In this NJC Hot paper, Fucke et al. attempt to answer a very important question relating to co-crystal formation and screening. Piroxicam, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, was chosen as a model system and subjected to extensive co-crystal screening using twenty different acids as co-crystal formers, six crystallisation techniques and five solvents. The work explores in comprehensive detail the use of different techniques for obtaining co-crystals and compares their efficacy. The authors offer several thoughts on how their results might usefully be applied to improve co-crystal screens.
How good are the crystallisation methods for co-crystals? A comparative study of piroxicam by Katharina Fucke, Svetlana A. Myz, Tatyana P. Shakhtshneider, Elena V. Boldyreva and Ulrich J. Griesser; New J. Chem., 2012, Advance Article, DOI: 10.1039/C2NJ40093F, Paper
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