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Profiles of the 18th ESOC Bursary Awardees

NJC, committed to supporting the younger members of the chemistry community, underwrote student bursaries at this summer’s 18th European Symposium on Organic Chemistry, held in Marseille this past July. The 8 young awardees, from 8 European countries, are briefly profiled here.

Szilvia Deak is a second year Ph.D. student in the research group of Prof. Ferenc Faigl at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology (Hungary). The group develops novel regio- and stereoselective metallation processes for the synthesis of atropisomeric functionalised biaryls (1-phenylpyrrole derivatives) and optically active heterocyclic compounds (oxiranes, oxetanes, pyrrolidines) as potential chiral ligands and organocatalysts.
Szilvia’s poster was entitled “Atropisomeric amino alcohols as new chiral ligands in asymmetric synthesis”.

Paulina Hamankiewicz is currently finishing her Ph.D. thesis on molecular and chiral recognition of organic compounds using carbohydrate derivatives, decorated with urea moieties. She will be graduating from the University of Warsaw (Poland), where she is in the group of Prof. Janusz Jurczak (Laboratory of Stereocontrolled Organic Synthesis).
Paulina’s poster: “Benzene, naphthalene, and anthracene urea derivatives as convenient tools for chiral recognition”.

Maria Riala is from the Department of Chemistry of the University of Cyprus in Nicosia (Cyprus). After her undergraduate degree she completed her Ph.D. studies in the Research Laboratory of Fullerene and Supramolecular Chemistry under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Nikos Chronakis and graduated in June 2013. Maria’s research is focused on the synthesis of bis- and trisadducts of C60 with an inherently chiral addition pattern utilizing enantiomerically pure tethers.
Maria’s poster: “Synthesis of chiral Th-symmetrical hexakis adducts of C60.

Ekrem Kaplan is a Masters chemistry student at Istanbul Technical University (Turkey). Under the supervisor of Prof. Esin Hamuryudan, Ekrem is preparing peripheral and non-peripheral substituted manganese(III) phthalocyanine bearing carboxylic side groups and investigating their electrochemical properties.
Ekrem’s poster: “Synthesis and Electrochemical Studies of Carboxylic Acid Functionalized Phthalocyanines”.

Tatiana Dias is a Ph.D. student in the Chemistry Research Centre at the University of Minho (Portugal) in the group of Prof. Fernanda Proença. The research group’s work is focused on the synthesis of new drug candidates, mainly nitrogen and oxygen-containing heterocyclic structures. Tatiana’s research has been centred on the development of new synthetic methodologies to prepare chromene derivatives to be tested as anticancer agents.
Tatiana’s poster at ESOC was “2-Hydroxychalcones and carbon acid derivatives: Reactivity studies in acid media”.

Kostas Voreakos is writing up his Master’s dissertation, after completing his research in the group of Dr. Dimitris Georgiadis of the Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry in the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece). The research group focuses on the design and synthesis of metallopeptidase inhibitors and the development of synthetic methodologies for medicinal applications. Previously, Kostas earned first degrees in both chemistry and food technology.
Kostas’s poster at ESOC was entitled “Conformationally Constrained Phosphinic Peptides: Synthesis of α,β-Disubstituted Phosphinyl Propanoates and Development of δ-lactam Phosphinic Surrogates”.
Phosphinic Peptides
Agnese Stikute is a 4th year undergraduate student in Chemical Engineering at the Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry of Riga Technical University (Latvia). She works in the Institute of Technology of Organic Chemistry/Department of Chemical Technology of Biologically Active Compounds under the supervision of Prof. Mara Jure. Agnese’s research is devoted to the synthesis of analogues of natural antioxidants, focused on the discovery and optimization of the synthesis of cinnamoyl anilines and their derivatives.
Agnese’s poster: “Cyclization of monoanilides of arylidene malonic acid”.

Kärt Reitel is a Ph.D. student in Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia). She works in the organic synthesis group under the supervision of Prof. Tõnis Kanger. Kärt’s main research topic is the synthesis of cyclopropane-containing compounds and their application in organocatalytic reactions.
Kärt’s ESOC poster was entitled “Aminocatalytic Michael addition of cyclopropane-containing aldehydes to nitroolefins”.

