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Issue 1 2011 – Natural Product Reports

Our first Issue of 2011 is already here.

We are very excited about it and looking forward to making 2011 another successful year for NPR. Thank you to all our authors, readers and referees for a fantastic 2010. A big thanks goes also to the NPR Editorial Board for their support and enthusiasm.

In this first Issue you will find a brief Editorial by the new NPR Chair, Bradley Moore and the NPR Editor Richard Kelly.

This is followed by a very interesting and different viewpoint by Johannes Erkens on why chemists should be aware of the essentials of plant naming (free to access from tomorrow, 21st December, until the end of January).
Christopher Vanderwal tells us about chlorosulfolipids in the first highlight of 2011 and then we move to 6 very informative reviews.

Robert Cichewicz and Phillip Williams open this first NPR issue with two reviews on different medicinal chemistry topics. Cichewicz’s review explores the therapeutic lead potential of secondary metabolites for the treatment of protein-misfolding-related neurodegenerative diseases whereas Williams’ review looks at Alzheimer’s drug leads.

Ricardo Riguera talks about the use of NMR methods in complex mixtures and Blaine Pfeifer writes about heterologous biosynthesis as a route to access the beneficial properties of natural products.

István Molnár also looks at biosynthesis of NP; however, he focuses on the biosynthesis and biochemistry of cyclooligomer nonribosomal peptides fungal cyclooligomer depsipeptides.

This first Issue finishes with Ronald Parry‘s review on naturally occurring nitro compounds and the biosynthesis of the nitro group.

We hope you enjoy reading our first issue of 2011 and we want to wish you all a very nice New Year and the warmest Seasonal Greetings.

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Marine Natural Products Review 2011 is published!

Undoubtedly, one of the most popular NPR reviews, the marine natural products  has become a regular review everyone looks forward to.

John Blunt and his co-workers always put together a very comprehensive and detailed review with the latest literature on marine natural products.

This 2011 review highlights the literature for 2009 and describes 1011 new compounds from 352 articles, a small decrease from the number (1065) of compounds reported for 2008. As in previous reviews, the structures are shown only for new compounds, or for previously reported compounds where there has been a structural revision or a newly established stereochemistry.

You can read about all of these marine natural products in the 2011 Advance Review

Marine natural products
John W. Blunt, Brent R. Copp, Murray H. G. Munro, Peter T. Northcote and Michèle R. Prinsep
Nat. Prod. Rep., 2011, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C005001F, Review

And if you missed the most recent reviews on marine natural products you have them here:

Marine natural products 2010

Marine natural products 2009

Marine natural products 2008

Marine natural products 2007

Look out for the Marine Natural Products themed issue that will be published as NPR Issue 2 in 2011.

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NPR Issue 12 – Last issue of 2010

Natural Product Reports‘ last issue of the year is now published on line.

In this issue you will be able to discover the relationship between insects and natural products, anti-influenza agents and tradicional Chinese medicine, anti-HIV and natural products, a review on the pyrrolic ring in NPs, spiridioxynaphthalenes, organic guanidine derivatives in natural products and an update on stemona alkaloids. 

All of this in a very successful 2010 last issue.

We hope you enjoy it.

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NPR Lecture Award 2011 – nominations now open!

Nominations are now open for the 2011 NPR Lecture Award.

Anyone can make a nomination for the award. Simply send the name of the person you would like to nominate, along with a brief justification, to the Editor, Dr Richard Kelly. All nominations should be received by Monday 6th December.

The NPR Lecture Award is an annual event which is held at an international meeting of the recipient’s choosing. The recipient will be someone who has made significant research contribution to natural products chemistry in its broadest sense. The winner will be selected by a panel of judges, who will announce the result in early 2011.

Previous winners of the award include John Blunt of the University of Canterbury, New Zealand and Jason Micklefield of the University of Manchester, UK. The 2010 winner – Chris Walsh, from Harvard Medical School, US – will be delivering his lecture at the Pacifichem meeting in December 2010.

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Highlights of NPR Issue 11

Issue 11 of Natural Product Reports is now published on line.

In this new issue, you will find interesting reviews on diterpenoids, pigments of fungi, the roles of flavones, moeromycin family antibiotics, Kdo monossacharide, indole alkaloids, sesquiterpenoids and the bioprospect for microbial antituberculosis leads.

A very diverse and informative issue on natural product reports.

I hope you like it.

Read it here.

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Natural Products in OBC

Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, our sister journal, publishes many articles that cover natural product chemistry. We will try to keep you updated, although the safest bet is for you to sign up to OBC’s e-alert (free service) and receive the table of content directly in your inbox every time an issue is published.

The latest NP articles have been collated here.

If you want to see your natural products article featured on this blog you can submit it here.

