Issue 10 is now available online, featuring some of our regular reviews from Peter Roach, Nigel Veitch and Jim Hanson. Also in the issue, the latest Hot off the Press article from Robert Hill and Andrew Sutherland and an interesting review from Berit Olofsson on hypervalent iodine reagents in NP synthesis:
Flavonoids and their glycosides, including anthocyanins
Nigel C. Veitch and Renée J. Grayer, Nat. Prod. Rep., 2011, 28, 1626
Radical S-adenosylmethionine enzymes: Mechanism, control and function
Martin R. Challand, Rebecca C. Driesener and Peter L. Roach, Nat. Prod. Rep., 2011, 28, 1696
Hypervalent iodine reagents in the total synthesis of natural products
Luiz F. Silva, Jr., Berit Olofsson, Nat. Prod. Rep., 2011, 28, 1722
Diterpenoids of terrestrial origin
James R. Hanson, Nat. Prod. Rep., 2011, 28, 1755