ACS/RSC session organizers and speakers in the atomic section (from right to left): Dr. May Copsey, Dr. Niamh O'Connor, Prof. Barry Sharp, Prof. Gunda Köllensperger, Dr. Erin Simonds, Prof. Detlef Günther, Prof. Joseph Caruso, and Dr. David Koppenaal.
The SCIX 2012 conference* was held on September 30 – October 5, 2012, in Kansas City, MO, USA. The meeting covered all aspects of analytical chemistry and over 730 papers were presented in ~100 symposia and 5 poster sessions. More than 900 attendees enjoyed plenary and award lectures by distinguished experts, a large exhibition, and several exiting evening events. Kansas City offered a lot of opportunities for scientific exchange, networking, and good food including barbecue and steak.
The atomic section of SCIX was strong this year with a total of 12 sessions. A highlight in program were two sessions organized by the Analytical Division of the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) on the “current status of the analytical sciences: focus on human health”. Thanks to the organizers (editor of the analytical journals at RSC Dr. May Copsey, publisher Dr. Niamh O’Connor, and Chair of the ACS Analytical Division and member of the JAAS advisory board Dr. David Koppenaal), experts in the field accepted the invitation to Kansas City and presented their latest results in health-related research (see below for a list of recent publications). Topics included e.g. elemental mass spectrometry in the clinic, in vivo diagnostics, biomedical applications, the fate of nanoparticles, and single cell analysis by mass cytometry. These sessions were supported by ACS, RSC, JAAS, and Metallomics.

ACS/RSC session organizers and speakers in the biomedical section (from left to right): Dr. John Chalmers, Prof. Susan Lunte, Dr. May Copsey, Prof. Dana Spence, Prof. Christy Haynes, Prof. Duncan Graham, and Prof. Nick Stone.
The FACSS Innovation Award was presented to Prof. Rohit Bhargava, University of Illinois, for the advancement of infrared microscopy instrumentation by theory and computation. Also, JAAS editorial board member Prof. Gary M. Hieftje received an ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award. JAAS advisory board member Prof. Ralph Sturgeon was awarded the 2012 Lester W. Strock Award. Reports on the award sessions will follow in a separate blog entry.
It is also important to acknowledge the work of young investigators. This years SAS Student Poster Award recipients are:
Changqi Xu; University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Dentistry (Micro-Raman Spectroscopy to Evaluate the Effect of Oral Cancer Radiotherapy on Tooth Chemical Structure);
Joseph Swanstrom, Univ. of South Carolina (Measuring Phytoplankton Community Structure via Fluorescence Imaging Multivariate Optical Computing);
Andrew Storey; Indiana University (Glow Discharge Imaging Spectrometry with a Tilting Interference-Filter Spectrometer);
Kevin P. Pfeuffer, Indiana University (Development and Characterization of a New Concentric-Geometry Flowing Atmospheric Pressure Afterglow).
Congratulations! See the SCIX website for a complete list of the 2012 award recipients.

Speakers in the session on new plasmas and new instrumentation (from right to left): Dr. Kim Marshall, Dr. Kaori Shigeta, Prof. Naoki Furuta, Dr. Lothar Rottmann, Prof. Jeffrey Hopwood, and Dr. Carsten Engelhard (organizer).
If you attended the conference and would like to share your experience, please leave a comment below.
Mark your calendars for the next meeting:
SCIX 2013 will be held at the Hyatt Regency Milwaukee and Frontier Airlines Center in Milwaukee, WI, USA, September 29 – October 4, 2013.
See you there!
Carsten Engelhard, 2012 Program Section Chair Atomic Spectroscopy
* SCIX – for the great SCIentific eXchange – was presented by the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS). SCIX 2012 was the 39th annual North American Meeting of FACSS, the 51st National Meeting for the Society for Applied Spectroscopy, and the Main National Meeting for the Coblentz Society.
Take a look at some recent publications of the ACS/RSC session speakers:

Kansas City skyline
Persistence of engineered nanoparticles in a municipal solid-waste incineration plant, T. Walser, L. K. Limbach, R. Brogioli, E. Erismann, L. Flamigni, B. Hattendorf, M. Juchli, F. Krumeich, Ch. Ludwig, K. Prikopsky, M. Rossier, D. Saner, A. Sigg, St. Hellweg, D. Günther, W. J. Stark.
Nature Nanotechnology, 2012, 7, 520-524. DOI: 10.1038/nnano.2012.64
Detection of metals and metalloproteins in the plasma of stroke patients by mass spectrometry methods, P. Kodali , K. R. Chitta , J. A. Landero Figueroa , J. A. Caruso and O. Adeoye,
Metallomics, 2012, 4, 1077-1087. DOI: 10.1039/C2MT20092A
Speciation of Oxaliplatin Adducts with DNA Nucleotides, A. Zayed, G. D. D. Jones, H. J. Reid, T. Shoeib, S. E. Taylor, A. L. Thomas, J. P. Wood, B. L. Sharp,
Metallomics, 2011, 3, 991-1000. DOI: 10.1039/c1mt00041a.
Quantitative determination of intact free cisplatin in cell models by LC-ICP-MS, T. Falta , P. Heffeter , A. Mohamed , W. Berger , S. Hann and G. Koellensperger,
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2011, 26, 109-115. DOI: 10.1039/C0JA00047G
Multiplexed mass cytometry profiling of cellular states perturbed by small-molecule regulators, B. Bodenmiller, E. R. Zunder, R. Finck, T. J. Chen, E. S. Savig, R. V. Bruggner, E. F. Simonds, S. C. Bendall, K. Sachs, P. O. Krutzik, G. P. Nolan,
Nature Biotechnology, 2012, 30, 858-867. DOI: 10.1038/nbt.2317
Examining changes in cellular communication in neuroendocrine cells after noble metal nanoparticle exposure, S. A. Love, Z. Liu and C. L. Haynes,
Analyst, 2012, 137, 3004-3010. DOI: 10.1039/C2AN00034B
Detection of SERS active labelled DNA based on surface affinity to silver nanoparticles, M. M. Harper, J. A. Dougan, N. C. Shand, D. Graham and K. Faulds,
Analyst, 2012, 137, 2063-2068. DOI: 10.1039/C2AN35112A
Towards a safe non-invasive method for evaluating the carbonate substitution levels of hydroxyapatite (HAP) in micro-calcifications found in breast tissue, M. M. Kerssens, P. Matousek, K. Rogers and N. Stone,
Analyst, 2010, 135, 3156-3161. DOI: 10.1039/C0AN00565G
Monitoring intracellular nitric oxide production using microchip electrophoresis and laser-induced fluorescence detection, E. R. Mainz, D. B. Gunasekara, G. Caruso, D. T. Jensen, M. K. Hulvey, J. A. Fracassi da Silva, E. C. Metto, A. H. Culbertson, C. T. Culbertson and S. M. Lunte,
Anal. Methods, 2012, 4, 414-420. DOI: 10.1039/C2AY05542B
Measuring P2X1 receptor activity in washed platelets in the absence of exogenous apyrase, K. B. Anderson, W. Karunarathne and D. M. Spence,
Anal. Methods, 2012, 4, 101-105. DOI: 10.1039/C1AY05530E