Archive for the ‘News’ Category

RSC Journal symposium: Frontiers of catalysis and photocatalysis for energy chemistry

RSC Journal symposium: Frontiers of catalysis and photocatalysis for energy chemistry took place on Wednesday and Friday, 23rd and 25th January 2019 at University Tokyo and Kyoto University with Professor Kazunari Domen and Professor Ryu Abe as our local host.

We had over 170 delegates join our event across the two venues, with many participants from 19 various universities, 5 research institutes and 7 companies.

Our international speakers were James Durrant, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, Kyung Byung Yoon, Energy & Environmental Science, Magda Titirici Journal of Materials Chemistry A and Katie Lim, Executive Editor, Sustainable Energy & Fuels and Energy & Environmental Science.
Other speaker information can be found following these links here and here.

Unfortunately Jinhua Ye could not attend the Symposium but Professor Kazuya Yamaguchi of University Tokyo kindly spoke in her absence at very short notice.

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Professor Guo-Liang Chai is awarded the 2018 Energy & Environmental Science Readers’ Choice Lectureship

We are delighted to announce that Professor Guo-Liang Chai has been selected by the EES Editorial Board as the winner of the 2018 “Energy & Environmental Science Readers’ Choice Lectureship”.

Professor Guo-liang Chai

The Lectureship is awarded annually to one outstanding young scientist (within 10 years of receiving their PhD) who has published in the journal. The winner is selected by the EES Editorial Board from a shortlist of authors of the most-read articles from each issue of EES in the previous year.

Professor Guo-Liang Chai has been a Professor at Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter (FJIRSM), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) since 2016. He received his Ph.D. in 2012 from FJIRSM, CAS. After that, he worked as a Postdoc at Tokyo Institute of Technology from 2012 to 2014, and then joined University College London as a Research Associate from 2014 to 2016. His current research interests focus on functional materials for energy storage and conversion.

Read Professor Chai’s Lectureship-winning research:

Active sites engineering leads to exceptional ORR and OER bifunctionality in P,N Co-doped graphene frameworks
Guo-Liang Chai, Kaipei Qiu, Mo Qiao, Maria-Magdalena Titirici, Congxiao Shang and Zhengxiao Guo
Energy Environ. Sci., 2017, 10, 1186-1195. DOI: 10.1039/C6EE03446B


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Introducing Energy & Environmental Science’s new Editorial Board Chair Joseph Hupp

Joe Hupp, Northwestern University, USA

Joe’s research centres on energy- and defence-relevant materials chemistry, including materials for chemical separations, chemical catalysis, light-to-electrical energy conversion, catalytic water oxidation, high-capacity storage and release of molecular hydrogen, and capture and destruction of chemical warfare agents.

“Creative advances in energy and environmental science are crucial to humankind’s long-term survival and prosperity on our planet.”

Submit your best energy and environmental science research today.

Find out more about Joe here or read his recent research:

Edge Article 
A porous, electrically conductive hexa-zirconium(IV) metal–organic framework
Subhadip Goswami, Debmalya Ray, Ken-ichi Otake, Chung-Wei Kung, Sergio J. Garibay, Timur Islamoglu, Ahmet Atilgan, Yuexing Cui, Christopher J. Cramer, Omar K. Farha and Joseph T. Hupp
Chem. Sci., 2018, 9, 4477-4482. DOI: 10.1039/C8SC00961A
Probing charge transfer characteristics in a donor–acceptor metal–organic framework by Raman spectroelectrochemistry and pressure-dependence studies
Pavel M. Usov, Chanel F. Leong, Bun Chan, Mikihiro Hayashi, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Joshua J. Sutton, Keith C. Gordon, Idan Hod, Omar K. Farha, Joseph T. Hupp, Matthew Addicoat, Agnieszka Beata Kuc, Thomas Heine and Deanna M. D’Alessandro
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20, 25772-25779. DOI: 10.1039/C8CP04157A

Review Article 
Metal–organic frameworks for the removal of toxic industrial chemicals and chemical warfare agents
Scott Bobbitt, Matthew L. Mendonca, Ashlee J. Howarth, Timur Islamoglu, Joseph T. Hupp, Omar K. Farha and Randall Q. Snurr
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2017, 46, 3357-3385. DOI: 10.1039/C7CS00108H

Joe has selected some of the most outstanding energy and environmental science research from the past year to share with you. Read them now for free until the end of March 2019:

