A Lab on a Chip article from Scott Manalis, MIT, and colleagues has been featured in the New Scientist! The article describes methods for trapping single cells and monitoring their response to drugs within a suspended microchannel resonator.
By measuring changes in cell size and growth when drugs are introduced to the micromechanical system Manalis hopes that we will eventually be able to predict whether cancer treatments will be effective for individual patients, ‘we plan to determine if the growth response of tumour cells can be predictive of how a patient will respond to a therapy’.
To learn more read the article in the New Scientist – ‘Microscopic scales weigh up cancer therapies‘ – or go straight to the research article:
Mass sensors with mechanical traps for weighing single cells in different fluids
Yaochung Weng, Francisco Feijó Delgado, Sungmin Son, Thomas P. Burg, Steven C. Wasserman and Scott R. Manalis
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20736A