Strategies for the synthesis of bioactive pyran naphthoquinones
Vitor Francisco Ferreira, Sabrina Baptista Ferreira and Fernando de Carvalho da Silva
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2010, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C0OB00277A, Perspective

Highly efficient macrolactonization of ω-hydroxy acids using benzotriazole esters: synthesis of Sansalvamide A
José Antonio Morales-Serna, Ericka Sánchez, Ricardo Velázquez, Jorge Bernal, Eréndira García-Ríos, Rubén Gaviño, Guillermo Negrón-Silva and Jorge Cárdenas
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2010, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C0OB00161A, Paper

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Natural Products in OBC

Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, our sister journal, publishes many articles that cover natural product chemistry. We will try to keep you updated, although the safest bet is for you to sign up to OBC’s e-alert (free service) and receive the table of content directly in your inbox every time an issue is published.

The latest NP articles have been collated here.

If you want to see your natural products article featured on this blog you can submit it here.

Concise and very efficient synthesis of the N-methylwelwistatin tetracyclic core based on an anionic domino process
Miriam Ruiz, Pilar López-Alvarado and J. Carlos Menéndez
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2010, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C0OB00382D, Communication

Synthesis of the core ring system of the stemona alkaloids by cascade condensation, cyclization, intramolecular cycloaddition
Adam. J. M. Burrell, Luke Watson, Nathaniel G. Martin, Niall Oram and Iain Coldham
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2010, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C0OB00408A, Communication

Total synthesis of cis-reticulatacin-10-ones A and B: absolute stereochemical assignment
Sherif B. Abdel Ghani, Lynda J. Brown, Bruno Figadère and Richard C. D. Brown
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2010, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C0OB00259C, Communication

Organosilicon-mediated total synthesis of the triquinane sesquiterpenes (±)-β-isocomene and (±)-isocomene
Arndt W. Schmidt, Thomas Olpp, Elke Baum, Tina Stiffel and Hans-Joachim Knölker
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2010, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C0OB00051E, Paper

Quantum chemical dissection of the classic terpinyl/pinyl/bornyl/camphyl cation conundrum—the role of pyrophosphate in manipulating pathways to monoterpenes
Young J. Hong and Dean J. Tantillo
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2010, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C0OB00167H, Paper

Heronamides A–C, new polyketide macrolactams from an Australian marine-derived Streptomyces sp. A biosynthetic case for synchronized tandem electrocyclization
Ritesh Raju, Andrew M. Piggott, Melissa M. Conte and Robert J. Capon
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2010, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C0OB00267D, Paper

An enantioselective total synthesis of natural antibiotic marasin
Yan Zhang and Yikang Wu
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2010, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C0OB00151A, Paper

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NPR Issue 10 published online

The latest NPR issue includes Robert Hill’s Hot of the press on current development in bioorganic chemistry and novel natural products and six very exciting reviews.

From the defensive strategies of Cladobranchia, polyphosphate lipids, glucosidase inhibitors, plant medicinal alkaloids to 3D structures of membrane bound peptides and macroporous resins and their application in purification of natural products.

All of this condensed in a very exciting Issue 10.

Browse through it and let us now what you think.

Enjoy it!

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Issue 9 of NPR now online

The latest issue of NPR, featuring five Reviews, is now available online.

Featured in this issue is a Hot Article by Mikhail Elyashberg, Antony Williams and Kirill Blinov. Computer-Assisted Structure Elucidation (CASE) systems have been under development for decades, and in the last ten years that this approach had developed sufficiently to be capable of elucidating the structures of new and complex organic molecules, using a collection of mass spectrometric and NMR data. In this review the authors show how a particular CASE system could be used to accurately determine the structures of a number of complex molecules using 2D NMR data. To illustrate this, they show how the original miss-assignment of the structures of a number of natural products, including cephalandole A, halipeptin A and palominol, could have been avoided using a CASE approach.

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Introducing Viewpoints

We are pleased to introduce Viewpoints, a new article type for Natural Product Reports. Viewpoints will be short (up to 4 page) articles which focus on some of the key challenges in natural products research.

In the first Viewpoint article, by Samuel Danishefsky from Columbia University in the US, he talks about Diverted Total Synthesis (DTS) as the “awesome power” of chemical synthesis.

On the potential of natural products in the discovery of pharma leads: A case for reassessment
Samuel Danishefsky,  Nat. Prod. Rep., 2010, 27, 1114
DOI: 10.1039/c003211p

What do you think? Feel free to comment on it!

Viewpoints join NPR’s existing article types: Highlights, Reviews and Hot off the Press articles. Highlights are concise (4-8 page), non-comprehensive reviews which give a ‘snapshot’ of a hot or specialist research area. Reviews are more comprehensive articles and are generally between 10 and 25 pages in length. They can be overviews of a topic or an in-depth critique of a more specialist area of work. Completing the NPR stable of articles is Hot off the Press, the bi-monthly digest of the latest natural products research.

For further information about Viewpoints or any other NPR article types please contact the Editorial Office.

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