Congratulations to all the awardees! (Check out “who is who” in the photo montage below.)

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Highlights of the 8th International Dendrimer Symposium

The 8th International Dendrimer Symposium was successfully held in Madrid on June 23–27 with Prof. Maria Angeles Muñoz-Fernandez as the chair. More than 200 scientists from all over the world participated in IDS-8 to present their latest achievements in dendrimer science.

The meeting opened with the “Ramon Areces” welcome lecture delivered by Prof. Virgil Percec, who depicted a fascinating material genome approach to construct complex dendrimer systems. Using dendritic motifs to create different types of fractal patterns was nicely exemplified by Prof. George Newkome, whereas capitalization on new strategies for dendrimer synthesis was the main focus in the lecture of Prof. René Roy. Prof. Dieter Schlüter reported the synthesis and characterization as well as discontinuities in dendronized polymers, whereas Dr. Anil Patri presented lessons learned from preclinical assessment of dendrimers.

Prof. Donald Tomalia gave a vivid and brief overview on the development of dendrimer science and focused in particular on the dendritic effects, which were further discussed in the lectures of Dr. Anne-Marie Caminade and Dr. Takuzo Aida. The meeting ended with the closing lecture of Dr. Jean-Pierre Majoral, who discussed the dendrimer space in nanomedicine and foresaw a bright future for dendrimers in therapeutic applications.

Poster prizes provided by several sponsors, including NJC, were awarded just before this closing lecture. The NJC laureats were profiled in an earlier post.

It is to note that, beside the excellent scientific program, there was a fantastic social program with a visit of the Prado museum and the Real Madrid stadium as well as the flamenco gala evening.

The next IDS meeting will be hosted by René Roy in Montreal, Canada in 2015. NJC will be there and we look forward to another excellent conference in the fascinating field of dendrimers.

Snapshots from the conference (courtesy of the organizers), including at far left the opening lecture by Virgil Percec (photo courtesy of Don Tomalia).

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Visit September’s issue of NJC.

An article by Antonio Frontera and co-workers (Universitat de les Illes Baleares, Palma de Mallorca, Spain) features on this month’s front cover. In this article, the authors report a theoretical study and Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) analysis of the anion–π binding ability of thiotrithiazyl salts. The anion–π interaction was noticed and described by Woolins and co-workers prior to the original theoretical studies where it was defined and characterized. Therefore, one aim of this manuscript is also to recognize and highlight the manuscript reported by Woolins and co-workers seventeen years ago.

Anion–π interactions in [S4N3]+ rings, Antonio Bauzá, David Quiñonero, Pere M. Deyà and Antonio Frontera, New J. Chem., 2013, 37, 2636-2641 DOI: 10.1039/C3NJ00424D (Article).

The inside cover was produced by Yasuhiro Shiraishi and co-workers (Osaka University, Toyonaka, Japan), presenting a spiropyran–cholesterol conjugate that behaves as a photoresponsive organogelator and is applicable as a material for information storage writable/erasable by light stimuli.

Spiropyran–cholesterol conjugate as a photoresponsive organogelator, Shigehiro Sumiya, Yasuhiro Shiraishi and Takayuki Hirai, New J. Chem., 2013, 37, 2642-2647 DOI: 10.1039/C3NJ00322A (Article).

Take your pick amongst the 7 letters and 38 full papers that composed this issue of September here.

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Meet Our Authors – August Issue 2013

Two authors of NJC’s August issue are interviewed for this month’s Meet our Authors feature.

Our first author is Dr. Faina Gelman, who is researcher at the Institute of Geological Survey of Israel, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her current research interests are environmental chemistry and stable isotope analysis. She particularly focuses on development of new analytical tools for stable isotope analysis and their applications for understanding chemical and biochemical transformations of organic compounds.

In their NJC paper, Faina with her colleagues demonstrated determination of bromine kinetic isotope effect on Grignard reagent formation –one of the fundamental reactions of brominated organics. ” Since our work combines novel analytical, theoretical and organic chemistry approaches, we wanted to submit it to a more general-focused journal, such as NJC is, from our point of view” commented on choosing NJC.

