Y. Canac, R. Chauvin & co-workers (LCC, France) give an overview on the discovery, recent developments and prospects on carbeniophosphanes, and in particular of imidazoliophosphanes.
In this review is discussed the carbeniophosphanes preparation, their electronic vs. coordinative properties, their intrinsic reactivity but also the catalytic properties of carbeniophosphine complexes.
The versatile and unique characteristics of carbeniophosphanes addressed as part of this review make them potentially a novel class of phosphorus ligands for transition metals.
Carbeniophosphanes and their carbon → phosphorus → metal ternary complexes Yves Canac, Carine Maaliki, Ibrahim Abdellah and Remi Chauvin New J. Chem., 2012, Advance Article DOI: 10.1039/C1NJ20808J, Perspective.
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