Materials Horizons is delighted to have supported the International Conference on Emerging Advanced Nanomaterials (ICEAN) 2018, along with the Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B & C.
A special congratulations to Van Chinh Hoang (University of Sydney, Australia) and Sung Ho Kim (University of Newcastle, Australia) for winning the Materials Horizons poster awards!

Sung Ho Kim receives his Materials Horizons poster award, presented by Professor P. M. Ajayan, Rice University USA.
Van Chinh Hoang was awarded first prize for his poster entitled “High efficiency supercapacitors based on carbon quantum dots from vegetable waste”.
Sung Ho Kim was awarded the runner-up prize for his poster entitled “Ordered N-rich mesoporous carbon nitride-MoS2 hybrids as an anode materials for Li and Na ion batteries”.
The poster awards were evaluated by an international team of expert researchers:
- Professor Thomas Nann, Victoria University, New Zealand
- Professor Huijun Zhao, Griffith University, Australia
- Professor Siva Umapathy, Indian Institute of Science, India
- Professor Samuel Adeloju, Monash University, Australia
- Professor Yoshio Bando, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
- Professor Vipul Bansal, RMIT University, Australia
- Professor Seong-Ju Hwang, Ewha Womans University, South Korea
- Professor Dmitri Golberg, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
- Professor Prashant Sonar, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
- Professor Xiaolin Wang, University of Wollongong, Australia
Congratulations to everyone who presented a poster at ICEAN 2018!