And what contemporary scientific issue is she most concerned about: “I am very much concerned about environmental pollution and would like to find an efficient way to treat this problem “she replied. Besides her research activity, Faina likes to spend time with her family.

Bromine kinetic isotope effects: insight into Grignard reagent formation by Lukasz Szatkowski, Agnieszka Dybala-Defratyka, Charlie Batarseh, Jochanan Blum, Ludwik Halicz and Faina Gelman ; New J. Chem., 2013, 37, 2241-2244; DOI: 10.1039/C3NJ00197K.

The second author is Jürg Hulliger, who is a Professor of chemistry at the University of Berne, Switzerland. His research interest centers on Crystal growth, properties and solid state theory. His contribution to this month’s issue is Focus article that reviews on polar properties of solid molecular matter.”Here we review basic theoretical views on growth induced polarity in molecular crystals giving also all known experimental examples we have by today, which domonstrate polarity Formation. ”

If Jürg could solve any scientific problem, it would be: “Constructing equipment being able to say : a small Crystal of the size of a few 100 nm is (i) superconductive, (ii) is composed of these elements and (iii) shows this crystal structure. Such an Equipment may be used to analyze your combinatorial ceramic samples.”

In the non-lab world, Jürg is fascinated by interior decoration in the style of the 18th century, renovation of antics and art.

A stochastic principle behind polar properties of condensed molecular matter by Jürg Hulliger, Thomas Wüst, Khadidja Brahimi, Matthias Burgener and Hanane Aboulfadl  New J. Chem., 2013, 37, 2229-2235 DOI: 10.1039/C3NJ40935J

We thanks to Faina and Jürg for accepting our invitation to talk about themselves and their work!

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Your Vacation Reading from NJC

The August issue of New Journal of Chemistry contains 50 articles for your summer reading enjoyment.

Bi-polar states of solid matter.

Among the highlights of this issue, don’t miss the latest Focus review, by the group of Jürg Hulliger at the University of Bern in Switzerland. Using condensed matter theory, the key message that molecular solids can end up in bi-polar states has implications for tissue formation, function and repair. This is an interesting example of how findings in one field might lead to breakthroughs in a very different field.

A stochastic principle behind polar properties of condensed molecular matter by Jürg Hulliger, Thomas Wüst, Khadidja Brahimi, Matthias Burgener and Hanane Aboulfadl, New J. Chem., 2013, 37, 2229-2235. DOI: 10.1039/C3NJ40935J

Cover for the work of Mikata et al.

The outside and inside front covers feature highly ranked works. This month the striking outside front cover was proposed by the group of Yuji Mikata from Nara Women’s University in Japan. They achieved OFF-ON, ratiometric or ON-OFF responses towards mercury and iron cations by modifying the substitution pattern on their basic molecular skeleton.

Thioether-tethered bisquinoline derivatives as fluorescent probes for mercury(II) and iron(III) ions by Yuji Mikata, Fumie Nakagaki and Kaori Nakanishi, New J. Chem., 2013, 37, 2236-2240. DOI: 10.1039/C3NJ00233K

Cover for the work of Andruh and collaborators.

A collaborative effort by several groups in Romania and France is featured on the inside front cover. They determined the crystal structures and studied the magnetic and photophysical properties of sixteen 3d–4f Schiff-base complexes. The interaction between the two metal ions lead to interesting effects on the properties.

A new synthetic route towards binuclear 3d–4f complexes, using non-compartmental ligands derived from o-vanillin. Syntheses, crystal structures, magnetic and luminescent properties by Masood Sarwar, Augustin M. Madalan, Carmen Tiseanu, Ghenadie Novitchi, Catalin Maxim, Gabriela Marinescu, Dominique Luneau and Marius Andruh, New J. Chem., 2013, 37, 2280-2292. DOI: 10.1039/C3NJ00199G

Stay abreast of the latest research with NJC! Sign up for the free E-Alert to get the table of contents in your mailbox each month.