Electronic structure engineering to boost oxygen reduction activity by controlling the coordination of the central metal
Yunhu Han, Yanggang Wang, Ruirui Xu, Wenxing Chen, Lirong Zheng, Aijuan Han, Youqi Zhu, Jian Zhang, Huabin Zhang, Jun Luo, Chen Chen, Qing Peng, Dingsheng Wang and Yadong Li
Energy Environ. Sci., 2018, 11, 2348-2352. DOI: 10.1039/C8EE01481G

An assessment of strategies for the development of solid-state adsorbents for vehicular hydrogen storage
Mark D. Allendorf, Zeric Hulvey, Thomas Gennett, Alauddin Ahmed, Tom Autrey, Jeffrey Camp, Eun Seon Cho, Hiroyasu Furukawa, Maciej Haranczyk, Martin Head-Gordon, Sohee Jeong, Abhi Karkamkar, Di-Jia Liu, Jeffrey R. Long, Katie R. Meihaus, Iffat H. Nayyar, Roman Nazarov, Donald J. Siegel, Vitalie Stavila, Jeffrey J. Urban, Srimukh Prasad Veccham and Brandon C. Wood
Energy Environ. Sci., 2018, 11, 2784-2812. DOI: 10.1039/C8EE01085D

Driving towards cost-competitive biofuels through catalytic fast pyrolysis by rethinking catalyst selection and reactor configuration
Michael B. Griffin, Kristiina Iisa, Huamin Wang, Abhijit Dutta, Kellene A. Orton, Richard J. French, Daniel M. Santosa, Nolan Wilson, Earl Christensen, Connor Nash, Kurt M. Van Allsburg, Frederick G. Baddour, Daniel A. Ruddy, Eric C. D. Tan, Hao Cai, Calvin Mukarakate and Joshua A. Schaidle
Energy Environ. Sci., 2018, 11, 2904-2918. DOI: 10.1039/C8EE01872C

To keep up to date the latest energy and environmental research and other journal news, sign up to the e-alerts.

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Perovskite, Organic Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics (IPEROP2019)

The Asia-Pacific International Conference on Perovskite, Organic Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics (IPEROP)  will be held in Kyoto, Japan from 28th to 29th of January 2019.

The main topics of this conference are related to material preparation, modelling and fabrication of hybrid and organic photovoltaic cells, including dye-sensitized solar cells, organic thin film solar cells, quantum dot solar cells, and perovskite solar cells. Building upon success of the previous AP-HOPV conference, this Conference will provide an excellent opportunity for scientists and engineers worldwide to exchange information and discussions on the latest developments in photovoltaics.

Energy & Environmental ScienceSustainable Energy & Fuels and Chemical Science are pleased to be supporting IPEROP and will be providing book voucher awards of 200 GBP each.

Abstracts submission deadline (poster): 20th December 2018

Register here now

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Energy & Environmental Science’s Impact Factor rises to 30.067

Energy & Environmental Science (EES) is delighted to announce its latest Impact Factor has increased to 30.067*.

EES is a leading international journal  for the publication of extraordinarily high quality, agenda-setting research relating to energy conversion and storage, alternative fuel technologies and environmental science. With a 5-year impact factor of 28.924 and an Immediacy Index of 6.517, research published in EES has lasting impact and is highly visible within the community as soon as it is published.

Our broad scope and the interdisciplinary nature of research published in the journal, coupled with our rigorous peer review and rapid times to publication of 57  days** from receipt to acceptance, ensures your work will quickly attract the attention it deserves.

We would like to thank all our authors, readers, reviewers and Editorial & Advisory Board members for  their continued support in making the journal a success.

Find the all the RSC’s journals newly published 2017 Impact Factors* here.

*The Impact Factor provides an indication of the average number of citations per paper. Produced annually, Impact Factors are calculated by dividing the number of citations in a year, by the number of citeable articles published in the preceding two years. Data based on 2017 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters).

**2017 average

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International Workshop: Perspectives on Power-to-Liquids and Power-to-Chemicals 2018

As a follow-up to the first Perspectives on Power-to-Liquids and Power-to-Chemicals workshop in 2016, this years edition as co-organised by Dr. Christopher Hebling (Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE) and Prof. Dr. Robert Schlögl (Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion (MPICEC)), will bring together relevant stakeholders from academia, industry and politics to discuss, advance and highlight synergies between the growing renewable power generation, H2 production and CO2 utilisation targeting at the production of energy carriers, fuels and chemicals.

