EES and Catalysis, Science and Technology were delighted to support the Polymer Photocatalysts for Solar Fuels Synthesis which took place on 13-14t April 2016.
The two-day workshop at University College London on 13th and 14th April, focussed on polymer photocatalysts in the widest sense of the word (e.g. conjugated polymers, carbon nitride, graphene oxide) and their application in photocatalytic water splitting and CO2 reduction.

From left to right; Benjamin Martindale, Georgina Hutton, Martijn Zwijnenburg (conference organiser), Run Li.
The prize winners were;
EES poster prize: Georgina Hutton & Benjamin Martindale , Reisner group, Cambridge. Poster title: Solar hydrogen production using carbon quantum dots and a molecular catalyst.
Catalysis, Science and Technology poster prize: Run Li, Zhang group, Max Planck Institute for Polymer research, Mainz, Germany. Poster title: Photocatalytic Selective Bromination of Aromatic Compounds using Microporous Organic Polymers with Visible Light.