Tales of Granada: Day 2

Report from the 5th EuCheMS Conference on Nitrogen Ligands in Granada.

Tuesday was a marathon—20 talks—starting at 8:30 in the morning and ending 11 hours later at 19:30 that evening.

Amongst these many lectures, I particularly liked the following talks.

  • Ramon Vilar (Imperial College London) gave a very clear presentation on metallic terpyridine complexes that bind quadruplex DNA for potential medical applications.
  • Jeff Long (University of California, Berkeley) related his work on promising metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) to capture the CO2 produced in power plants.
  • Mike Scott (University of Florida) also addressed a real problem, that of the destruction of highly radioactive nuclear waste, with the design of actinide selective ligands.
  • Cameron Kepert (University of Sydney) looked at selective guest binding in metal-organic host materials.
  • Guillem Aromí (University of Barcelona) presented his work on cluster nanomagnets, containing up to 14 paramagnetic metal ions, which are of interest for applications that include qubit carriers.
  • V. Chandrasekhar (IIT Kanpur) also talked about multinuclear magnetic clusters, based on phosphorus-nitrogen ligands.

After this long day, dinner and sleep! See you tomorrow!

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