A new method of variable temperature spectroelectrochemistry to measure the conduction band energy of nanoparticle TiO2 has been developed by scientists in the US. Spectroelectrochemistry combines reaction-oriented electrochemistry with species-focused spectroscopy.
Nanostructured semiconductors such as TiO2 are important for dye-sensitised solar cells and photocatalysis. Measuring the conduction and valence band energy of semiconductors is one of the most important physical parameters. However, these are currently problematic to measure; there is no reliable method. The new method is quick, makes a minimal number of assumptions and is remarkably versatile. The team says that they expect it could be used with a variety of porous semiconductor materials.
Read the EES ‘HOT’ Communication:
Conduction Band Energy Determination by Variable Temperature Spectroelectrochemistry
Jesse Ondersma and Thomas Hamann
Energy Environ. Sci., 2012, DOI: 10.1039/C2EE22926A