Archive for the ‘Conferences’ Category

MicroTas abstracts are now online!

Lab on a Chip presents uTAS Abstracts 2003 to Present:

The page link below gives the lab on a chip/microfluidics/uTAS communities FREE ACCESS to both current and archived content submitted to the uTAS conferences in the form of extended abstracts. It is hoped that this service will support workers in finding essential references and hence increase knowledge of past work in the field and assist with current and future research.

This archive includes abstracts presented at uTAS meetings from 2003 to present and essentially provides easy web access to the abstract discs supplied at the uTAS meetings.

CLICK HERE for abstracts!

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Lab on a Chip Co-hosts EU-Korea Microfluidics Workshop

We are very pleased to announce that Lab on a Chip will once again Co-host the third EU-Korea Workshop on microfluidics, focusing on “Emerging Microfluidic Platform Technologies: From Biosciences to Applications”.

Please come along and see us at the meeting, which will be held in Postech International Centre, Pohang, Korea. The workshop takes place on October 3rd to 5th, 2013.

Meet the Editor and International speakers:

Jean-Louis Viovy, Institute Curie, France
Andreas Manz, KIST, Europe
Dongpyo Kim, Pohang, Koreas
Chris Abell, Cambridge, UK
Noo Li Jeon, Seoul, Korea
Sabeth Verpoorte, Groningen, Netherlands
Hywel Morgan, Southampton, UK
Petra Dittrich, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Sanghyun Lee, FEMTOLAB, Korea
Samuel Sanchez, Max-Planck, Germany
Yoon Kyoung Cho, UNIST, Korea
Francois Leblanc, CEO Fluigent

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Lab on a Chip gives prestigious awards at µTAS 2012

This year’s MicroTAS conference was held in October, at the Okinawa Convention Center in Okinawa, Japan.

As in previous years, Harp Minhas, Editor of Lab on a Chip, was in attendance at the conference to announce the prestigious Lab on a Chip awards, which include the Pioneers of Miniaturisation Lectureship (supported by Corning Inc), the Widmer Young Researcher Poster Prize, and the Art in Science Award (co-sponsored by NIST).

The Widmer Young Researcher Poster Prize

This year’s winner of the Widmer Young Researcher Poster Prize was Klaus Eyer from Professor Petra Dittrich’s lab at ETH Zürich, with his poster entitled ‘Single Cell ELISA’.

Left to right: David Juncker (Poster award chair), Klaus Eyer (winner), Harp Minhas (Lab on a Chip)

Art in Science Award

The Art in Science Award is given each year “to draw attention to the aesthetic value in scientific illustrations while still conveying scientific merit.” This year’s award was presented to Yi Zhang, a PhD student from the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA.

Left to right: Michael Gaitan (NIST), Yi Zhang (winner), Harp Minhas (Lab on a Chip)

The image, entitled ‘Stretching the Rainbow‘, shows a droplet with multiple rainbow stripes being stretched by the magnetic particle on a surface energy traps (SETs)-enabled magnetic digital microfluidic platform. In this particular scenario, the droplet is immobilized by the SET while the magnetic particles are trying to split from the droplet. The rainbow is the natural colour resulting from the diffraction pattern caused by a DVD disc, on which the droplet sits.

Stretching the Rainbow

Pioneers of Miniaturisation Lectureship

The Pioneers of Miniaturisation Lectureship recognises outstanding achievements and significant contributions to the understanding and advancement of micro- and nano-scale science. This year, the Lectureship was awarded to Professor Andrew deMello at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Among his many achievements and awards, Andrew first demonstrated combinatorial chemistry and controlled nanoparticle synthesis in continuous flow microfluidic devices; co-authored the first demonstration of continuous flow PCR, which has over 750 citations to date; pioneered the application of high-contract fluorescence lifetime imaging to microfluidic environments; founded Molecular Vision Ltd, an in vitro diagnostic company, providing point of care tests for cardiovascular and kidney disease; and has published over 40 articles on droplet-based microfluidics since 2007.

Left to right: Harp Minhas (Lab on a Chip), Andrew deMello (winner), Po Ki Yuen (Corning Inc)

Please join us at Lab on a Chip in congratulating all of our prize winners!

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Point of Care Diagnostics Workshop – 4 Dec 2012, London UK

Point-of-Care Diagnostics Workshop
4 December 2012, Burlington House, London, UK

Point-of-care diagnostic (POC) test devices provide rapid results on an ever expanding range of medical tests, helping to streamline healthcare and improve clinical outcomes. Research on microfluidics for POC applications has increased markedly in recent years, fuelled by an interest in constructing field-deployable analytical instruments. The interest in POC microfluidic-based devices has been intense and has cut across all major disciplines in lab-on-a-chip research, including engineering (biomedical, chemical, electrical, and mechanical), chemistry, and physics.  For further details please visit the website.

Abstract submission deadline: 31 October 2012. Abstract submission is now available online.