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NJC poster prize at 5th ECCLS

We are delighted to present the recent poster prizes awarded at the 5th European Conference on “Chemistry for Life Sciences” (5th ECCLS) in Barcelona, that gathers an ensemble of scientists at the crossroads between chemistry, biology, biophysics and material science.

Two young scientists Montserrat Serra-Batiste and Sven Hofmann received NJC Poster Prizes that reward creative and multidisciplinary research works in the chemical sciences.

Montserrat Serra-Batiste is a postdoctoral researcher in the group of the Prof. Ernest Giralt at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcelona (Spain) working under the supervision of Dr. Natàlia Carulla since September 2010.

Montserrat’s winning poster dealt with well-defined Aß42 oligomers in a biomimetic membrane environment. The idea project started with the idea of Dr Natàlia Carulla of stabilizing Aß oligomers by using an environment similar to what this peptide have in vivo. Different conditions have been testing by different techniques in order to get a stable and homogeneous preparation of Aß oligomers. As a result, an Aß42 hexamer (named (Aß42)6Membrane) has been stabilized which adopts extensive ß-sheet secondary structure and exhibits specific Aß42-Aß42 interactions. Preparation of (Aß42)6Membrane should open the possibility to explore more in deep the role of Aß oligomers in Alzheimer’s disease.

Her future plans include working with Natàlia to characterize the structure and the biological relevance of this Aß42 hexamer and contribute in solving the puzzle of Alzheimer’s disease. Besides research activities Montserrat loves cooking and dancing.

The award-winning poster of Sven Hofmann was entitledCarbaboranes in Short Neuropeptide Y Analogs – Redirecting BiologicalActivity”. Carbaboranes are icosahedral boron-carbon clusters mimicking phenyl rings. In particular, they present a three-dimensional hydrophobic structure and are capable of providing a special type of hydrogen bonding, the so-called proton-hydride bonding. Their unique chemical properties are perfectly suited for improving the biological activity of small bioactive molecules but also of peptide analogs.

Sven is a graduate student working in the research group of Prof. Annette G. Beck-Sickinger at the University of Leipzig, Leipzig (Germany) since October 2010. Working in the field of chemical modification of peptides to gain receptor subtype selectivity and biological stability, he especially focuses on the synthesis of short functionalized peptide ligands as selective diagnostic and therapeutic tools.

His future plans are not fixed yet. However, he will finish his Ph.D. in 2014 and he will apply for a postdoctoral research position abroad. Outside of the lab, Sven’s favorite activities are running, cycling, athletic sport challenges and travelling.

The two laureates received a one-year subscription to the journal and a RSC book. Our thanks go to the organizers of the conference for their help in organizing these awards, and our deep gratitude to all of the senior scientists who served on the jury to select the two following winners:

NJC wishes them continuing success in their research!

A list of all previous NJC Poster Prize winners can be found here.

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NJC’s July issue published

We are delighted to present this month’s issue: you are guaranteed to find articles of relevance to your specialist interests!

The front cover this month highlights a collaborative research effort between groups at the University of Bath (UK), the University of Birmingham (UK), and the University of Kitakyushu (Japan). The authors have designed a novel electrochemically active sensor film based on pyrene-appended boronic acids on carbon nanoparticles. Peak responses with sensitivity to caffeic acid in the micro-molar range were observed.

Pyrene-anchored boronic acid receptors on carbon nanoparticle supports: fluxionality and pore effects by Katherine Lawrence, Tomoki Nishimura, Peter Haffenden, John M. Mitchels, Kazuo Sakurai, John S. Fossey, Steven D. Bull, Tony D. James and Frank Marken, New J. Chem., 2013, 37, 1883-1888. DOI: 10.1039/C3NJ00017F

Efficient chemical and electrochemical methodologies for the oxidation of sulfur organic compounds are featured on this month’s inside cover. The group of Josefina Pons at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona used these new approches to synthesize sulfoxide and sulfone ligands in good yields.

