Hot article: Releasing 17.8 wt% H2 from lithium borohydride ammoniate

In this paper, Ping Chen et al. have shown the release of 17.8 wt% of hydrogen in 135–250 °C in a closed vessel, from the Co-catalyzed Li(NH3)4/3BH4.

The presence of the nanosized Co catalyst is shown to effectively promote the release of hydrogen.

H2 releaseRead the Energy & Environmental Science article today:

Releasing 17.8 wt% H2 from lithium borohydride ammoniate
Xueli Zheng, Guotao Wu, Wen Li, Zhitao Xiong, Teng He, Jianping Guo, Hua Chen and Ping Chen
Energy Environ. Sci., 2011, DOI: 10.1039/C1EE01480C

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