Application deadline: 31 October 2012. Application is now available online.

Workshop format
The aims of this Joint Biochemical Society/Royal Society of Chemistry workshop are to provide participants with a better understanding of the challenges involved in translating research outputs into application and to help encourage collaborations with industry and clinicians on POC. The workshop will bring together researchers who work at the interface between biology, chemistry and the wider life and medical sciences. Participants will be encouraged to participate in oral presentations, as well as in discussion groups intended to help move this area forward.

Dr Ana Alfirevic, University of Liverpool, UK
Professor Andrew de Mello, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Attendance is by application only and will be FREE of charge for Biochemical Society and Royal Society of Chemistry members.

This workshop is the fourth of a series entitled “Analytical Tools for the Life Sciences”, a collaborative project between the Biochemical Society and Royal Society of Chemistry members.

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MicroTAS 2012

The Okinawa Convention Center in Okinawa, Japan, will be home to the 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2012) this October (October 28 to November 1).

Lab on a Chip has a long history with the conference, as Harp Minhas (Editor) is a member of the Founders Advisory Board; Harp will be present in Okinawa to join in the discussions. If you are planning on attending the meeting do introduce yourself to Harp as he would be delighted to meet you.

Another of Harp’s roles at the conference will be announcing the winners of several sponsored prizes:

Lab on a Chip/Corning Inc Pioneers in Miniaturization Lectureship
(sponsored by Lab on a Chip, Corning Inc, and CBMS)

Lab on a Chip Widmer Poster Prize
(sponsored by Lab on a Chip)

The µTAS Art in Science Award
(sponsored by NIST, Lab on a Chip and CBMS)

Keep on eye on the blog for the announcement of the winners after the conference!

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Free organs on chips articles

To coincide with the Organs on Chips: Human Disease Models meeting being held at the Lorentz Center, The Netherlands, 24th – 28th September, Lab on a Chip and Integrative Biology are delighted to bring you a free* collection of articles on organ-on-chip research.

These articles will only be available until October 8th so hurry, don’t miss out!

*Free access is provided to subscribing institutions or to individuals through an RSC Publishing Personal Account. Registration is quick and easy at

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Off to Optofluidics 2012? Meet Editor Harp Minhas there

Lab on a Chip Editor Harp Minhas will be attending Optofluidics 2012 which starts this Thursday at Dushu Lake Hotel, Suzhou, China.  If you are planning on attending the meeting do introduce yourself to Harp as he would be delighted to meet you.

Also, if you’re off to the conference don’t forget to take a look at our themed issue on optofluidics before you go!

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Themed issue on optofluidics out now

Lab on a Chip is delighted to publish what we believe is the first issue dedicated to research in the exciting new field of optofluidics, guest edited by Professors Ai-Qun Liu (Nanyang Technological University) and Changhuei Yang (Caltech).

Read their editorial introduction to the issue, where they discuss some of the most innovative new developments in this rapidly blossoming field.

We’ve got some great artwork on the covers of this issue, highlighting the range of articles in this issue:

Lab on a Chip Cover Optofluidics Lab on a Chip cover optofluidics Lab on a Chip cover optofluidics Lab on a Chip cover optofluidics

Katsuo Kurabayashi et al. have discussed the promise of optofluidic technologies to enable on-chip cellular phenotyping in their critical review which features on the outside front cover. On the inside front cover Joanna Aizenberg and colleagues have developed an ‘optofluidic nose’ – a litmus test which can differentiate organics liquids based on wetting, while on the back cover Teck Neng Wong et al. have created an optofluidic bi-concave lens to both focus and diverge a light source by applying an external electric field to a constant flow.  On the other back cover Katsumi Midorikawa and coworkers fabricated highly sensitive optofluidic chips for biochemical liquid assays.

Don’t forget – all articles on our covers are free to access for 6 weeks! You just need to sign in with your RSC Publishing Personal Account.

View the rest of the issue

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IEEE-EMBS Micro- and Nanoengineering in Medicine Conference (MNMC 2012) – Abstract Deadline 31 August 2012

IEEE-EMBS Micro-and Nanoengineering in Medicine Conference (MNMC 2012). Hawaii, December 3-7, 2012.

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A message from the Optofluidics 2012 organizers

Dear Colleagues,

Optofluidics 2012 will be held in Suzhou on 13-14 September 2012. The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 1 August 2012.

This year’s meeting will see more than 20 speakers presenting world-class research in the field of optofluidics. The meeting will not only focus on the latest research impacts in optofluidics, but will also explore multi-disciplinary research between optofluidics with basic science and high potential applications such as biomedical devices, the environment and energy, etc.

All conference papers will be considered for publication in the themed issue on Optofluidics in Lab on a Chip after the meeting.

Looking forward to meeting you in Suzhou,

Dr Albert Yu Bai, Co-Chair (Local Organizer)
Dr Li Ming Sun, Co-Chair (Local Organizer)

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