The 4th series of NJC Symposia: New Directions in Chemistry is just two weeks away. Be sure to register now to meet the editors and Editorial Board of NJC during one of the three days on our schedule.
June 2 at the Université de Montréal (Host: Professor Davit ZARGARIAN) Pavillon J-A Bombardier, Salle 1035
June 3 at McGill University (Host: Professor Robin ROGERS) Otto Maass Chemistry Bldg, Room 217
June 5 at York University (Host: Professor Gino LAVOIE) Lassonde Bldg, Auditorium C
Each day-long symposium begins at 9 am. The detailed scientific programs are given below (click on an image to see a larger view).
These symposia are free and open to all interested persons. You are kindly asked to register (so that we know how many of you to expect for coffee). Once on the Announcement page, you can click on the name of the university where you wish to attend the symposium. You will then be connected to the EventBrite website to order your free ticket.