Mir Wais Hosseini, Professor at the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Strasbourg and at the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) has been honoured with the 2014 Izatt Christensen Award for Macrocyclic Chemistry. Professor Hosseini was presented with the award at the 9th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry, held in Shanghai in June 2014.

Presentation of the 2014 Izatt-Christensen Award to Mir Wais Hosseini (middle), flanked by ISMSC-9 Chair Zhanting Li (Fudan University) and former recipient Makoto Fujita (The University of Tokyo).
This award, given to the top macrocyclic chemist in the world as selected by his/(her) peers, is sponsored by IBC Advanced Technologies, Inc. and is awarded yearly. Professor Hosseini received the award for his work in molecular tectonics and molecular machines. He joins a prestigous group of chemists working in the broad area of macrocyclic chemistry, including his Strasbourg colleague Jean-Pierre Sauvage, who received the first Izatt Christensen Award in 1991.
An overview (in French) of the research topics studied in Professor Hosseini’s group can be found on his laboratory website.