A strong focus will be put on the development and application of technologies leading to products with different sectoral/industrial relevance (e.g. methanol, DME, OME, etc.). The workshop provides a platform for the latest insights on these closely intertwined topics with perspectives provided regarding scientific progress and successful market introduction. An evening event in Freiburg will provide an excellent networking opportunity, whilst a tour of the state-of-the-art facilities at the Fraunhofer ISE campus will complement the workshop and discussions. We look forward to welcoming you in Freiburg.

Register your place now: here 

Read the flyer: here

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Outstanding Reviewers for Energy & Environmental Science in 2017

We would like to highlight the Outstanding Reviewers for Energy & Environmental Science in 2017, as selected by the editorial team, for their significant contribution to the journal. The reviewers have been chosen based on the number, timeliness and quality of the reports completed over the last 12 months.

We would like to say a big thank you to those individuals listed here as well as to all of the reviewers that have supported the journal. Each Outstanding Reviewer will receive a certificate to give recognition for their significant contribution.

Xinbo Zhang, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, ORCID: 0000-0002-5806-159X

Dr Sheng Zhang, US Army Research Laboratory, ORCID: 0000-0003-4435-4110

Dr Antonio Abate, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, ORCID: 0000-0002-3012-3541

Jaephil Cho, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, ORCID: 0000-0002-3890-1432

Professor Seth Darling, Argonne National Laboratory, ORCID: 0000-0002-5461-6965

Dr Emilio Juarez-Perez, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST), ORCID: 0000-0001-6040-1920

Xianfeng Li, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, ORCID: 0000-0002-8541-5779

Dr David Lou, Nanyang Technological University, ORCID: 0000-0002-5557-4437

Dr Yexiang Tong, Sun Yat-Sen University, ORCID: 0000-0002-2258-1489

Dr Zhenhai Wen, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, ORCID: 0000-0002-2340-9525

We would also like to thank the Energy & Environmental Science board and the energy community for their continued support of the journal, as authors, reviewers and readers.


If you would like to become a reviewer for our journal, just email us with details of your research interests and an up-to-date CV or résumé.  You can find more details in our author and reviewer resource centre

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2017 Energy & Environmental Science HOT Articles collection

This collection showcases all 2017 Energy & Environmental Science articles highlighted as HOT by the handling editor.  Congratulations to all the authors whose articles are featured.

Read it here now for free until the end of February 2018
It includes:

A technoeconomic analysis of perovskite solar module manufacturing with low-cost materials and techniques
Zhaoning Song, Chad L. McElvany, Adam B. Phillips, Ilke Celik, Patrick W. Krantz, Suneth C. Watthage, Geethika K. Liyanage, Defne Apul and Michael J. Heben
Energy Environ. Sci., 2017, 10, 1297-1305. DOI: 10.1039/C7EE00757D
Review Article 
Impact of H2O on organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite solar cells
Jianbing Huang, Shunquan Tan, Peter D. Lund and Huanping Zhou
Energy Environ. Sci., 2017, 10, 2284-2311. DOI: 10.1039/C7EE01674C

Alternative electrochemical energy storage: potassium-based dual-graphite batteries
K. Beltrop, S. Beuker, A. Heckmann, M. Winter and T. Placke
Energy Environ. Sci., 2017, 10, 2090-2094. DOI: 10.1039/C7EE01535F

Ammonia synthesis from N2 and H2O using a lithium cycling electrification strategy at atmospheric pressure
Joshua M. McEnaney, Aayush R. Singh, Jay A. Schwalbe, Jakob Kibsgaard, John C. Lin, Matteo Cargnello, Thomas F. Jaramillo and Jens K. Nørskov
Energy Environ. Sci., 2017, 10, 1621-1630. DOI: 10.1039/C7EE01126A

Cu nanowires shelled with NiFe layered double hydroxide nanosheets as bifunctional electrocatalysts for overall water splitting
Luo Yu, Haiqing Zhou, Jingying Sun, Fan Qin, Fang Yu, Jiming Bao, Ying Yu, Shuo Chen and Zhifeng Ren
Energy Environ. Sci., 2017, 10, 1820-1827. DOI: 10.1039/C7EE01571B

Compatibility issues between electrodes and electrolytes in solid-state batteries
Yaosen Tian, Tan Shi, William D. Richards, Juchuan Li, Jae Chul Kim, Shou-Hang Bo and Gerbrand Ceder
Energy Environ. Sci., 2017, 10, 1150-1166. DOI: 10.1039/C7EE00534B