Environmentally benign and selective synthesis of hybrid pyrazole sulfoxide andsulfone ligands by Antonio de León, Jordi García-Antón, Josep Ros, Gonzalo Guirado, Iluminada Gallardo and Josefina Pons, New J. Chem., 2013, 37, 1889-1894. DOI: 10.1039/C3NJ00161J

You can access and read the whole issue 7 of NJC here.

Don’t miss a single issue of NJC! Sign up for the free E-Alert to get the table of contents in your mailbox each month.

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Meet NJC team at summer conference season 2013

Summer Conferences are something we can’t afford to miss! The NJC editors will be attending a number of conferences in the coming weeks. We look forward to meeting you!

NJC is proud to support the following conferences:

Denise will represent NJC at the 20th EuCheMS conference on Organometallic Chemistry (EuCOMC), St Andrews, Scotland, 30 June-4 July 2013. NJC is the sponsor of the Young Plenary Lecturer Dr Florence Mongin from the University of Rennes.
18th European Symposium on Organic Chemistry (ESOC 2013) will be held in Marseille, on the Mediterranean coast of France, at the beginning of July (7th to 12th).   The Palais du Pharo Vieux Port will welcome about 900 participants, including NJC Assistant Editor Ling Peng.
NJC Editor-in-chief Wais Hosseini will be at the International Conference on Advanced Complex Inorganic Nanomaterials, to be held in Namur, Belgium (15–19 July).
NJC is delighted to sponsor the Tuesday evening Poster Session at the 16th International Conference on Bio-Inorganic Chemistry (ICBIC), which will take place in Grenoble from 22–26 July 2013.
The exciting chemistry conference for the Asian community, the 15th Asian Chemical Congress (15 ACC), is returning to its birthplace – Singapore – from 19–23 August. NJC Associate Editor Peter Junk will be there.
We are delighted to be partner of the Groupe d’Etude de Chimie Organique (GECO), which will meet for the 54th time this year. This conference, organized by Erwan Le Grognec, will take place in Croisic (France) at the end of August from the 25th to 30th.

If you are planning on attending any of these conferences please don’t hesitate to email the editorial office to arrange a meeting!

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NJC Hot Articles

Here are the latest Hot Articles published in NJC, selected by the journal editorial team. All are free to access for one month, so why not take your pick and have a read now? 

See the selection 

Bromine kinetic isotope effects: insight into Grignard reagent formation by Lukasz Szatkowski, Agnieszka Dybala-Defratyka, Charlie Batarseh, Jochanan Blum, Ludwik Halicz and Faina Gelman ; New J. Chem., 2013, Advance Article; DOI: 10.1039/C3NJ00197K, Letter 


Molecularly imprinted La-doped mesoporous titania films with hydrolytic properties toward organophosphate pesticides by Davide Carboni, Luca Malfatti, Alessandra Pinna, Barbara Lasio, Yasuaki Tokudome, Masahide Takahashi and Plinio Innocenzi; New J. Chem., 2013, Advance Article; DOI: 10.1039/C3NJ00291H, Paper 


4-Aminoquinoline-1,3,5-triazine: Design, synthesis, in vitro antimalarial activity and docking studies by Hans Raj Bhat, Udaya Pratap Singh, Prashant Gahtori, Surajit Kumar Ghosh, Kabita Gogoi, Anil Prakash and Ramendra K. Singh; New J. Chem., 2013, Advance Article; DOI: 10.1039/C3NJ00317E, Paper 


Multi-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy of thorium, neptunium and plutonium hexacyanoferrate compound by Thomas Dumas, Marie Christine Charbonnel, Iraida A. Charushnikova, Steven D. Conradson, Clara Fillaux, Christoph Hennig, Philippe Moisy, Sébastien Petit, Andreas C. Scheinost, David K. Shuh, Tolek Tyliszczak and Christophe Den Auwer; New J. Chem., 2013, Advance Article; DOI: 10.1039/C3NJ00318C, Paper



Spiropyran–cholesterol conjugate as a photoresponsive organogelator by Shigehiro Sumiya, Yasuhiro Shiraishi and Takayuki Hirai; New J. Chem., 2013, Advance Article; DOI: 10.1039/C3NJ00322A, Paper 


Anion–π interactions in [S4N3]+ rings by Antonio Bauzá, David Quiñonero, Pere M. Deyà and Antonio Frontera; New J. Chem., 2013, Advance Article; DOI: 10.1039/C3NJ00424D, Paper 



Interested in reading further? These “Hot articles” will be FREE to access for a period of 4 weeks.To stay up-to-date with the latest NJC developments, sign up to its table-of-contents email alert!

