Letter articles changing to Communication articles

New Journal of Chemistry publishes a range of manuscript types, including concise articles that report results of immediate interest to the chemistry community. Manuscripts of this type are currently called “Letter”. After reviewing this article type, the New Journal of Chemistry Editorial Board agreed to change the name of these articles to “Communication”. This aligns New Journal of Chemistry with other Royal Society of Chemistry journals and the Editorial Board hope this change will reduce any confusion for our authors and readers. The manuscript description, editorial standards and process are not changing. These can be found here.


This change will apply to manuscripts published in NJC from Issue 1, 2021 (Volume 45). Authors seeking to submit a manuscript on or after November 16, 2020, will no longer have the option to submit a Letter, and will instead be given the option to submit a Communication.


For any questions, please contact the NJC editorial team using the links on the journal webpage. 



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