Towards identifying the active sites on RuO2(110) in catalyzing oxygen evolution
Reshma R. Rao, Manuel J. Kolb, Niels Bendtsen Halck, Anders Filsøe Pedersen, Apurva Mehta, Hoydoo You, Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Zhenxing Feng, Heine A. Hansen, Hua Zhou, Livia Giordano, Jan Rossmeisl, Tejs Vegge, Ib Chorkendorff, Ifan E. L. Stephens and Yang Shao-Horn
Energy Environ. Sci., 2017, 10, 2626-2637. DOI: 10.1039/C7EE02307C

Predicting and optimising the energy yield of perovskite-on-silicon tandem solar cells under real world conditions
Maximilian T. Hörantner and Henry J. Snaith
Energy Environ. Sci., 2017, 10, 1983-1993. DOI: 10.1039/C7EE01232B

We hope you enjoy reading the articles.

Is your research HOT? Our editors are already handpicking the hottest 2018 content for our rolling 2018 Energy & Environmental Science Hot Articles collection. Submit your work for consideration now.

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Professor David Lou is awarded the 2017 Energy & Environmental Science Readers’ Choice Lectureship

We are delighted to announce that Professor David Lou been selected by the EES Editorial Board as the winner of the 2017 “Energy & Environmental Science Readers’ Choice Lectureship”.

Professor David Lou

The Lectureship is awarded annually to one outstanding young scientist (within 10 years of receiving their PhD) who has published in the journal. The winner is selected by the EES Editorial Board from a shortlist of authors of the most-read articles from each issue of EES in the previous year; three of Professor Lou’s 2016 articles were shortlisted.

Professor David Lou received his BEng (1st class honors, 2002) and MEng (2004) degrees from the National University of Singapore. He obtained his PhD degree in chemical engineering from Cornell University in 2008. Right after graduation, he joined Nanyang Technological University (NTU) as an Assistant Professor. He was promoted to Associate Professor in September 2013, and Full Professor in September 2015. He has published ~272 papers with >42,500 citations, and has an H-index of 122 as of December 2017. His research interests are focused on designed synthesis of nanostructured materials for electrochemical energy conversion and storage and photo/electrocatalysis. He is an Associate Editor for Journal of Materials Chemistry A.

Professor Lou will give his award lecture at the upcoming 31st Biennial Conference of the Chinese Chemical Society taking place in Hangzhou, China from 4-8 May 2018. He is also invited to contribute a Review article to EES.

Read Professor Lou’s Lectureship-winning research:

Self-supported formation of hierarchical NiCo2O4 tetragonal microtubes with enhanced electrochemical properties
Fei-Xiang Ma, Le Yu, Cheng-Yan Xu and Xiong Wen (David) Lou
Energy Environ. Sci., 2016, 9, 862-866. DOI: 10.1039/C5EE03772G

Carbon coated porous nickel phosphides nanoplates for highly efficient oxygen evolution reaction
Xin-Yao Yu, Yi Feng, Buyuan Guan, Xiong Wen (David) Lou and Ungyu Paik
Energy Environ. Sci., 2016, 9, 1246-1250. DOI: 10.1039/C6EE00100A

Bismuth oxide: a versatile high-capacity electrode material for rechargeable aqueous metal-ion batteries
Wenhua Zuo, Weihua Zhu, Dengfeng Zhao, Yunfei Sun, Yuanyuan Li, Jinping Liu and Xiong Wen (David) Lou
Energy Environ. Sci., 2016, 9, 2881-2891. DOI:  10.1039/C6EE01871H

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6th UK Solar Fuels Symposium

The Solar Fuels Network’s 6th UK Solar Fuels Symposium will be taking place in York, UK between 19 – 20 March 2018.

The Royal Society of Chemistry journals Energy & Environmental Science and Sustainable Energy & Fuels are sponsoring the event and will be providing awards for the best poster submissions. 

Chair: Robin Perutz
Keynote invited talk: Mike Wasielewski, Northwestern University, RSC Physical Organic Chemistry prize winner
Invited speakers: Julea Butt (University of East Anglia), Sylvie Chardon-Noblat (Université Grenoble Alpes), Richard Douthwaite (University of York) and Junwang Tang (University College London).

The submission deadline is 7 February 2018.
Registration for the event closes 12 March 2018.

Kathryn Gempf, Royal Society of Chemistry Development Editor, will be attending and is looking forward to meeting you there.

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