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Meet Our Authors – June Issue 2013

by Ling PENG

Here is a selection of young author profiles from the 2013 June special China issue of NJC. We thank them most warmly for accepting our invitation and having kindly taken their time to answer a few questions for us.

Our first author is Prof. Kenneth Kam-Wing Lo, who is currently a professor of chemistry at City University of Hong Kong.  He is interested in developing luminescent inorganic and organometallic transition metal complexes as biomolecular and cellular probes, with a focus on intracellular sensors, photoactive labels and bioimaging reagents. His contribution to this issue is the exploration of the phosphorescence properties of rhenium(I) polypyridine complexes for conceiving new sensors for nitric oxide, which is an extremely important molecule involved in many biological processes. “The most exciting moment in my research is to discover unexpected results” says Lo. When asked for what the coolest thing about science is. He answered “To be able to explain what has happened, and predict (and control) what will happen.”

Rhenium(I) polypyridine complexes functionalized with a diaminoaromatic moiety as phosphorescent sensors for nitric oxide by Alex Wing-Tat Choi, Che-Shan Poon, Hua-Wei Liu, Heung-Kiu Cheng and Kenneth Kam-Wing Lo, New J. Chem., 2013, 37, 1711-1719, DOI: 10.1039/C3NJ00033H

Dr. Jinbo Hu is a research professor at Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). He is a specialist in organofluorine chemistry. “I like fundamental research in fluorine chemistry, and enjoy the process of discovery and re-discovery.” affirms Jinbo. He contributed a paper entitled “DIAD-mediated metal-free cross dehydrogenative coupling between tertiary amines and α-fluorinated sulfones” to this special issue. When asked what it would be if he could solve any scientific problem in any field, he answered “I would like to find an efficient way to cure any type of cancer”.

DIAD-mediated metal-free cross dehydrogenative coupling between tertiary amines and α-fluorinated sulfones by Weizhou Huang, Chuanfa Ni, Yanchuan Zhao and Jinbo Hu , New J. Chem., 2013, 37, 1684-1687 , DOI: 10.1039/C2NJ40842B

Prof. Zhen Li is a professor of chemistry at Wuhan University. His research focuses on the development of organic molecules and polymers with new structures and new functions for organic electronics and photonics. In this special issue, he and his colleagues contributed a paper on self-assembly effect in NLO polymers containing isolation chromophores: enhanced NLO coefficient and stability. “I would like to find something new, and create something new” claimed Zhen.

The self-assembly effect in NLO polymers containing isolation chromophores: enhanced NLO coefficient and stability by Wenbo Wu, Zhen Xu, Ying Xiong, Shaohui Xin, Hongding Tang, Cheng Ye, Guofu Qiu, Jingui Qin and Zhen Li ,  New J. Chem., 2013, 37, 1789-1796 , DOI: 10.1039/C3NJ00048F

Prof. Zhixiang Wei is a professor and the Head of Laboratory for Nanodevices at National Center for Nanoscience and Technology in Beijing. His research interest centers on the self-assembly and flexible devices. In his contribution to this speical issue, he presented a facile strategy to enhance the fill factor of ternary blend solar cells by increasing charge carrier mobility and optimizing the morphology of active layers. “I like creative work, and enjoy the new findings from my groups as well as from others.”, says Prof. Wei. For him, “Learn from nature, and do more than nature” is the coolest thing about science.

A facile strategy to enhance the fill factor of ternary blend solar cells by increasing charge carrier mobility by Kun Lu, Jin Fang, Xiangwei Zhu, Han Yan, Denghua Li, Chong’an Di, Yanlian Yang and Zhixiang Wei, New J. Chem., 2013, 37, 1728-1735, DOI: 10.1039/C2NJ41039G

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