We are very pleased to announce that Lab on a Chip will once again Co-host the third EU-Korea Workshop on microfluidics, focusing on “Emerging Microfluidic Platform Technologies: From Biosciences to Applications”.
Please come along and see us at the meeting, which will be held in Postech International Centre, Pohang, Korea. The workshop takes place on October 3rd to 5th, 2013.
Meet the Editor and International speakers:
Jean-Louis Viovy, Institute Curie, France
Andreas Manz, KIST, Europe
Dongpyo Kim, Pohang, Koreas
Chris Abell, Cambridge, UK
Noo Li Jeon, Seoul, Korea
Sabeth Verpoorte, Groningen, Netherlands
Hywel Morgan, Southampton, UK
Petra Dittrich, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Sanghyun Lee, FEMTOLAB, Korea
Samuel Sanchez, Max-Planck, Germany
Yoon Kyoung Cho, UNIST, Korea
Francois Leblanc, CEO Fluigent