad Moore (University of California, San Diego, US) will take position as the Chair of the Natural Product Reports Editorial Board in January 2011. Brad has been a part of the NPR Editorial Board since 2005.

Professor Marcel Jaspars, the current Chair, will retire from his post at the end of 2010. Marcel joined the Editorial Board in 2003 and became Chair in 2007. In the past 4 years Marcel has overseen significant growth in the journal, both in the number of quality articles published and in the topics covered in the journal. The Editorial team would like to thank Marcel for all his work on NPR over the past eight years.

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