NSF invests in Center for the Mechanical Control of Chemistry

The U.S. National Science Foundation announced a $20 million investment in the Center for the Mechanical Control of Chemistry (CMCC). The Center, led by RSC Mechanochemistry co-Editor-in-Chief Professor James Batteas and headquartered at Texas A&M University, was established in 2020 with the aim to bring together experts in the field of mechanochemistry.


“The diversity of interdisciplinary experience brought together in the CMCC’s outstanding research team is going to let us tackle key challenges in mechanochemistry that have previously seemed insurmountable. It’s exciting that team science programs like the CCI [Center for Chemical Innovation, red.] allow us to take on such a grand challenge. We truly believe that we are going to change the field of chemistry.” – James Batteas, in response to receiving this funding.


The funding extends beyond researchers at Texas A&M University and will allow them to work together with researchers across the United States, as well as with RSC Mechanochemistry‘s co-Editor-in-Chief Professor Tomislav Friščić at the University of Birmingham, UK. Read the full news article here.


In 2019, IUPAC named mechanochemistry one of its 10 chemistry innovates that will change the world.


Interested to know more about the Center for the Mechanical Control of Chemistry (CMCC)? Visit their website and follow them on social media.