Many of the authors who contributed to the October 2011 NJC issue in honour of Didier Astruc will gather in Bordeaux next month to recognise Didier’s outstanding contributions to chemistry.
The International Symposium on Coordination Chemistry and Molecular Materials, will be hosted by the University of Bordeaux 1 on December 1st and 2nd.
In addition to the scientific lectures covering a wide range of topics, Henri Kagan and Jean-Pierre Sauvage will present “Grand Public” lectures and a “Grand Public” discussion will be held with Yves Chauvin (2005 Nobel Laureate).
Yves Chauvin will also present Didier Astruc with a copy of the NJC issue in his honour, in the presence of the guest editors (Jean-René Hamon, Jean-Yves Saillard, Jaime Ruiz Aranzaes) and NJC editor Denise Parent.
All details and the full program are on the conference website.
Attendance is free, but you need to register by Friday, November 18th!
We hope to see you there!