Archive for the ‘Prizes’ Category

RSC Mechanochemistry poster prizes at Mechanics of Bond Breaking conference

RSC Mechanochemistry was delighted to sponsor three poster prizes at the recent Mechanics of Bond Breaking: from Single Molecules to Polymer Networks conference in Brussels. The event, which brought together researchers from across polymer chemistry, soft matter science and mechanochemistry, saw leaders in the field of covalent adaptable networks and vitrimers, facture behaviour, mechanochemistry, polymer networks, self-healing materials, single molecule force spectroscopy and supramolecular materials share their latest research in this area


RSC Mechanochemistry sponsored three poster prizes, which the judges awarded to:

David Capagna (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany) – Post-fabrication reconfiguration of functional crosslinking segments in polymer gels

Regina Lennarz (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany) – MUPSI: a method for uniaxial pressure simulations on molecular systems

Iryna Yakushko (University of Lyon, France) – Reversible mechanochemistry: polarimetry study of polymers containing chiral molecules


Congratulations to all winners!

From left to right: Cristian Clasen (organiser), Patrick de Jongh (Assistant Editor, RSC Mechanochemistry), Iryna Yakuskho, Regina Lennarz, Davide Capagna and Charles-André Fustin (organiser)

Toni Spilfogel and Joseph Marrett win RSC Mechanochemistry and RSC Sustainability poster prizes

RSC Mechanochemistry and RSC Sustainability were delighted to sponsor two Poster Prizes at the recent Birmingham Symposium on Mechanochemistry and Sustainability. Researchers from around the world came together during this symposium to present their latest research.


RSC Mechanochemistry Assistant Editor Patrick de Jongh attended this event and presented the RSC-sponsored Poster Prizes to Toni Spilfogel and Joseph Marrett (University of Birmingham, UK). Congratulations to the prize winners!


Left: John Warner, Patrick de Jongh, Toni Spilfogel and Thomas Auvray. Right: John Warner, Patrick de Jongh, Joseph Marrett and Thomas Auvray.


RSC Mechanochemistry offers you an inclusive and dedicated home for the ideas, scientific language and approaches that cut across the many disciplines mechanochemistry touches. Here we are seeking to build knowledge, as well as foster innovation and discovery at this forefront of chemistry. Whether you are seeking to understand the fundamentals of mechanochemistry, or you are excited by its applications and potential, this journal is for you.



Tim Robertson and Jonathan Rider win RSC Mechanochemistry poster prizes at ACS Spring

RSC Mechanochemistry was delighted to sponsor two poster prizes at this week’s ACS Spring meeting in New Orleans. Within the ACS Colloids Division, a poster session titled Mechanochemistry in Colloid and Surface Chemistry was organised by Alison Altman, RSC Mechanochemistry Editor-in-Chief James Batteas, Ashlie Martini, and Isaiah Speight.


RSC Mechanochemistry Executive Editor Laura Fisher was there to present prizes to Tim Robertson (Rice University, USA) and Jonathan Rider (Florida State University, USA). Congratulations to the prize winners!

Left: Laura Fisher and Tim Robertson. Right: Laura Fisher and Jonathan Rider.


RSC Mechanochemistry offers you an inclusive and dedicated home for the ideas, scientific language and approaches that cut across the many disciplines mechanochemistry touches. Here we are seeking to build knowledge, as well as foster innovation and discovery at this forefront of chemistry. Whether you are seeking to understand the fundamentals of mechanochemistry, or you are excited by its applications and potential, this journal is for you.


Julia Benthin wins RSC Mechanochemistry-sponsored poster prize

The XXIII Annual Linz Winter Workshop took place from 2 – 5 February 2024 and RSC Mechanochemistry was delighted to sponsor a prize for the best poster presentation.


The workshop focused on biological single-molecule research, nano-science, nano-medicine, cell-science and bio-nanotechnology and include force and optical microscopy/spectroscopy techniques. The workshop also featured special sessions on nano-medicine and high-speed atomic force microscopy..


Julia Benthin, a researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich, Germany, presented her poster titled Maximising flavor: Leveraging nano-biophysical methods in food perception and formulation research.


The poster showcased Julia’s research on nano-biophysical methods, especially bio atomic force microscopy (AFM), for studying flavor perception in vitro using model systems as the single molecule/cell level. This included work on the use of AFM as an alternative high-throughput approach to investigate interactions between taste receptors and food-derived antagonists in (cell-free) model systems and AFM-based nanomechanical probing studies to decipher oral texture perception.


There were also three runner-up prizes:

Sarah Steiner (Institute of Biophysics, Johannes Kepler University, Austria) won the second place prize.

Melanie Köhler (Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich, Germany) and Ronnie Willaert (Research Group Structural Biology, Free University Brussels, Belgium) both won third place prizes.


Congratulations to all prize winners!


From left to right: Yoojin Oh (workshop organiser), Peter Hin (workshop organiser), Ronnie Willaert (third prize), Kerstin Blank (RSC Mechanochemistry Editorial Board member), Julia Benthin (first prize), Sarah Steiner (second prize), Melanie Köhler (third prize)




  RSC Mechanochemistry offers you an inclusive and dedicated home for the ideas, scientific language and approaches that cut across the many disciplines mechanochemistry touches. Here we are seeking to build knowledge, as well as foster innovation and discovery at this forefront of chemistry. Whether you are seeking to understand the fundamentals of mechanochemistry, or you are excited by its applications and potential, this journal is for you.